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"What?" I whispered softly, my fingers never letting go of Jungkook's. I continued to stare at Yoongi in shock and felt Jungkook tense beside me. Please don't let this be real. This night was going perfectly and I don't want this to ruin it. "How? Who said something? Who found out?" I questioned, sitting up in my seat and I felt Jungkook put his hand on my back.

"I don't even know, to be honest. I got a call from the courthouse saying that there would be an arrangement for Jeon Jungkook and Namjoon will be there along with Hobi."

Something about that sentence wasn't adding up. How did Yoongi know? Why did they not contact Jungkook himself and instead, contacted Yoongi?

"Why did they call you and not Jungkook?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

"They told me my name was on your bill for the hospital. Which, by the way, I was very very confused so I had it fixed. They said they had found out from a source there at the hospital that Jungkook and two others had been in the involvement of a kidnapping and would have a court date." I sighed and rubbed my temples, finally leaning back in my seat. This was all bullshit. Who could have told anyone at the hospital what they had done besides-

"Namjoon," Jungkook spoke quietly beside me and I had to lean in and ask him to repeat himself before I finally cracked.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled and went to stand up, but my leg stopped me. The guys shushed me and Jungkook put his hand on my shoulder to push me all the way down, but I only glared at him. "You're kidding me, right? How and why would he tell anyone about this?! And throw in your name? You were the one who helped us get out of there! Why that son of a bi-" I growled when Jungkook put his hand over my mouth and I went to bite his hand.

"Babe, it's okay. I deserve this, alright?" My heart clenched at his words and my grip tightened on his hand.

"Don't say that," I said and choked on my words, "You sound fine with leaving me. I don't want you to leave me."

Please don't leave me like my parents did. Please! I'll give anything! I screamed inside of my head.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes when he answered.

"It's inevitable, babe." We all sat in silence after that, the boys staring at Jungkook and I and me looking at Jungkook as he looked right back at me with sadness in his eyes yet a small smile on his face.

"Take me home, please," I whispered and stood up with difficulty, but of course, with the help of Jungkook.


"Taehyung," Jungkook said. I didn't answer him. We were home and I was sitting on the couch, not once looking away from the black TV screen. "You're going to have to answer me eventually."

I had texted Yoongi and asked for the court date. It was two months away from today. The sad thing is, it was very close to my birthday. This made me even more depressed because my parents also left me close to my birthday.

"You-" I finally spoke, but was cut off from my throat catching my next words.

"Yes?" he replied and sat beside me, grabbing my hand. I felt cold. I had flashes of my parents and I felt suffocated.

"You. . . Do you know?" I couldn't finish and I know I sounded stupid.

"Know what, love?" he said quietly.

"My parents. They left me a few years ago. They were murdered around my birthday by some b-bitch." I squeezed my eyes shut while holding onto his hand tightly. I haven't talked about them since the funeral and it was so hard to deal with. I had suppressed the pain ever since and talking about it so freely with someone I had met a few weeks ago was like tearing a hole in my chest. Tears were leaking out of my eyes and I only cried harder when he pulled me into a loving embrace because I knew I wouldn't be able to feel this in a few months time. "Jungkook, I don't want you to leave me like they did. It happened around my birthday, and your court date is around my birthday. You're going to leave me just like they did. You need to stay!" I cried into his shoulder.

"Shh, shh. . ." he soothed and rubbed my back gently. He would gently kiss my neck from time to time as we sat in silence, the only thing you could hear was the dishwasher running in the kitchen.

I hated how he wasn't objecting, telling me he would find a way to get out of it.

He knew. He knew he wouldn't make it.



"You know you're going to jail for all of this, right?" Chen asked after I had finished telling him everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks, plus all of the kidnappings we had done before. I simply nodded my head. 

I had done a terrible job at leaving Jungkook out of it. I had gotten so caught up in the past that his name just slipped between my lips. I mentally cursed myself for making a mistake like that, so I promised to plead not guilty for Jungkook in court. He truly is innocent in a way.

But they may not think that.

I finally focused back on Chen standing in front of me, shaking his head and tsking. I glared, but he had all the right to think of us terribly. We were terrible people. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked down at him.

"Can I go back inside?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm going to check on your friend. . . and then I'm going to report you guys to the police." My body tensed up. This was really going to happen?

Don't think like that, Namjoon. Remember you deserve it.

"Of course," I replied and stepped into the room with Chen following right behind me. Hobi looked up, his eyes looking normal once again and I almost smiled, but I had to stop myself in front of Chen.

Hobi smiled at me softly, and I shot a small one back as well.

"I'm going to check your vitals," Chen said coldly and shortly. Hobi's smile faltered a bit, but he held it nonetheless.

After Chen was done doing that for five minutes, he turned around, glared at me, then walked out of the room.

"Why was he rude, Namjoon?" Hobi spoke up and I grabbed his hand after sitting beside his bed in a chair.

"No reason, probably just a bad day at work."


Word Count: 1145

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