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"I need you to come in for an early checkup. I'll be leaving this hospital soon and I want to be the one to check up on your leg. There are too many doctors that are busy here that are able to exam it."

I didn't really understand what doctor Chen meant. It felt like he was hiding something, but I obliged anyway. If it was something about medical issues, I'm going to go. 

The appointment was close to the court date. It made me feel skeptical of the situation since the whole reason this shit is happening is that Namjoon told someone at the hospital. Everyone who works there must know the situation by now.

But I'm going to go anyways and Jungkook refused to stay home while I struggle to make my way to the hospital. I told him one of the boys could drive me there and look after me, but he still shook his head no and proceeded to wrap his arms tight around me, claiming, "You are my baby, and a mother has to take care of his baby."

"There are so many things wrong with that sentence," I had replied with a laugh.

During that moment, I felt amazing and warm inside. I felt that if we could just stay in that position, nothing would go wrong in the world; nothing would go wrong with us.


"Are you almost ready, Tae? Do you have your coat on?" Jungkook called from the living room and I shouted back to him in confirmation. Today was the court date. Everything at the doctors went okay, except for doctor Chen ignoring Jungkook the whole time. Jungkook kept asking questions, but doctor Chen would never answer him. That ended up resulting in Jungkook getting highly pissed and I made him walk out of the room before he started something that he could definitely not finish.

I sighed nervously. I really hope to God this ends well for Jungkook. I don't care about Namjoon or J-Hope because they're the reason this shit is happening.

But in a way, without all of it, I wouldn't have met Jungkook.

Our relationship is awful when you look at it from the outside. I mean, I'm in love with my kidnapper. I'm in a relationship with my ex-kidnapper. It's sick, but I can't help it. He showed himself when he helped us all get out of there. That's why I love him. You could only ever understand if you saw it on the inside.

I hopped out of the bedroom, and when Jungkook heard my crutches hitting the floor, he immediately came to my aid and helped me out of the house. I looked at him to see if he was showing any signs of nervousness or anxiety. There was nothing. He looked like the same, old Jungkook that I know and love.

On the other hand, I was freaking out; inside and outside. My hands were sweaty on the bars of the crutches and I almost let one of them slip off, which resulted in my fumbling and Jungkook worriedly catching me before I hit the ground.

"You just got a checkup, babe. Do you really wanna go back for another one because you broke your leg again?" he chuckled, teasing me and smiling at me. I shook my head and shoved his shoulder with mine. He pretended he was deeply wounded and made sounds of pain, inhaling sharply. I shoved his shoulder again, rolling my eyes and started hopping to the car myself. "Okay, okay, babe. Come back," he laughed and jogged to catch up with me. It didn't take him long to reach me since I'm already very slow with these metal sticks.

He helped me into the passenger seat and finally walked over to the driver's side, climbing in. Once he was situated, he sighed and took my hand and looked at me.

"Ready?" he asked. I replied with a small smile and looked out of my window.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I mumbled, tensing up as the car began to move backward.


I was sweating all over as I sat on one of the many benches in the big courtroom. Jimin, Jin, Yoongi and I were required to come to this since we are the victims. Jungkook was currently being questioned by the lawyer who was speaking against the boys. I had not once glanced at the other two boys who sat on the right side of the room while us four sat on the left.

I kept fumbling with my fingers and biting my lip, which I'm sure it's bleeding by now. Everything was eerily silent in the room when Jungkook stood up for questioning after Namjoon and Hobi had gone. I could still hear the gasps that erupted from several people when Namjoon pleaded guilty and said that Jungkook was the one who released us with his head hung low and still see the weird looks on people's faces when Hobi was forced up there, crying and yelling. He was almost taken from the room by police before he was directly threatened by one of the officers that if he didn't cooperate, he would be put in jail right then and there.

I didn't feel bad.

I stared at Jungkook. We haven't made any kind of contact with each other for almost an hour and it was killing me. What if he is found guilty and was sent to prison? I would never get to see him or touch him again.

I don't think I could handle that.

"Kim Namjoon has stated that you were the one who 'set them free', right?" the brunette, female lawyer asked and stared at Jungkook. Jungkook only nodded his head yes. "Is that true?" Jungkook nodded his head yes once again. I chewed on my lip some more.

"Any evidence of this, Jeon Jungkook?"

"No, ma'am."

"Yes, there is." All heads turned to the calm, tall standing Namjoon who had spoken up during this quiet and tense session. He reached into his bag and pulled out tapes.

Is he serious? Is this Law and Order? That is so typical.

"Play them," the judge ordered deeply, and soon the tapes were inside a VHS player and being played. I recognized the woods immediately and the van that was in the same spot as the night before we left.

"You'll need to fast forward it," Namjoon said and the judge nodded at the man controlling the TV. The man clicked fast forward and soon, Namjoon was telling him to stop.

At first, everything was the same until there was movement in the left corner of the screen and I recognized all of us running to the van. I kept glancing over at the judge nervously.

"Pause," Namjoon requested and the man hit pause. There was a small view of someone running behind all of us and I could clearly tell from memory that it was Jungkook. Namjoon pointed at the screen. "There. That's Jungkook."

The TV was rolled closer to the judge and he squinted his eyes while looking down at it. He looked from the screen to his left at Jungkook before looking back at it and nodding his head.

"That's all I need," he mumbled and lifted his hand in a gesture to tell them to take the TV away.

Was that a good sign?

"You may continue," the judge said to the female lawyer and she nodded her head. Turning back to Jungkook, she began.

"While we may have proof of you 'saving' these victims, we also have proof of you hurting one of your victims." My eyes widened. What is she talking about? She can't possibly know about the scars on my back.

"May I please have Kim Taehyung come to the stand?"


This is coming to an end.

Word Count: 1290

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