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THE VERY NEXT DAY WAS going to be a very uneventful day for Draco. With the Yule Ball just around the corner, everyone was scrambling around to prepare for it. Girls chattered about dresses and jewelry, while the boys just simply wanted to know when and where to meet their dates. So, without a date for now, he had nothing to prepare for.

He certainly wasn't worried about (Y/N) Phoenix getting a date. If she really wanted one, she would have one by now. Obviously, Draco had something else in mind for that and he was just glad that nobody was going to ask her now. Nobody could anyways, if everyone else had a date. It was just him and Phoenix as far as he knew.

To start off his Sunday morning, he decided to just make a short trip to the Great Hall and grab an apple, rather than sitting down to eat. He was in no mood to chit chat about his morning, and wanted to spend his valuable time elsewhere.

As he was walking down the corridors wondering what to do for the day, he saw the Phoenix girl enter the library, several books in hand.

'Is she always studying?' Draco wondered.

He decided to not follower her into the library, to not make it seem like he was stalking her. That would be a terrible impression to have.

The blonde boy decided to go towards the courtyard instead, to prop himself in the same tree he sat in when Professor Moody came and turned him into a ferret. He adjusted himself a bit more so that he was comfortable and got out his green apple he kept in his robes.

Fully content with where he was, he took a savoring bite of the fruit. He hummed in satisfaction as it crunched between his teeth.

"Is this where you went, Malfoy?" Nott's voice cried out from behind Draco.

'When can I ever be left alone?' Draco thought as he looked sourly at his group of approaching friends.

"What do you idiots want?" Draco hissed.

"You've been disappearing a lot lately!" Goyle commented.

"Yes, I agree." Zabini leaned against the trunk of the tree. "You don't usually hang alone."

Draco took another cocky bite of his apple before arguing back. "Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't matter much, it's just not like you. You usually want to bother Potter or mess with first years." Nott said.

"Since when do you lot pay attention to what I do?" The Malfoy scoffed.

"Since you've been our friend?" Crabbe mumbled, sulking.

Draco looked at the four Slytherins in a mix of confusion and annoyance. Confusion because they seemed to actually do consider him a friend and annoyance because they still interrupted him. He took a moment to think, before shrugging.

"Alright, what do you all want to do then?" The Malfoy asked.

"We could play some Wizard's Chess-" Nott started.

"No, definetly not." Zabini interrupted. "At least, not with me. We should go to the library."

'Didn't I go here to this tree to not go to the library?' Draco rolled his eyes at the thought.

But, it did give him an excuse to see what the Phoenix girl was doing in the library. He wouldn't look very much like a stalker if he was going there with his friends.

Nott huffed in disapproval. "What would we even do in the bloody libr-"

"I agree with Zabini, we should go to the library." Draco jumped down from the tree, throwing the apple core in his hand somewhere in the snow surrounding them.

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