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DRACO WOKE TO A LOUD thump hitting the space next to him on the bed. His eyes fluttered open, ready to curse at whoever dared to wake him up after such a long night. He was met by a careless Zabini, who's face was smug and arms were crossed.

"Ten galleons, as promised." The dark skinned boy said.

"What?" Draco eyes narrowed, he could tell it was too early to process anything right now.

"You took Phoenix to the Yule Ball, you get ten galleons." He rolled his eyes, pointing to the brown leather sack dropped on the bed.

"Oh." Draco grumbled, throwing his head back into the pillow. He had completely forgotten about that, but didn't care much about it now. Besides, the Malfoys had enough money to last them generations without work. Ten galleons was nothing.

Unable to fall back asleep because of Zabini, Draco decided to finally get up. He propped himself on the bed tiredly and blinked his eyes multiple times before throwing the covers to the side. Reluctantly, he gets out and heads for his trunk of clothes. During mornings like these, he was grateful the harsh rays of the sun couldn't beam in through the Slytherin windows. The Slytherin Common Room was underwater.

It wasn't long until Draco was fully ready to go have breakfast, a time he sort of dreaded now. It was no doubt that all his Slytherin friends were going to question him about what happened during the Yule Ball with Phoenix.

Though, a part of him wouldn't mind recapping what happened the night before. It was interesting, how much had happened between him and his date. Maybe to everybody else it only appeared to be arguing and dancing the whole night, but to Draco it was something more.

Although, he didn't have the slightest idea of what that could be. 

The Malfoy sat down at the Slytherin table, ready to be bombarded with questions. He caught them exchange a few quick glances before he arrived.

"How was the Yule Ball, Malfoy?" Goyle started, taking a bite of bacon.

"It was decent," Draco shrugged. He mustn't show them he had gone soft for a girl, not even for one night.

But decent was an understatement.

"So I guess you're over and done with the girl?" Zabini asked. "You only needed her for the Yule Ball anyways."

"Nonsense, Zabini! Malfoy isn't going to let her go just like that," Nott laughed dryly. "He definitely fancies her."

Draco scoffed, "What makes you say that?"

"The way you two looked at each other during that last dance- I've never seen anybody so happy." Nott said, leaning his elbows onto the table. "Also because of the fact you made a certain deal with her."

Zabini rose a brow, "What deal?"

"Let's just say Phoenix told me Malfoy doesn't like the idea of leaving her alone." Nott's tone was very taunting.

Draco couldn't deny that, no, but he certainly hated the fact that Nott was telling all his friends about that. He might've annoyed the girl into being his date, but not everyone deserved to know. Curse Phoenix and her annoying choice of chatter.

"I don't know what you're going on about." Draco tried, but his eyes couldn't face the mischievous ones of Theodore Nott.

"Please, she told me all about it herself."

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