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DRACO HAD ONE DAY BEFORE the Yule Ball to get (Y/N) Phoenix as his date. Fortunately, everything was falling perfectly into place. Honestly, he should get Slytherin of the year for everything he's done. He's pretty convinced that this whole scheme would earn him tons of house points, too. Unfortunately, that isn't how one earns house points.

He was already dressed and routinely walking to the Great Hall. This morning, since he was in a good mood, he decided to sit with his friends and actually talk to them. Sitting next to Zabini at the Slytherin table, the blonde smirked.

"I would get those ten galleons ready to be handed over, Zabini." Draco stated, grabbing a piece of toast.

"Wait, what?" The dark skinned boy stared at Draco in disbelief. "You don't mean-"

"I'm asking her today, and she's going to say yes." The Malfoy confirmed.

Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott all turned to the blonde, painted on their faces was shock.

Draco eyed them all, insulted. "What? I'm not horrible. You're forgetting the sorts of things a Malfoy can do..."

"Like make a love potion?" Nott joked. "No, really- what has you so sure that she's going to say yes?"

"It's none of your business, really." Draco muttered.

"Alright then. Well, once again- good luck." Zabini nodded his head.

'I don't need it.' Draco thought to himself, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"I still can't help but feel shocked." Nott commented, looking at Draco as if he was some sort of amazement.

"Okay, remind me what the reason for that is?" Draco propped his arms on the table crossly.

"Her attitude alone is a whole reason by itself." Nott shrugged. "Never mind that, we've already been over this."

"Okay." Draco simply replied, not in the mood to argue.

After breakfast, Draco decided to go to the courtyard to be alone once again. This time, he was sure that his idiotic band of friends weren't going to bother him. Draco found his tree, and climbed into it in a few swift movements. He propped himself into comfort, and leaned against the large branch in relief. The past few days were quite tiring, and he just wanted a few moments to himself.

It indeed was quite an effort to try to gain the Phoenix's attention, but oh, was it worth it. The idea of the situation, however, was also silly. He barely knew this girl and only met her a little under a week ago. Could that much actually happen in a week?

It wasn't not so long ago that he was in class, not even worrying about having a date to the Yule Ball. Now here he was, the Yule Ball being one of the only things he was currently thinking about. Or rather- it was the Phoenix girl he was thinking about.

But wow, did she catch his attention as much as he tried to catch hers.

She was just so full of character, in a probably more bad way than good.

Although, Draco did know that wasn't the only reason he chose her to be his date or the reason he was currently pondering about her. The most important thing about her was that just by being in her presence was beneficial to him, and Draco liked that idea very much.

His eyes spotted the familiar and vibrant colour of her hair, as she trudged slowly through the courtyard. Draco instantly sat up, and knew that this was his chance to finally ask her. She was right there in front of him, and seemed to be leaving soon. Looking around at his surroundings, he saw a pile of snow on the branch next to him, and started to roll the snow into a ball.

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