Chapter 26

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Your POV

You were by the gates of the Hidden Mist Village along with the others, Lady Mizukage, and her assistant. You were excited yet nervous to be going back home. You kept thinking about the possibility that the Akatsuki have already been informed about your betrayal and have someone go after you or your loved ones. Or worse, send Tobi to do it. You looked at Naruto, who was yawning and standing next to Gai, with a concerned expression on your face.

"(Name), you okay?" Jiraiya said while bringing you away from the group for a moment. Kakashi was busy talking to Lady Mizukage so Jiraiya took it upon himself to talk to you about a certain subject. He looked serious.

"Yeah... I'm fine sensei." You said while avoiding his gaze. He folded his arms and sighed.

"You know damn well you can't lie to me. Is it about the time I found you crying in Mount Myoboku?" Jiraiya said in a serious tone. Your eyes widened for a second before you look at Jiraiya directly.

"First off, I'm fine really. Second, can we not bring that up here? Kakashi and Naruto are nearby." You said while looking back at the others to make sure no one could hear your conversation.

"What happened to you that night, (Name)? I've never seen you so frantic and scared before at all." Jiraiya said in a low voice. You gave him a pleading look. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Follow me, (Name). I'm not letting you out of this conversation that easily." Jiraiya walked back along with you towards Kakashi and Lady Mizukage.

"So sorry to intrude, but me and (Name) have to go to Mount Myoboku on official sage business. Do you mind going on ahead Kakashi? We'll catch up with you guys, don't worry!" Jiraiya said in a cheerful voice while laughing. Kakashi didn't respond and just looked at you, giving you the 'everything okay?' look. You nodded your head and forced a smile.

"Sure, that doesn't sound like a problem. Just make sure you don't take too long and actually catch up." Kakashi said then faced Lady Mizukage.

"Thank you for everything, Lady Mizukage. We appreciate your support and helping us bring back a missing comrade. I'll inform Lady Tsunade about your great hospitality." Kakashi says while bowing to Lady Mizukage. She, on the other hand, was trying to contain her laughter while looking at you. She gave you a 'you guys are so adorable look'. You laughed nervously.

"The pleasure is mine. I had to tie up some loose ends with (Name) about her parents anyways. I hope this gives you a clean slate with the Hidden Mist. Also, if you decide to ever come back to the Mist to live, then we will welcome you with open arms again. Don't forget this village can be a home for you, (Name)." Lady Mizukage says while holding both of your hands and smiling at you. You then looked at the village before you. Then you looked back at Lady Mizukage and returned the smile.

"Thank you, but I have another home now. I'll always remember your generosity, but I have to go back to my loved ones. Again, thank you for helping us." You said with a wide grin, which only causes Lady Mizukage to pull you into a hug.

"Good luck, (Name)." Lady Mizukage whispered in your ear while smirking. Everyone said their goodbyes and left the village. Kakashi, Gai, and Naruto left one way while you and Jiraiya reversed summoned yourselves to Mount Myoboku. Naruto wanted to go along with you but you whispered something in his ear and pinky swore as you gave each other wide grins. The others can only imagine what you two were plotting behind their backs.

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