5// Truth or Dare

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So I've been thinking about erasing this. I just am getting kinda hate from people at school. But I won't. I've already worked hard on it. Just know this is all fiction. Well here finally my next chapter. Sorry I haven't updated lately I've been sick and I've felt to crappy to do anything.

Sierra's POV:

Everyday I walk home from school I cut across a park as a short cut. Today as I was walking home and got to the park I saw a popular guy, Austin, from my school with another girl. I swear I've seen her before. That's that new girl that's in my Biology class! Maybe I should say hi. "Uhm hey. I'm in your biology class. I don't know if you remember me. You're Serena right?"

"Oh hey yeah. I think I remember you since the teacher sat me right next to you. And him," As she stares off into Austin's eyes.

"You guys.. uhm like a thing?"

Austin blushes but pulls Serena tighter and says, "Yes."

"Well hey since your new and might want some friends you wanna hang out tonight with me and my friends?"

"Yeah that'd be great. Can Austin come?"

"Totally! See you later."

Group Message:(Trevor, Sara, Cassie, Aspen, Logan, Nate, Loren) Hey ya'll. I just invited two more peeps to our get together. Serena, the new girl, and Austin.

Group Message: "Ok!" "Cool." Alright" See ya later" "Okeeyyy" "Okey Dokey!" "Alright cya!"

I run back to my house excited for the night.

"Hey mom? I'm having some friends over tonight. The guys won't be staying over. Sara, Cassie, and Aspen will though. Oh and this girl I met today, Serena. So could you like make Mikey stay in his room and not bother us? And you don't bother us either?"

"I will make sure your brother stay in his room and I won't bother you. But remember no drin..."

"Drinking, Smoking, or having sex. Yes I know. Can I use the pop in the fridge?"

"Yes dear. Thank you. Please don't be to loud. You can use the cave."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

*2 and a half hours later. 6:30 p. m.*

The cave looks awesome! I filled the miniature fridge with pop and set treats on the coffee table. I turned on the hanging colored lights hanging from one wall and turned on the three single lights in the whole cave. Kind of dark but its ok. There are two couches against one wall and two chairs across from them. The coffee table in between.

*7 pm*

I hear a yell from upstairs, "Hello? You down there Sierra?"

"Yep! Come on down."

It's Sara. She comes up and hugs me. "Tonight is going to be so amazing. I can't believe Austin is going to be here, in your house!" I laugh and pull her upstairs to wait for everyone else.

Finally after ten minutes we're all crowded in my basement talking, playing games, eating, and drinking pop. Sara, Nathen, and I all ended up on one couch then Loren, Cassie, Aspen, and Logan crowded on the other. Trevor sat on one chair by himself and Serena and Austin got all cuddly on the other chair. I can't believe they are dating after just meeting.

"So Serena you just decided to date this random guy you met today?" Pointing to Austin and we all laugh.

"Actually I've known him for about seven months now. I go to his church. I just moved houses which made me far away from my other school and ended up closest to the one I'm at now. It made me happy."

"Ooohhhh. Ok that makes more sense."

All of a sudden Nate yells, "We should play truth or dare!!!" "Sshhh if my mom hears us you all have to leave. But yeah! Let's do it."

Trevor, "Austin. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to chug a whole pop can."

"That's easy!" He opens a Mountain Dew can and starts to chug it. He takes one breath before finishing it off. He burps and all the girls make a disgusted face but the guys give him high fives. "Whoa dude." "My turn, babe, truth or dare?" Austin asks Serena. "Dare." "I dare you to... hmm not sure." I interrupt them, "Geez I wanna see you to kiss so I dare you to kiss Austin." She answers back, "Haha whatever." She sounds kind of nervous. I wonder why? Have they never kissed? They lean in and just peck each other on the lips. They back away and blush. "Okkk that was awkward. Serena your next." "Nah I' m good. Logan you can go." "Sweet! Sierra I dare you to kiss Nathen!" Oh my gosh I can't believe he did that. "No." "Haha, you prude?" I gasp. Now I have to do it. Just to prove I'm not. I can't believe he would say that. "I am not!" I turn next to me to face Nathen. I stare into his beautiful eyes. He sure is gorgeous. He cups my face and pulls me into him. Whoa. This is amazing. My body becomes loose and I forget around everyone. I could kiss him forever. Then he pulls us apart and blushes. "Well there guys, that was some kiss." I laugh.

Nate leans in next to my ear and whispers, "That was amazing." I nod my head.

Nathen says its his turn, "Uhm ok Cassie truth or dare?" "Truth." "Have you.. ya know.. done it with Loren yet?" Cassie looks at Loren just to make sure she can tell the truth and he nods. "No. Ok my turn. Trevor truth or dare?" "Dare." Cassie giggles, "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Sara." I gasp and look at Sara and she's as red as a cherry and her eyes are wide. "Cassie!!" I giggle. "Ok Sara let's go. There's a closet right over there." Trevor grabs her hand and they walk into the closet all alone.

"Oh my gosh Cass I can't believe you did that!!! Well ok since Trevor is gone Logan truth or dare?" "Truth?" "How did you think Aspen's and yours first kiss was like?" Terror filled his face but I was pretty sure I was the only one that could tell.

Logan's POV:

Shit. I have to lie. "Seriously? That's stupid. But whatever. It was amazing."

"No come on, more!"

"The best kiss I've ever had with someone." Aspen looks irritated like she wants me to explain one of our make out sessions or a celebrity kiss. "Ok fine. Her lips touched mine and I forgot every other kiss I had ever had before that. I felt sparks fly. I never wanted it to end, never. I loved it so much. I love her so much."

He just explained the kiss I had with Nate. What is wrong with me? I still don't know how I feel.

Before I know Trevor and Sara come walking out of the closet. I eye Sara and she gives me the look that says 'I'll tell you later'

We go on playing for a while and play board games. Before we all know it it's midnight. Austin is the one to leave first. "Well guys I had a lot of fun. A lot more fun than when I hang out with my other friends. I never thought I would be hanging out with this crowd. Thanks for everything Sierra. Bye Serena." We all yell bye. I better get going to." Logan says. "Me to." Loren adds. They say bye to Aspen and Cassie and kiss them goodbye. Then Trevor and Nate leave with just a wave. "Bye Nate." I smile to him as he walks out the door.

Sorry this took so long! Please don't hate me. haha but thanks for all the reads. 150!!! Love ya'll. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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