11// Magcon

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Sara's POV:

It's Monday again. School... I slept past my alarm and forgot to dry my clothes. Great, now what am I going to wear. I search through my endless drawers of clothes to find clean black leggings, a black spagetti strap, and a marroon cardigan. I go to my bathroom to add some makeup.

I've been hanging out with Trevor all weekend. It's been one night and I miss him. Am i getting feelings for him? No i better not. He's my best friend. I love him, and he has cancer. Everytime I try to think positive of him my mind wanders to cancer. Fricking cancer. I hope God answers my prayers and heals him. I ask God every night, Please God take away Trevor's pain and cancer. Amen.

I stare at the clock, I had been sitting there thinking about him for 10 minutes. Great. I add some light eyeliner, mascara, and foundation. Walaa! Makeup is my savior, I don't know what I would do without it. "Sara!! Breakfast is ready! Bacon and waffles!" "Alright on my way down!" I slip on my marroon converse and grab my phone.

Me: Hey Trev! How ya doin? (:

Trev: Fine. I am coming to school today.

Me: Yay! Can't wait to see you. I missed you...

Trev: Hahaha Oh really???? I have missed you to. This weekend was awesome... Well you probably have to get ready or eat or whatever so see ya later...... babe ;)

Me: Trevor!!! hahahaha bye

*at school*

Trevor's POV:

I search through the large crowd of high school students looking for Sara. Then I hear my name. I turn to see Sara coming up to hug me. I wrap my arms around her taking in her wonderful scent. "Sara!!" "Trevor!! How are you?"

"Great, now that you are here. You look hot!" A slight blush arises in her cheecks.

"Why thank you. You look some handsome yourself." That's not true. All I am wearing are some jeans with a normal t-shirt. I look my usual self. Except with cancer. "You're lying"

"Nuh uh. YOU are the one that looks hot!" I laugh and we walk together to our first classes as the bell rings. "Bye Trevor." She waves me off to class.

As I wak into my classroom Sierra waves for me to sit next to her. "Trevor!" "Hey Sierra. I had so much fun at your party... despite... nevermind." "Hey um Trevor how are you doing?" 

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"Class my I have your attention please..."

*after school*

Sierra's POV:

"Ok girls I have something to tell you. The Magcon tickets came yesterday in the mail!!! The concert is tonight!"

"Oh my gosh!" They all say in unision. "It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait to met Carter Reynolds." Sara adds.

"I know right! Come to my house at 5 so we can all go there together. There's my mom. See you later!"

Cassie's POV:

"Hey Cass can I talk yo you?"

"Yeah of course Aspen." All of our friends have left and its just me and Aspen standing here.

"I'm moving."

"What?! Where?! When?! Why?!" 

"I'm going to North Carolina. My dad got a job there. I'm so sorry... and we are leaving tomorrow."

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