2// Meeting

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Sierra's POV:

"Cassie can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well... Uhm... Logan is.... Logan is hot."

"Hahahahaha don't let Aspen find out. She will tear your heart out." Cassie kept on laughing like it was a joke.

I don't know how I could feel this way. She's my best friend and I like her boyfriend. I should have never of came. They're perfect together anyways and he obviously really does love her.

My thoughts got interrupted with Aspen saying, "Ok guys let's go sing!" Aspen loved singing. She always wanted to be the loudest and sound the best. When we walked for a while we ended up in a room with music playing and instruments on a stage. I guess this was where we worshipped. The lights dimmed and I guy came to the stage and started singing. Logan was on the other side of Aspen so I could here him clearly singing. Wow! He sure is an amazing singer. I stared at him then saw a hot guy stand next to him. Short but not to short, about my height and sparkling blue eyes. I whispered to Aspen, "Who's that next to Logan?" "His name is Nathen. He's Logan's best friend. Why? You like him? Ooooooo Sierra has a crush!!!" I nod my head and stare back at Nathen. Now he can take my mind off of Logan.

Logan's POV:

I'm trying to sing really loud because I want Sierra to hear me because everyone usually says I'm a good singer. Halfway through the first song I catch Sierra staring at me then Nathen comes and stands next to me.

"Hey dude. So who's your hot friend over there? She's got a nice butt. I wanna see her face." He leans forward to look at Sierra. "Damn. She got a nice face to."

"Wow Nate... Her name is Sierra. She's Aspen's friend."

"I gotta get some of that!"

"Dude. No. I don't think she would be that easy."

Nathen can be a real perve some times. But he's my best friend. I think about how he likes her so I should hook them up so I can get my mind off of her.

"I could get you to together probably. But you gotta talk to her dude. Go stand next to her."

Sierra's POV:

I pull my eyes away from Nathen and start to sing. My mind goes away from reality as I sing. The words rolling off my tongue as they were meant to be there.

The battle rages on

As storm and tempest roar

We cannot win this fight

Inside our rebel hearts

We're laying down our weapons now

We raise our white flag

We surrender

All to You

All for You

-White Flag by Chris Tomlin

I get shocked out of my daze of singing as I feel someone slide next to me.

"Oh don't mind me. Keep singing, it was beautiful." I blush and answer back to him, "Thank you!" It's Nathen. He came and stood by me. Oh my gosh! I think I'm falling for him hard and I barely know him. He slips something into my hand as the song ends. "Text me." And he walks away. I look at the piece of paper and I see his number. Smooth. I scream in my head and smile from ear to ear.

"What!" Cassie demands.

I hand her the paper, "That's Nathen's number! He just gave it to me like it was nothing. Cass I think I'm really falling for him. And I just met him!" We burst out laughing. "Sooooo.. text him! Where did he even go?" "I think he had to leave."

Me: Hey :) It's Sierra.

Nathen: Hey cutie ;)

Me: Why did you leave?

Nathen: I always gotta leave at 8.

Me: Oh :(

Nathen: Well I gtg but i'll talk to you later and see you next week! Bye cutie.

Me: Oh :( Ok. Bye see you next week.

What. He just called me cutie. Cassie leaned closer to me moving her eyebrows up and down. "He obviously likes you!!!" I blush as my mom arrives to pick me up. "Bye Aspen! Bye Cass."

Well thanks for reading my 2nd chapter. I hoped you liked it as much as the first. Tell your friends about it. Thanks. Updating again this weekend.

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