12// Worst Nightmare

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Sara's POV:

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Please come home. Your family and I need to talk to you." It's a womans voice.

"Can you tell me who this is please?"

"You'll know when you get home. Please hurry." I begin to panic. Is this woman going to hurt my family? Does she have a gun? "Sierra! I need you to take me home right now. There's some woman in my home and I don't know who it is." We all hop into Sierra's car waving bye to the Magcon guys.

The drive seems like it takes eternity but finally we arrive in front of my house. "Will you guys please stay here?"

"No problem but please don't get hurt." I run to my front door and slam it open. It's Trevor's mom. Trevor isn't with her. "What's going on!" I scream at them. "Where is Trevor! Is he alright?!" "Sara, Sara calm down. Let me explain what happened." Trevor's mom seems so calm. "So this is about Trevor! Where is he!" I pull out my phone to call him. "Trevor isn't going to answer your call... I'm so sorry Sara." Trevor's mom explains to me. I yell back to her, "No!!! He can't be dead!! Is he dead...?" I whisper. I feel a single tear fall down my face and Trevor's mom grabs my hands.

"Sara. He's not dead.. But he's in the hospital." I break down to the ground still holding her hands and bring her down with me. I let go so I can wrap my arms around my legs and I bawl. My night has gone to having my dream come true to my worst nightmare.

***Listen to 'Stay With Me' by Sam Smith***

She wraps her arms around me and says to me, "Sara..." I whimper at her and say, "What happened?"

"Trevor was up in his room listening to music and reading a book tonight. A couple days ago we had gotten another PET scan. Everything looked fine. It told us that the tumor hadn't spread. Everything looked the same." Tears start rolling down her face, "It was wrong... They told us wrong! The tumor has spread to half of his lungs. I heard a thump on the floor about an hour ago and rushed to his room. He was down on the ground holding his chest screaming 'Get it out! It's going to explode! It hurts so bad!!' His father comes in when he hears the screaming and grabs him into his arms. We then brought him to the emergency room. After yet another PET scan they told us the cancer tumor in his lungs spread extremely. And that he has had the tumor for a month now. We just haven't known it. He's in so much pain and we can't do anything for him." There's a waterfall of salty tears running down Trevor's moms face now.

I scream, stand up and run out to the car. Tears fly down my face. "Get in the back Sierra!!" Sierra gets out of the front seat and sits where I was sitting. I get in and drive. Drive to the hospital. I'm not going to let him die. Not now. He's to young. "Sara! What are you doing! Where are we going!" My friends scream at me as I speed to the hospital. My mom had followed me out of the house and I see her standing on the curb waving her arms asking me to stop.

I speed the car right in front of the emergency room doors. I rush up to the reception desk asking wear Trevor is. My friends are all following behind me as a sprint to his room. 103. 103. 103. Rom 99, 100, 101, 102... 103! Trevor's dad is sitting outside of his door. I burst the door open and lock it. I look at the bed. Trevor's precious face looks pale and dead. But I see his chest slowly moving up and down. I slide down against the door putting my head in my hands and cry.

Then there's a quit mumble, "Sierra...? Is that you?" I hear the bed moving upwards so Trevor can be laying upwards a little. "Trevor? Yes, yes Trevor its me! How do you feel?"

"I want to die. I feel like shit."

"No Trevor. You don't want to die. I'm here. Please don't die... for me. I love you Trev. Please stay with me. You're all I need. Trevor, please please stay with me."

"I can't. I'm going to die tonight Sierra. Stay with me until then?"

"I am going to stay with you all night. There will be no 'until then'. I will be with you forever. I will love you forever, I promise." I grab his hands and kneel besides the bed. I lay my head down next to him and we fall asleep together.


I shoot up from Trevor's bed to the long beep on the heart monitor. No, no, no no no. Trevor's hand is cold at ice. His chest isn't moving anymore. He's not holding my hand... he's gone. "SHIT TREVOR! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! You were supposed to stay..." My friends here me yelling and barge into the room along with my parents and Trevor's parents. Sierra gasps at the sight of Trevor and comes up to hug me. I shove her away. She tries to come back at me. "NO! GET AWAY!" I kick my arms and legs all around hitting anybody near me. I hate everyone. I'm even furious with God right now. He took my best friend away from me. "I HATE YOU! I HATE EVERYONE." I don't even know who I'm talking to. I try to wipe my tears while screaming but they keep coming. Eventually I lay face down on the ground.

"Sara! Sara! Are you alright?" Serena is setting my head into her lap. My heart is pounding and I can barely breathe.

"No I'm not alright. My best friend just died right next to me. I can't breathe Serena please help me..."

"You guys can go home now, if you want." My mom sounds normal like nothing happened how can she do that? But when I look at her she had tear stains are her face. Sierra, Cassie, and Serena say together, "No." Serena adds, "Is it alright if we stay the night with you Sara?" I stare at them and nod my head. I feel my dad pick me up but I don't want to leave. I start to break down again as I see Trevor's body motionless on the hospital bed. My dad holds me over his shoulder as I kick and scream, "I WANT TREVOR! LET ME STAY HERE!! I WANT HIM TO STAY WITH ME FOREVER!!" Then I black out.

When I wake up I'm in my bed next to Serena, Cassie, and Sierra. "Hey Sara how are you doing?"

"Can you please stop asking that question? I'm fricking not alright. Just shut up." There's a long pause, "I'm sorry Cassie."

"No no no. Don't apologize. I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now. I'm sorry."

"Can we just go to sleep. I'm exhausted." Tears stream down my face and I sob myself to sleep.

hi my lovelies... this is kinda depressing and i'm sorry if you're mad that I did that. i feel like i wrote this chapter great though. it almost made me cry... what do you think about it? please comment and vote. i'll update shortly. i'm just getting all these great ideas all of a sudden. alrighty byeee

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