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*It's graduation day*

Sierra's POV:

"Come sit by me Sara!!" There's an empty seat that I've been saving for Sara. She's almost late for her own graduation! Nate is sitting next to me and all of his guy friends, some mine to, are sitting next to him. "Why were you almost late?!" Right as she takes her seat our principal, Mr. Truman, starts to speak. "I couldn't find Trevor's bracelet." She whispers back to me. I pull into a hug as Mr. Truman calls Nate's name. I hear his family scream and whistle and a clap along. Oh shit I'm next.

"Sierra Rasmussen." Sara grabs my hand and squeezes then I stand up and walk to the stage. I look at my mom with tears streaming down her face and smiling like crazy. My brother is next to her clapping and cheering. I stand next to Mr. Truman and accept my diploma. I stand there for a few seconds for people to get pictures and I shake his hand and go stand next to Nate on the bleachers set up on the stage.

"Sara Ratcliffe." I see her clench her hand over her right wrist and take a breath before standing up and smiling for the crowd. I'm so proud of her for being so strong.

Sara's POV:

Ever since I ran away to Trevor's grave a couple years ago I swore to try and get better. There's no sneaking out without telling anyone. There hasn't been as much dreams with screaming and sweating but there are some nights when they come back. I still miss him as much as I did and have half of his wardrobe in my closet and I wear this bracelet 24/7.


It's been a couple days since I freaked Sierra out about running away in the morning to Trevor's grave. I find myself at Trevor's parents door.

"Hi Sara! It's so nice to see you! It's been a while. Please please come in." I smile to Trevor's parents and walk into their cozy house that seems a little messier than when Trevor was still here.

"It's nice to see you to. Do you mind if I could go through Trevor's things again. I need more. Please?" They reply with a simple of course as suspected and I thank them then run up the steep set of stairs heading to Trevor's bedroom. I hesitate before pushing his door open. A wall of depression hits me as I take the first step on his carpet. There are a bunch of boxes scattered throughout the room. It's so vacant. The first box I see isn't taped close so I kneel down next to it and start rummaging through. I can't help but cry because there are so many pictures in here. I grab a whole pile of pictures and lay on his bed to look through them. There's so many of him and me. Wow there's even one from Sierra's party when we first discovered our feelings for each other. So many memories in the palm of my hands.

I finish off looking at the last picture tears still streaming down my face. Each photo created a fresh set of salty tears. I walk back to the box I got them from and find that they were on top of a little box, about the size of a piece of paper folded three times. It's plain wood no writing or labels. It's split in half so you can open it. I decide, why not? I'm trying to find memories of Trevor. I lift the lid off to find a little piece of paper and a beautiful bracelet. I open the paper which was folded several times. I read...

Dear Sara-my love,

        Hey there Sara. I know by the time you read this I'm not going be here anymore. But know i'll be  watching you every day, watching you and you only. You will amaze me as much as you did when I was there standing right next to you. You've always brought awe to my eyes. you're filled will beauty. I never in my whole short life I've had on this earth have i felt this way towards someone and i think this feeling is love. Now I'll never know the feelings of being heartbroken either. I love you Sara, I am IN LOVE with you. you and only you. This is a different sort of love than loving my parents. this is different and its an amazing different. It gives me strength when I have nothing. It makes me fight more and more against this cancer every day. It's hard Sara but you are what is keeping me going. I'm so happy for every day that I can wake up and see the morning sun and call you on my cell phone to hear your voice. Soon that won't be able to happen anymore and I am not ready for that day. Nobody is. I'm mad at myself Sara. I should have told someone about my pain in my shoulder and maybe this would be a love letter for our 1 year anniversary if i would have. I just want you to know I love you and i will die thinking about you. You are my life source. You never gave up on me which never made me give up on life. Today is really hard for me. My cancer hurts more and more and I keep telling the doctors I feel fine. I don't want to worry anyone, especially you. The pain that was in my shoulder now feels like it's in my thigh which means bad things. It's spreading fast. Everyday it gets worse. Sara I'm getting so close to telling you but you'll tell the doctors so they'll help me. I know about cancer. I've studied it. If you think about a scale numbered 1-10 and 10 is worst when you're pain gets to 10 there's not much we can do, and that's where I am. It's hard to breathe. I cry for you which causes attacks where I need an inhaler. I'm scared about how your life will turn out when I'm gone. I know you love me as much as I love you you just don't show anyone. I love you sara and i hope I am forever in your heart. I dont care how long it takes for you to find this. it'll all mean the same if this is in 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years. This bracelet here is to indicate our love. I hope you like it. i made it special for you. i love you forever


Damn he sure does know how to make a girl feel every emotion in a whole essay. He's right, I was.. no I AM crazily in love with him. My eyes might as well be a waterfall right now because tears didn;t stop coming from my eyes while I was reading that. I look at the bracelet to read the writing on the tin embroidery. S&T 4EVER and on the bottom, so the part where people couldn't see, it said LOVE OF MY LIFE. Oh my gosh. This is the best gift I've ever received in my whole life and it was given not only by my best friend but my lover.


I run my finger over the texture of the letters on my bracelet as I walk up to the stage to get my ticket out of hell. High school has been a mix of ups and downs and that one down made a lot of it down but before that it was so much fun. I met the love of my life. I met my bestest girlfriend ever and am so happy to be going to college with her to spend my life with her for the next 4 years. I approach Mr. Truman with a huge smile plastered on my face. Instead of just accepting the diploma and shaking his hand he has me stand up here. "I would like to say I few words to this next person. Sara and him were very close and we lost him a couple years ago. He was an extraordinary student and it was a tragedy to hear about his death. Trevor Sulma.

Frickkk he can't be doing this to me. I'm going to cry on stage in front of hundreds of people.

"Sara has been the strongest person out of everyone besides Trevor's parents. Today Trevor is graduating with us today. The whole auditorium starts applauding, yelling, whistling, and starts to stand up. A few tears escape form my eyes and run down my cheeks. I thank Mr. Truman for what he did and start back to my seat.

Trevor's POV:

Touching Sara's skin again sends chills through me, it doesn't feel like her usual self. It's colder than if I were alive, like glass. She gives no reference of her knowing that I'm holding her hand.  She has the bracelet. That means she found it. I can't believe what they did for me here at graduation. There's Nate and Sierra sitting right next to her. Wow. I wish I could have fought a lot harder. I wanna be able to eat food again and talk to Sara and have her feel me. Being dead sucks. I take a huge breathe and blow onto Sara's wrist that has the bracelet. Sara stares at her wrist them back at my chair and smiled. "Hey Trevor." Then I leave my graduation.

So yea this is kinda long. and yea i know i totally skipped like half of high school but its ok forgive me. trevor is still a ghost if you're wondering he didn't just come back from the dead lol but yea its 6:47am and i haven't gone to bed and i'm abt to pass out and i've been doing this all night so i really hope you like it. please comment what you thought. it'd be nice if I have one person out there that cares. and vote vote vote vote please. have a great day whatever you're doing today and i'll update soon. there's only a few chapters left before it ends but if i get like a lot of votes maybe i'll do more. but maybe not. just vote anyways. the button is like right here please press it. i love you guys so much goodbye my loves

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