Chapter 1

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"Mmmph" was that could be heard as the gagged and blinded man tried to speak to his captors. The terrified man struggled and strained against his restraints in a desperate bid to escape. For his action's he is rewarded with a slap across the face. Suddenly the potato sack that was on his face was yanked up and off his head and he is finally able to see the people who kidnapped him. Looking around he notices that he is in a cold and damp room with no windows, the light is provided from a small bulb that hangs down from the wall by its wiring. Focusing on the people he notices that there are three people in the room now staring at him, to his left there is a bulky man in Stormtrooper armour with a standard m11 blaster grasped in his hands, to far right there is another man in all black with a SE-14r side blaster strapped to his right thigh, and finally in the centre an average man in Imperial admiral uniform with a standard side blaster on his right hip.

A strange garble of sound in the back ground could be heard by the man he and tries to zone into the source to figure out what it was. Realising that he is being spoken to him tried to listen in to the rest of the sentence "if you don't answer me" unable to hear the beginning of the sentence he gives a confused look to the speaker indicating that he had not understood. Everything goes black and a pain rifles through his face and blood dribbles down his lip from his nose. "I said you thick mother fucker, what is your name" the man still recovering from the shock says nothing and looks frightened at the men. The one to his right moves forward and rips out the cloth that was stuffed into his mouth and he moved back to resume his position as he mumbles something about how an empty mouth would help. The person who asked the question punched the captive in the stomach making his chair and in turn him fall to the ground. "answer me" the Chiss voice screams at him before slamming his boot down onto his exposed stomach knocking the wind out of him. Eyes bulging in fear from more pain he squeaks out a quiet "Wedge, my name is Wedge Antilles" he manages to sputter out. The main figure moves forward towards me in belief that he will be beaten again he cowers into the chair to move as far away him as possible. Instead the figure draws a knife and kicks the chair and Wedge onto his side and then cuts the rope holding his hands together behind his back. With his hands now free he moves them forward and rubs his wrists where the rope had been. As the figure sheaths the knife he offers a hand to pick him up, accepting the offer their hands connect and he begins to get dragged up before he starts falling forwards until his face connects with a knee. Tumbling down onto both of his knees the figure rams his hand forward around Wedge's throat and throws him backwards slamming against the wall. The main figure in Admiral uniform who Wedge assumed to be the one in charge starts screaming "where is your base" before connecting his blue fist to his face.

The beating continues for another five minutes before the other two men that had been side lined grab both of Fadil's arms and drag him out of the room and slam him onto a table and strap him down by his limbs. Pressing on multiple buttons behind Wedge the table that was parallel to the ground rotated around and held him upside at a slight angle. the table moves so quickly that his head lifts off from the table and slams down back into place. The man without Stormtrooper armour moves forward revealing a cloth and holds it over Wedge's face with his fists hovering next to his ears. Unable to see all he can do is listen to the sounds coming from the room. Until a wet sensation starts to form over his lips, the rag starts to soak up the water until it starts to seep down in a small trickle towards the opening over his nose before entering. He starts to freak out, his head starts thrashing around in a desperate bid to escape, as the slow tinkle of water continues into his nose he stops breathing and starts tossing around in a wild rage. Until the water stops, his face is lifted and the water spills out of his nose. His face is slammed down and the rag is placed over his face. His torture is going to be repeated.

In total Wedge endures another four-water boarding session, each lasting for no more than twenty seconds before having a few seconds to calm down and breath. The entire time not a single word is spoken, and the only sounds coming from a mouth is that of the garble and chocking sounds coming from Wedge. Finally, the main figure who had taken over since the Chiss Admiral had been left behind in the previous room asks a question "where is your base of operations. WHERE IS lieutenant Commander Bridger" in fright he realises for the first time why he was captured, they want to know where their base is, or do they want the location of Ezra? but why would they want Ezra. "I, I don't know, I don't the location of Commander Bridger" he manages to stutter. The main figure moves down so that his face is mere inches away from Wedges face. Taking in a good look he realises that the face is feminine, she had short shoulder level Brunette hair and dull brown eyes, in a firm yet quiet voice "bullshit" she whispers before she moves up and elbows him in the face before moving for the door, as she leaves she calls out to another stormtrooper and the one currently in the room "continue from where I left off. Have fun boys"

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