Chapter 8

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I think I'm dying. The deathly tight grip closing off my airway? Check "Kanan... Help" I managed to sputter out in a final plea of desperation, rather than rushing to my aid he just stands there and laughs before Hera lets me go from her death hug "sorry Ezra" mumbling her apology. "hey kid" or "welcome back" is what I hear from the rest of the crew as they greet me.

As the crew surrounds me in discussion over what had occurred over the past few weeks while I was on Alderaan. Apparently, they had gone on a few supply missions while I briefed them on the vacation and how luxurious it had been. While we talk Leia walks down tamp and approaches our small group (she had not come down with me due to talking with her father) "princess... a pleasure as always but if I may ask, why are you here exactly" "general Syndulla, my father has tasked me with briefing you and some other generals on the upcoming mission" "what mission" I ask for everyone who was clearly confused. It was probably what her talk with her father was about: you will find out later Commander Bridger" using my rank rather than my name to my annoyance and her pleasure. But I nodded in understanding, not only about the secrecy but also using my rank due to the various rebels milling about completing their various tasks and assignments. "I don't wish to break up the reunion but could you master Jedi and General Syndualla accompany me to the planning room, also could you request the presence of General Dodona." Without a word the trio leaving Zeb, Kallus and I alone but Kallus shortly departed after them. "Hehe" Zeb chuckles, what he is laughing about now "what?" I exclaim in an annoyed voice "He. Did you finally get in with her?" "what" does he know? Is it obvious? "I said" he starts up but I cut him off "I know what you said. And the answers no Zeb, she's got a boyfriend but you can't tell anyone it's supposed to be a secret" hopefully that gets him off my back, instead he gives me an inqustical look to tell if I'm lying or not "eh sorry kid" he chuckles as we start walking off "yeah yeah whatever" punching him in the arm, he replies with a laugh that was quickly interrupted by his COMM link "Zeb grab Ezra and head to the briefing room" stated the slightly distorted voice of Hera "yeah you got it boss... come on kid lets go"

I've been back at base for three days and it's been three days of working repairs on the ghost and training with Kanan. I was back to my normal self. Physically, at least. I could defeat him in combat but he was still superior in aspects of the force such as telekinesis. It was fun being back, back with my friends and family, but I guess it was different for Leia, whenever me and Kanan would train we tended to draw a crowd, some from phoenix squadron and some not, most of the guys were taking bets or just watching for fun but most of the crowed consisted of women... for obvious reasons, although she tried to hide it from me she was royally fuming at those who were "drooling over me" as she put it. I'm pretty sure she was about to kill someone if I didn't calm her down and remind her that we were a secret, because of that incident we stopped talking as much. That's wrong, let me rephrase that, if we saw each other we would talk nut we were no longer actively seeking each other out during the day time. At night was a completely different story, most nights I would go out to meditate until the early hours of the morning, from there I wold head to Leia's room where she was usually still awake from trying to plan the upcoming mission that she was supposed to run. But on the odd, few she wasn't up she would be passed out on the bed.


Approaching Leia's door, I made sure no one was around to see me enter by sending out a short force probe, it was clear. I punch in the 4-digit code she had given me and entered. She was passed out on the bed, she had been practically awake for the past two days. I smiled and moved over slipped under the covers with her, kissed her forehead lightly and embraced the darkness that was over coming me.

I woke up a few hours later with some weight draped over me right side, grudgingly I opened my eyes and saw the small figure of my girlfriend laying on my side using my chest as her pillow, I also noticed that she had a wide toothy smile on her face and her deep chocolate eyes were staring into my electric blue "morning handsome" she said maintaining eye contact "morning princess" I said yawning, receiving a small giggle in reply as she draped her arms around my neck and tugged herself closer and gave me a small peck on the lips. Before resting her head on my chest and I rested y chin oh her. "I don't want this to end" she said quietly "nor do I, but unless you want to explain to some generals why I'm in your bed I suggest you let me go" I laugh. Unfortunately, she listened and let me go.

End of flashback

"Commander Bridger" said a voice disturbing me from my meditation, I look around and see a mid-twenty-year-old rebel "yes" "Princess Organa requests your presence in the briefing room" he says standing there for a reply "ok thank you tell her I'll be there soon" I say as he quickly hurries off towards the base.


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