chapter 2

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Ezra's POV

The briefing room was unusually quiet, for a mission briefing there are usally more people in attendance. "hey Hera" I say as I enter she responds with her usual smile. "so what's this meeting about" glancing around I notice that there is only Rex, Hera, and a 4 other soldiers. "so what is this meeting about", Hera frowns slightly before starting. "ok this mission briefing and in turn mission is classified. Alpha Status and above on this base only is to know. Apart from myself no in this room holds this privilege" I start thinking to myself holy shit, this is a high up mission, I wonder why none of the ghost crew is here. "currently Lieutenant Antilles is being held captive by Grand Admiral Thrawn aboard his ship the Chimaera. Your mission is to locate and retrieve him, if he has revealed any secrets you are to erase any files containing any given intelligence. Jobs allocation. Commander Bridger will be team leader and will command the mission upon departure, Captain Rex you will be the second in command, if Bridger engages in combat with an inquisitor or is away from the team you will take up command until his arrival. Chopper will depart the team and retrieve and delete any intel gathered. Now for the introduction of the rest of the team. These three gentlemen" she states as she points in the general direction of the three soldiers "make up the rest of the team. Sgt Jones is the demo expert, Merlin and Smith are your fireteam support, all three are rebel commandos" All three give a crisp nod at the mention of their name. "now. Are the any Questions?" looking around I notice no one has there hand up and she continues "good. You leave at 0830 tomorrow morning".

The Next day, as I walk into the cock pit of the captured imperial T4 shuttle I notice how all of them are in Stormtrooper armour and Chopper has a new paint job of the standard empire black and red. Feeling the tug of the ship as we lift off and depart into hyperspace. "right everyone knows their job. Smith you will accompany Chopper, the rest will move to the cells to grab wedge. Jones you will blow the door, while Marlow will carry wedge if he is unable to move we will then move back to the shuttle and escape. If all goes to plan we should be in and out within 10 minutes, Smith you need to be back at the shuttle before we depart." He responds with a quick "yes sir" a small smile starts to creep up "good any questions or problems?" jones puts a hand up "sir I believe it would be better to rewire the cell door lock, it will take longer but it will be quieter" his plan does make more sense than blowing up a door and alerting the base "good suggestion jones, if you think it will be quick enough then we'll do that"

As our shuttle lands in the hangar we all exit and depart to our tasks. Moving forward towards the cell im flanked by the three 'stormstroopers', approaching the officers in charge of the detainies will be the hardest part as we need to ask them for the location of I approach the officer at the computer I lift my hand up and move it past his face will saying "you will give me the cell number of Prisoner Antilles" he repeats after me "I will give you the location of prisoner Antilles. Cell number 1184" I give him a crisp smile trying to act the part "thank you lieutenant" as we make our way to the cell number I start getting anxious, hoping that this doesn't go to shit. As we approach the cell there are two troopers guarding the door "sith spit" I mutter, not two seconds later the guards are on the ground, I look behind and Rex and Marlow have their blasters raised. "shit on drills boys" I whisper yell towards them and we make our way to the door, Jones drops down to a knee and starts to rewire the cell, while Rex and Marlow are taking up defensive positions, the door slides open.

Smith and Chopper rush out of Thrawn's room right into the man himself, the Chiss looks down and smiles "hello rebel" before blasting a hole right in the centre of smith, chopper panicking starts to zap everybody, and in the confusion manages to escape around the corner "put the base on high alert and make sure that the prisoner does not escape" demands Thrawn.

As the group starts to run towards the shuttle the alarm starts to play. "Karablast" I yell and glance at the rest. Behind us a group of stormtroopers see us and one orders the rest to shoot at us while he gives away our postion, taking cover we start the team starts to return fire,Marlow slumps the unconscious Wedge against the the wall and starts firing, before long we've taken out the majority of the troopers and get up to move to the shuttle just as we are about to move troopers appear in front of us and start firing "Were surrounded" " yelled a frustrated rex. Looking around I realise that blasters aren't going to win this fight. I rip out my lightsabre and charge at the troopers blocking our exit "come on, follow me!" I jump into the air and bring my blade down upon my enemy, as I dance in between and past them I jab and slice at them leaving bodies in my wake, the others follow behind while Marlow carried wedge rex covered the front with me and Jones covered our rear. Dicing through the dozens of troopers we finally making it to the hangar we charge towards the fire blocking and reflecting bolts aimed at me and my men and redirecting them back towards the opposition. Taking care of the final troopers, I order my men to prep the ship for lift off, and start to protect the ship from the ramp. "is everybody on board" I scream into the ship jones replies with an annoying "no" grumpily I continue blocking the bolts waiting for Chop and Smith to return. Suddenly the door to my right opens and a black and red droid approaches and boards the ship, "Chop where's smith" "wap wap" "his dead? Are you sure!?" "wap wap waap wp Wapapap" "karablast, everyone's on the ship let's get out of here" the ship lurches forward and the ramp closes, I approach the cockpit just in time to see the blue of hyperspace. "hey, where's smith?" I hear from behind me, before I could respond chopper cuts in and explains "he says" I begin to explain before being cut off but Marlow, "yes I know what he said, his gone" I look down grimly at him, "sorry".

Landing was quick and medics rushed Wedge off the ship while went to the debriefing, it had only been four and a half days but I had forgot to mention the mission to anyone, I'm screwed when Kanan finds me "oh well" I quietly mutter to myself as I split off from the rest as we have 30 minutes downtime before the meeting. I move to go to my room on base rather than the ghost, I could have done better, ah him so stupid, I got smith killed I should have sent someone else with him to cover his back. But maybe that could of- I'm cut off by my train of thought by bumping into someone I look down and see the colourful hair of the rebellions residential artist... Sabine. "Ezra" she excitedly squeals and gives me a playful yet firm punch to the arm "and where in Manda have you been" she squints, "ahhh. I was on a mission" she looks at me dead in the eyes with a frown "and you didn't tell me!" as her volume starts to increase. "sorry?" I say with a shrug "sorry? You disappeared for four and a bit days Ezra!" she almost yells "we were worried, I was worried", I look down with a slight frown "hey it's alright I didn't tell you because I found out a few hours before hand, I had no time to tell you". Grumpily she looks up but smiles "what was this oh so important mission that you went on that you couldn't tell me about?", "sorry bean can't tell you that. Classified" she looks at me like I had just told her to fuck off "classified, come on tell me". "ah no Sabine I can't tell you... anyway I gotta go to the mission debriefing, I'll see you soon" as I wonder off she drifts to my side "I'll escort you there I got talk to one of the generals anyway" look down in with what probably look like a look of suspicion I simply gave an "ok" and we continued to walk in comfortable silence

Entering the briefing room and leaving Sabine behind I look around and see that I'm the last to enter "sorry I'm late" "its ok" I hear from a familiar voice, I look to the source and see Leia, "oh, hey princess" she looks at me and rolls her eyes in a fake look of disgust before smiling "I hate it when you call me that" I smile back at her "I know that why I do it" and gave her a wink. "ok gentlemen" she states as she looks at the room "and children" as she looks directly at me with a toothy smile. Giving a fake look of hurt I clutch my heart and smile back before she continues "let's get this debrief under way".


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