Chapter 15

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Kanan's POV

"Do you think they're ok?" Hera asks me her worried motherly tone. Her mother hen mode was on and she was running around scared like a headless chook.

"they're fine Hera" I state boldly to her face

"and how are you so sure of that?" she questions me with a deadly scowl,

I take in a deep breath and sigh, "because Hera. I would of felt the bond break if he..." but before I could finish the sentence she had flung herself around me and embarrassed me in a tight and worried hug.

"please don't finish it" she said, before burying her head into the crook of my neck, I would stay there until she finished she needs comfort in her time of need

Ezra's POV

"Concentrate Padawan, concentrate on happy thoughts. Picture her healed you must" said the voice of the invisible creature.

I continued to hover and cup my hands over her separate wound, using his words of wisdom I concreate on all the thoughts of us being together, the first time we kissed, the first time we met at Yavin, our first Hug and holocall. I use the emotions from the memories to flow through my body and into hers. Fixing her broken bones and scars, any damage that the bacta couldn't reverse.

It has been five days since I discovered the temple and she was yet to wake up. The bacta had worked for the most part but it was old and not as useful as it would have been in it's prime. Many of the more serious wounds did not heal and that forced me to do it with the force instead. Each session was tiring, in total It had taken three sessions and three days to completely heal her, today being the third and last one.

Completely drained I collapse beside her and let the darkness overcome me.

Kanan's POV

Deep in meditation a voice starts to manifest itself. "Go Back", the voice was old and croaky but easily distinguishable.

"Master Yoda" I question into the force.

"follow. Go back you must. Find him you will, temple he is at. Not the same he left, born anew he is"

"Where, where is the temple?" I question again but I receive no answer "Master Yoda" I question but he was gone. As quickly as his voice had arrived it had disappeared again. Deciding that there was no time to wait I get up and exit my room.

The door to the cockpit slide open and Hera's chair swirled around, her checks glazed from the wetness and the area around her eyes were discoloured and slightly swollen from rubbing, "Hera. We need to go back" I say, resting my hands on her shoulders and giving them a light squeeze of reassurance

"Kanan, it's been six days, and it would be another two back, as much as I hate to say it his not" but I cut her off before she could finish

"Master Yoda told me where he is" I say. Immediately her face changes from sadness, to shock, to happiness to confused.

"how" stated simply

"he spoke to me through the force" I say, taking notice of how she was rapidly changing our course and replotting to where we had just come from. With a smile on my face I sit down and she orders the others to come to the bridge.

Leia's POV

Heavily I opened my eyes up and look around, I was in some sort of medical facility. However it looked to be long abandoned, the room was old and dusty but one thing stood out, in the middle of the long stretch of bed sat one Ezra Bridger in meditation. "Ezra" I question out to him, not expecting a response but hoping for one none the less. Immediately his eyes pop open and he rushes to my side.

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