Chapter 12

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Hey guys,

Before the chapter starts a quick message

So, I'm writing this in reply to multiple constructive criticisms and replying to them and explaining the reason I write the way I do.

So, I started this story to help me improve my short story writing for school, because of this I am writing in the formula/ style given to me. Additionally, the grammatical errors are a result to the time writing, all the stories take less than 1 or less hours to write due to the time writing of in class writing.

I will be changing this though, from this story onwards I will be changing how these stories are written/ produced. The next few chapters I will be experimenting with new styles of writing, as well as no longer putting a time limit on my writing. I would love for you to tell me which style you prefer. My previous one, the one in this chapter or other styles. Essentially just reply with the chapter with your preferred writing style and the preferred style will be what I use in the future.

I hope this clears up any issues you may have had, if not shoot me a reply.



The explosion arounds me shook the ship as I tried to escape the space battle, 4 Mandalorian ships are on my ass, trying to gun me down.

Swerve left

Swerve right and up

I lose a couple but their shortly back on my tail. As I make way into open space I plug in the coordinates for the hyperspace jump. But I was too late, the ship rocks and I'm shaken forward, the ship creaks and groans as if it can feel the pain of the hit.

Boom! The ship shudders and I'm thrown from my chair, the ship lurches downwards as I slam into the joy stick.

I fly to the back of the cabin from the sudden change in direction, I'm pinned to the wall, unable to get up and grab the stick the ship takes more fire and damage. I reach out with the force and manipulate it around the stick. The ship immediately levels out and I drop to the ground, as my vision starts to fade into blackness. I drag my tired and battered body forward onto the seat and twirl the ship around in a final desperate act to evade the enemy fighters, it works and I immediately make the jump.

The last thing I see before I black out is the blue and white streaks of hyper space.

Leia's POV

The city around the palace was quiet. Few people were walking around outside. It was nice, peaceful.

"what do you think Leia" said Nick, breaking me out of thought. We had been friends since we were young. About 8 years to be more accurate.

"yeah sounds cool?" I say making something up on the spot trying to hide my blush of embarrassment. Lately he had been a lot more... flirty? I don't really know what you would call it, he's been protective and a lot closer than previously, trying to invite me to more parties and wanting to hang out more, which would be fine... if the others were invited, I don't want to say anything in case I'm wrong... or right and ruin our friendship.

He groans "you know you could at least try and act like you're paying attention" he said with a fake hurt voice, his grin giving it away.

"sorry" I say blush growing even bigger, everyone just laughs at my predicament. After some time in comfortable silence I decide to speak up. "So, Jewels have you decided to ask Hayden out?" I tease

In reply, she just blushes "oh don't be so shy about it. Tell us the juicy details" laughs Liv

She scowls a reply but does answer "for your information I have. And I'm not afraid to admit it, it's just that I forgot that I haven't told you guys yet" mumbles the last part and we all laugh "besides..." she says with a devilish grin "when are you and Nick going to admit that you're dating now" and this time everybody else laughed at me. I blush before changing my expression to a scowl worthy of Moff Tarkin

"we're not dating..." I tell the group in return Jewels rolls her eyes

"sureeeee" she laughs off the end

"I- "but I'm cut off by the scream of a nearby engine "why is that ship so close?" I question the group, they all shrug and the four of us walk to the nearby ledge of the balcony we were on. The ship was Mandalorian ship, coloured red that looked similar to "Ezra" I accidently say out loud as my eyes widen in horror.

Nick looks over at me in confusion "what?" he asks me

"Ezra!" I scream as the ship slams into the ground breaking up into three large pieces, as it continued to slide along the ground the three chunks spread apart. The wreckage of the ship comes to an eventual stop, the scene looked like something out of a horror movie, pieces of metal littered about the garden and small fires taking hold around the scene burning up the spilt fuel. In horror, I put my hands of my mouth but they slowly shake away, I take a half step back

"Leia... Leia wait" Nick yells after me as he tries to catch up to me as I flee the sight before me

As I make it out to the door I see stormtroopers converge on the scene. A small firefight breaks out and I see Ezra, my sweet handsome Ezra stumble out of what remained of the cockpit, the pure fact that he survived and he was able to walk. Well stumble, was a relieving sight but that changed as I saw him exchange blaster bolts with the troopers.

Clumsily he takes aims and although he goes all right for a while he is slowly over come with fire and eventually he is hit. His body does a small twirl before he collapses to the ground face first. I go to rush forward but powerful hands wrap around my waist and hold me back "let me go" I demand from the man holding me back, I struggle against his vice like grip, unable to break free I can only stare as tears fill my eyes as the trooper approach his body. One bends down and slowly comes back up, from his body language and the fact that they walk away instead of taking him proved that he was dead. in pure shock, anger, denial and worry I somehow manage to break free and rush over to him

"Leia no" screamed Nick as I ran away from him

I reach Ezra and slide the last few metres on the ground, "Ezra! Ezra please" I carefully shake his body "Ezra!" I cry out and put my head into the familiar crook of his neck that I had cried into so often. I hear the others finally catch me and only stand behind me rather than trying to do anything "Ezra!" I cry out again "Ezra... Sweetie Please. Don't do this to me" I end the last part quietly "please... I love you... please don't die" I cry as I lift up my head and cradle his in my hands, carefully stroking his cheek as if it might break.

It felt like an eternity but was probably no longer than 30 seconds I'm pulled away from his body and Medics put his body on a stretcher and start to rush him away, "NO!" I scream as I break free and chase after them "Ezra!" I yell in a distraught voice, the same man grabs my bicep and I spin to club him in the face but at the last second, I realise it was my dad, I see the creased expression in his face, I give in and latch my hands around his waist and cry into his chest.

Sitting in the view port of the theatre I see his body jump up and slump back down as they continue to pump volts through his chest in a bid to restart it. Unable to bear it anymore I walk back to the waiting room and sit down. Checking to see no one is around I drop my head into my hands and let silent tears roll down my cheek and drop to the ground, forming a small salty puddle.

It had been hours since I saw him being revived, in the room I was surrounded by my friends and family, on my left and holding my hand was Jewel, although we tease each other relentlessly she is always there to comfort and help me, as my head I look around the room and notice my father comforting my mother, she had always liked him, sitting down on the other side of the room was Nick and Liv, talking about something, Nick seemed less than impressed while Liv seemed pissed, I wonder what about. My train of thought is broken by the medical doors opening and a doctor walking out, my head immediately jumps off Jewels head and the doctor said the most relieving thing I've ever heard

"His Stable"

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