Chapter 10

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Sorry for the delay but I've finally started publishing on Wattpad again. as compensation i'm giving you chapter 10 before any other sites who will receive this in another days time

I lay down in my private tent in meditation, around me the room is bear, little comforts or amenities the room is dark and cool compared to the world outside, I use this time to reflect on the past few days. First few major battles, now the Manda'lore, and we are just outside of the city limits of the capital. "Manda'lore we are about to commence the battle" said a voice disturbing me from my meditation. Opening my eyes, I see the man in full armour kneeled before me "thank you. You may leave now" he gets out and hurries off, getting up I move my hands to my waist patting the familiar shape of my lightsaber that has now taken up my left side and the darksaber on my right pushing the sheet that acted as my door aside I stroll into the heat of desert and wander over to the staging ground on top of the nearby ridge, I find Sabine through the force and make my way to her, I find her surrounded by 3 of the clans commanders, as I approach they all bow "my lord" they say at once, Sabine dismisses and we talk in private "so I will give the signal and everyone follows, charge and kill any who opposes" wow "that's a bit... well brutal" she rolls her eyes with a slight smile "we're Mandalorians, of course we are" "it's just" "no buts Ezra this is the only way we can win, the other clans won't accept anything else" I sigh heavily, I was afraid of this "I know" we turn away and wait till it's time to strike.

"now!" screamed an excited Sabine "we all jump over the trench and line up, "charge!" I yell louder and in a voice, that was no longer my own" as we rush forward we are met with heavy and accurate fire from the other clan, as we meet the enemies trench they start to pour out and we merge into one big, long group fighting to the death. At first, I had charged with my blaster in hand firing, but now as the fire becomes heavy and the opposing clan seemed to focus their fire on the 'outsider' I draw out my saber, in my hand I hold it low and prepare for the familiar hum, as some approach me I send bolts from my blaster at them and they fall. Perhaps a dozen or more metres away lay their leader, a feminine figure in blue, gold and black armour watching for the most part the battle but also occasionally joining in. Its time. I halt in my tracks, press down on the button and the black blade rushes out from the ancient saber. Those nearby stand in awe and stand back slightly before rushing in, as they approach I continue my slow, calculated walk forward and cut down those who dare come to close, stabbing, slicing and delimbing all none wrens (similar to how Vader approached Ezra and Kanan in the 'siege of Lothal' but with more killing"). Some decided to shoot at me seeing their friends fall beneath the blade and deciding that melee was not a good option, but they to like their brother fell. As I make my way closer to their leader they stop firing at me and make a path for me to approach their leader. I stop a few metres away and we both stare, our facial expressions covered by out helmets, it's at this point in time I noticed that the battle that had once raged on around me had ceased, the sounds of jetpacks screaming around, the sounds of blasters as they killed each other, the screams of pain from either faction. All of it had stopped and had been replaced with an eerie silence. They only respect power and power I must show. Removing my mask, I leave it in my left hand and drop it to the floor by my side. "you will bow before your leader the Manda'lore" I say in my accustomed leadership voice. She laughs "boy! An outsider lays no claim to the title of Manda'lore" I smirk "that's not what Maul said when I pride this blade out of his dying hands" it was a lie, but I had to intimidate her. No one else noticed it but I did, when I said that I killed maul she hesitated and took a small half step back, it was quick but noticeable "even if you did kill maul. I and my clan will not bow before you!" she yelled. Ha wrong answer "if you will not bow. Then I will make your clan bow after I have removed your head from your body". Calm. I must remain calm. She growls slightly before she moved her feet slightly, she was going to attack I could see it from a mile away. She jumps forward with her fist extended and punches the air I had once been, her face turns to a panic realisation but it's too late, from her side I grab her throat and toss her to the ground metres away from me. She manages to get up to her knees before I knee her in the face and send her flying back. This time she is off the ground quicker and pulling out her blasters, she starts firing and I barely have to reflect them back towards her, noticing her mistake she barely leaps out of the way. Rolling to the side she stands up and activates her jetpack and resumes firing while flying towards me, I deflect them away harmlessly but she sends a shock wave towards me like Sabine had done on Atollon, I block the first one, but the second one catches me off guard ad sends me flying back, she receives a small cheer from her men which encourages her. I had been easy on her but now it's time to end this toying. As she moves forward she starts firing her twin blasters at me, I block them easily before she changes to her wrist and a small flame erupts from her. Shit. I jump and twist over and around the flame landing behind her she freezes as I thrust my blade over her shoulder and next to her head, just in view for her to see the blade. "yield" I order her as the rest of her clan looks around in astonishment, instead she drops down and tries to kick out my feet, I jump back and this gives her time to roll away from me and get back to her feet. I'm over this shit, raising my hand I feel the force around her throat and clamp down on it while she raises into the air. She grasps helplessly at her neck in an attempt to breath as I close. Being within arm's reach I rip away her guns and throw them into the dirt out of reach, I crush her gauntlets that spit flame and throw the wreckage away from us. With her stripped of her weapons I drop her to the ground, she drops onto all fours and takes in deep rapid breathes, breathing in as if each one might be her last. "yield" I order her again. This time she gets up onto her knees and kneels.

"I yield" she states, her voice barely more than a whisper "what was that? Say so everybody can hear it" taking off her helmet to reveal a middle-aged woman with short orange hair and freckles face she yells "I Bo Katan Kryze and my clan Yield to the new Manda'lore". Suddenly everyone takes a knee and bows inwards towards me "What is your bidding, my lord" "carry out business as normal however, make sure your men are ready to defend and attack the Empire. Am I clear?" "crystal my lord" "good" I say pausing, breathing in so that I can now address everybody "rise!" I below and everyone follows suit "for too long your people were enslaved by the empire, forced to do it's every whim and bidding. Contacted out to be mercenaries. It's time you fought back against the enslavers and show them the true face and the meaning of what it means to be Mandalorian!" I yell loud enough for people kilometres away to here. Without waiting for a reply turn on my heel and leave back to the base camp ready to plan our next offence against the empire and clans who do not join or bow before me.  

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