Chapter 18

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Leia's POV

"it's funny how much you remind me of him sometimes" I say with a giggle without really thinking. Not only was it a strange thing to say but it was a strange thing to say in a strange place... the middle of a battlefield.

"what" he laughed out while deflecting blaster bolts "of who' he added on

"I... Ah... I didn't mean to say that" I quickly say letting out a few bolts to cover up my mistake

"So who do I remind you of" he says glancing my way with a slight smirk plastered on his face

"oh no one in particular" trying to sound as casual as possible while in the middle of a firefight

"come on, I know that's a lie..." he says with a fake frown "come on Lei tell me" that last part caught me though.

That nickname...


nobody had called me that since he was murdered. And the fact he so casually said it without a care for who he was talking to me irked me greatly

"DO! NOT! CALL ME! THAT!" I say extremely pissed at his pet name for me "EVER!"

I end with a scream.

Although we were in the middle of a battle he immediately backed away in fear, I must have looked intimidating because the stormtroopers firing at us seemed to back away in fear

"sorry" he squeals in panic

"I'm sorry, but that name just brings out memories" I say in a depressed tone as we board the ship and Han flies us away

"memories of who? A friend?" he enquires

With a weak smile I holster my blaster "no... Family" I say leaving the room and heading to my bed to think.

He must of believed it was my father or mother because he instantly dropped the topic and let me go without hesitation


The base is apparently and old one, that was abandoned in the past when it was first discovered. They call it Atollon, it's a strange world with large rock trees, giant spider crabs and a strange connection to the force that is neither light or dark.

Walking around the base I see Leia sitting down on a crate looking off onto this distance in a sad contemplation. Walking up to her she doesn't move, doesn't even acknowledge my presence. Assuming she has no grudge about me sitting down I pull up a create and sit down next to her. A few minutes pass by before she talks "what do you want Luke" she said in a quiet and almost upset tone. I had known her for a few years, we'd helped each other saved each other countless times, sure I had seen her upset but never like this. She wasn't crying or anything, just distant, torn, emotional as if she is thinking of the past. Her planet maybe? Han? The alliance? Unsure of how to comfort her I ask her my own question in hopes that maybe she might forget, even if it is only temporary what she is concerned about

"Leia, I've been wanting to ask for a while but why does barely anyone react to my force powers"

"they do Luke, you're a hero to them" she said looking up at me, although she hadn't cried her eyes where red from rubbing and her eyes had a glossy finish

"no Leia. They treat me like a hero cause I blew up the death star not because I'm a Jedi or have the force. Why? most people out of the alliance stare at amazement when they find out... but not here." She looks up longingly and stares for a while in contemplation over how to answer

"that's because you're not the first Jedi in the alliance." What! I scream in my mind, I'm not the first. There are others? More? Where are they? Why hasn't she or anyone told me about them... they could or could've helped me.

"why has no one told me? where are they I've got to" but she cuts me off looking down unable to maintain eye contact.

"they're dead Luke"

oh "oh... if you don't mind me asking who were they?" she looks up with a newly found smile, albeit a small and weak one

"three Jedi... but they're gone now." Uncomfortable silence takes over and her attempt of a smile drops, I want to press on but she clearly doesn't want to talk about it, apparently no one does because literally NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THEM!

It seemed like forever but she looked out into the distance almost like she can see a distant memory she gives a small laugh before returning to her fragile smile "you kinda remind me of him"

"who" I say now staring at her face who is not returning the look, just staring off at that distant memory in happiness.

"the younger one of the three he was a Padawan to one of the Jedi, people often called him the spark of the rebellion because of the message he sent out to the galaxy. he was the same age as us..." she stops for a while but I don't want to press her "he was smart... cunning... and a great Jedi. But he was also funny" she snickers a little clearly remembering one of his jokes "and caring, he understood everyone and always looked after his friends" she pulled he knees up to her chin still with a smile on her face and looped her arms around them. "we were close friends, but we never really got to see each other much, we were always off dong different things, me on my senatorial missions... him on his. Missions..." she sighed and her smile dropped to a closed and sad frown "but then Vader happened" she clearly didn't want to delve too much into this topic but I had had it.

"how did he die" I push on

"He was protecting us as we all evacuated from an old base, Vader came, and he fended him off as we all fled... he told us to wait five minutes before leaving. but he never came. Eventually we had to leave, we did a short fly by and that's when I saw him... he was on his knees as Vader plunged his saber through his chest" she mumbled out

I Knew my father had done some horrible things, but this takes the cake, not this one action. But how much he has caused Leia. Killings her close friend, blowing up her planet, freezing Han and torture just to name a few.

I just hope her future isn't too horrible. That Han can keep her safe. That I can keep her safe and that the Alliance succeeds and forms the new republic.   

Sorry I know it's not what you wanted, I'm working on how Vader Defeats Ezra right now and I have a few ideas written down for battles 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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