chapter 16

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Hey guys,

So I was just updating my update schedule, if you haven't noticed I have started updating more and that's because I just finished my Nursing course, Yay me!



I now had two crystals. Two crystals meant two lightsabers, one purple and one green. But for now I had to concentrate, just like I did for the first two hilts I had to focus on the construction and allowing all the parts to flow together. It was a straight forward hilt, little details and almost identical to the green, except this time the grips were carved from white marble trimmed with gold, in a vine like pattern while the rest of the hilt was black. Simple, elegant, deadly.

Many would disagree on the design, in the past Jedi would say that the design was too greedy, and that the luxuries of the goods was not the way of the Jedi, who should own little and all should be plain.

But the past was the past and now it was time to display my piece to my former master Kanan.

"Hey can everyone meet me in the common room" I say into my comm, without a reply I leave to meet them there. Walking in I see everyone already in, Sabine (who had recently come back for a few days), Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Rex and Kallus.

"what is it kid" Zeb speaks up from his seat at the table.

"well, I thought you might be interested in seeing my new lightsaber." I say giving him a quick smirk while pulling out the hilt and offering it to Kanan to inspect.

"don't you already have one... or two. Does the Dark Saber still belong to you?" he states and questions me

"well Zeb, I do technically own the blade... but I don't use it, and besides don't they always say two is better than one?" I tease him

Before he could answer Kanan cuts him off "interesting design, not really a hilt you would see with a Jedi but interesting none the less"

"what do you mean 'not really a Jedi hilt' Kanan?" Hera asks but I speak up for him

"what he means is traditionally Jedi hilts should be plain, the very basics and nothing else as they should not be interested in looks but rather use"

"ignite it" Kanan says handing the hilt back to me, I do so and let the purple blade spark up and illuminate the room. Everybody's mouth drops in awe, the unique blade colour was so extremely rare that only one other user was known to have one, and many did not know of his blade colour.

"wow" Kanan speaks up for everybody "Ezra... do you know how rare this colour is?"

"yes Kanan, master Windu was the only other person to have one"

"mmm Indeed. This is somewhat troubling, he was known to be quite an aggressive user and I would assume that is why his blade was purple, it represented his aggressive style, he even created a form but I can't quite remember what it was called it was form 8 something" he said stroking his chin lightly deep in concentration.

"Form 8 Vapad, I know Master Yoda trained me in it briefly" I tell and he smiles as a result.

"of course he did" he chuckles

"Kanan I hope you don't mind but I would like to head outside and complete some... personal training" I say giving a weak smile, with the excitement still lingering he lets me leave with a quick nod with a small smile on his face. Heading outside I find a quite place on the base to train in solitude.

Kanan's POV

Looking around everyone started to depart however as I head to my room a small hand grabs me by the shoulder, I spin around and I'm greeted by the face of Sabine. "Hey Kanan, can we talk?"

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