Chapter 7

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The forest retreat was amazing, Leia was right a vacation was exactly what I needed. I had spent 9 weeks out of service, 4 weeks rehabilitating from my injuries in the med centre, 4 weeks with Leia and 1 extremely dull and infuriating week of trying to teach the recruits. The list of my wounds was extensive; it included broken bones and ligaments, dozens of cuts either from the inquisitor's lightsaber or from ITO's scalpel array with most of my open wounds being severely infected.

In had taken two weeks for Leia to see the scars of my capture, well the scars hidden below my clothing. I'm not sure who freaked out more when seeing my wounds/scars, Leia or Hera they both were fairly shaken by the sight.

She finally ended up seeing the marks of the capture when we went down to the spa. And well, when you go for a swim you take off your shirt, taking off that shirt revealed those scars.


Sitting patiently on Leia's bed was boring as she decided to get changed into her bathers in the refresher. She was too afraid of someone walking in on us. She opened the door but only peeked her head out "Ezra close your eyes I want it to be a surprise" she giggled. "yes princess" closing my eyes and put my hands over them "your damn lucky I like you Bridger" I could feel the frown eradiating from her "oh please you love me" "mmmm that's debatable" she huffed "you can open your eyes now" taking my hands away I smile "oh no I can't open my eyes I'm blind" "oh really, well I guess you won't be able to see what my ass looks like in this" she laughed as I immediately open my eyes and jump up in front of her, she looked good, really good. She wore a bright white one piece, although the part the covered up her stomach was cut away and replaced with crossing strands. "you look good" is all I'm able to say as I take in her beauty. "aww I knew you would like it" ending with the toothy smile I love "like it" I say moving closer, grabbing her arms and pulling us closer "I love it" ending it with a delicate kiss. She moves her head forward and deepens the kiss. We stayed there for what felt like 5 minutes, only letting go to breath, noticing that my hands had drifted to be holding her hips I lower my right down past her waistline onto her pulp ass letting it rest for a few moments before grabbing a handful. She pulls away and lets out a silent gasp before returning let out a small moan making our lips vibrate. Getting excited I lower my left hand to her other cheek, taking the hint, she quickly jumps onto me and squeezes my hips with her thighs before continuing our little session, spinning around I carry her to her bed and lower her down onto her back before taking my position over her.

After a few minutes, she grabs the bottom of my shirt and starts to pull it off, hesitant that she will see my scars I pull back and break the kiss "what's wrong" she whispers getting up and sitting next to me, looking at her I see a mixture of concern at why I backed away and anger/upset that I back away, clewrly she wanted more to happen. "it's just... My scars" I simply say unable to complete the sentence. She stares at me in contemplation for a few moments "show me", "Leia it's not that I don't want to show you. It's just I don't know how you" "show me" she says cutting me off. Pulling my shirt up covering my head I hear her gasp, pulling the shirt off completely I look into her eyes as she scans my body. Finishing her look, she looks back at me, worry and concern filled her eyes "Ezra... I'm so sorry" she whispered, dragging me into a much-needed hug, pulling back I give her a fake smile "come on, let's go to the spa" I say getting off the bed and pulling her up. As we walk to the door she slips her hand in mine.

End of flashback

That night she broke down, crying uncontrollably for a good 35 minutes at least as she tried to explain how distraught she had been through the whole ordeal. Although we had spoken about my capture that was the first real time we had spent much time together alone, apart from the start of our secret relationship on day one, there was always a guard or a maiden nearby that was able to see, hear or close enough they might accidently disturb our interactions.

Eventually though she fell asleep, tired from all the emotional stress, picking her up bridal style I carry her indoors from the small meadow we had been in for the past few hours, to her room and laid her down on her bed, kissed her forehead and left. I somehow found myself on the balcony overlooking the forest, but time and time again I caught myself just staring at the stars. I had come here often in the past 2 weeks, always staring at the stars, leaning on the railing as I contemplate what has happened. I hadn't heard the man approach or even take up residence beside me. : you know she was quite worried for you Ezra" Mr Organa stated, shaking me from my thoughts "really" I say, unable to think of anything else. But it fitted, if it was this obvious, maybe it was obvious to everyone else. "indeed Ezra. I'm not sure if you're aware, if she has told you. But she changed in the 13 weeks you were missing. She was colder, more distant, not only to me but her friends as well, they even asked me what was wrong. When she wasn't being an ice queen she was in contact with your friends for updates, she even tried to go on your rescue mission" chuckling the last part "but it leads me to ask myself and I want you to answer truthfully" he continues "son, before the... Incident, were you two romantically involved with each other" "what!" I almost yell at him in surprise "it's nothing to be ashamed of, I just want to know if you were and why you didn't tell me. "ah. Well. No... To be honest I" but he cuts me off "but you are now yes" ... "yes". He stood there and stroked his chin in contemplation for a couple of minutes. I started getting nervous over his lack of reply. Is he angry, worried, does he want us to end, my train of thought is interrupted by his eventual reply "good, I'm happy for both of you, but you have to promise me something" nervously I nod and reply "anything sir" "you are not to tell a soul, including your crew and master. only us 3 and my wife are to know. "yes, sir I understand, we've already had this conversation, Leia and I, I mean." "good, then you understand the consequences if this gets out" "yes sir" "good, one last thing" he says while patting my shoulder with a mischievous smile on his face, "make sure you use protection when you decide to get intimate" he laughs as he wonders off, thankful that he is gone and unable to see my now burring red cheeks. Tired I decide to head back to my room, however as I open my door I see a bump in my bed, smiling to myself I realise that Leia must have snuck while I was outside, stripping down to my boxers I softly lay down as not to disturb her I pull the cover over me as Leia rolls over and uses my chest as her pillow. Although she tried to hide it, the smile was obvious. Clearly awake I decide to ask her "Leia what are you doing here" not answering and still pretending to be asleep I lightly tickle her hip as it sticks out. "I was cold and your warm so I thought I could use you to heat me up" she says simply as she bats away my hand and looks up at me with her light brown eyes, I wrap my left arm around her "your damn lucky I like you Organa" referencing what she said earlier. She smiles and digs in closer to me and snuggles up with a smile on her face "oh please you love me" she whispers as we both drift off to sleep.

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