chapter 6

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"that's fucking bullshit and you know it Hera" I yell at her in a blunt voice "3 kriffing months. I can't fight actively for 3 months!?" she looked down and away unable to meet my eyes as I lay on the bed in the medical centre on Yavin. "Ezra. I don't like it either but its doctors' orders, he says you need to rest, both physically and mentally" "I. I know Hera, it's just its 3 months. It's such a long time, what am I supposed to do?" looking up she exhales deeply "I don't know, for now you are to spend the next week resting, that means no straining or physical work. After that I don't know, we might get you to train the recruits and some lower ranks on various things" "can I at least leave this bed?" I say as I try my best to make 'Lothcat eyes' and look cute. Chuckling she turns around and starts to walk off "yes Ezra. You may" pumping my fist in the air I rocket off the bed and out the centre.

Not really jogging but not quite slow enough to walk I rush back to my room, I can't believe that they made me wear a gown tugging at the fabric, not paying attention to where I was going I bump into someone wearing a green and white jumper "sorry" I mumble as I move past but a hand resting on my shoulder forces me to stop and look up to see the face of Kallus. "Ezra can we talk?" looking around to spot anyone to get me out of here I sigh "yeah sure, just let me get of this" chuckling he moves his arm out in gesture for me to move, taking the hint, I make way to my room and get dressed in casual black shirt and brown pants and boots. Walking out I follow him as he guides me to a secluded part of the base with no one around, still in fear from my recent torture I look around anxiously scared of what he might be planning. I'm not sure if he noticed my facial expression probably displaying a general look of unease or we actually reached his intended destination he stops and stares at me thinking of what to say.

"Ezra. I wanted to talk to you about our history" what's he up to "and I wanted to apologise fir my actions, I thought the Empire was right but I was wrong." "Kallus, why are you brining this up, I thought we had already forgiven and forgotten, "Yes well, it's just that we've never had a formal discussion, just the 2 of us" "ok" "back to where I was, I wanted to apologise for my actions and hope what I've done help makes up for the fact "it doe's Kallus, you have well and truly made up for it by being Fulcrum" "and I. I wanted to thank you" "thank me?" "yes, I wanted to thank you for when you tried to rescue me, for believing in me when other didn't" I go to say something but he motions for me to stay quiet "I heard what they said Ezra, they told me apart from Garazeb you were the only one to believe in me, even when the others didn't even so much to try and rescue me". Looking away I shrug "it was nothing really" it wasn't, he shrugs and walks off "if you ever need to talk Ezra I'm always free" he laughed as he turned the corner and out of sight. That was weird...

1 week later

She wasn't joking when she said I was going to train the newbies, well they weren't all newbies, just newbies to ground fighting. Out of my class of 15 I recognised none, they were from other squadrons I assumed. As the day dragged on and my classes rotated around I started to get more and more annoyed at those who couldn't grasp basic concepts like shooting. For the umpteenth time, I yell at the same group of 'learners' "AIM! BREATH! SQUEEZE! PULL! KILL! BREATH AGAIN! Fuck they are annoying they make me want to grab their gun and shove the barrel in my mouth and aim breath squeeze. I don't think it's because they are mentally inadequate to learn these concepts, but it's because they are being taught by a 17-year-old 'child', they don't believe that I'm correct because I'm not older than them, even though they are no older than 25.

Then the main trouble maker misses again, from what I've noticed is that he's a show off that isn't that good, he likes to brag about his accomplishments but blames others or his equipment for his mistakes. For example, today he bragged about his bullseye he got but blamed the rifle he was using for the 15 shots he had completely missed prior. And he especially doesn't like being told what to do by a "child" as he called me. "Alexander I swear to god if you don't shut up and hit the target" I yell at him, "and what are you going to do sir!" he says that last part in ratty snide way, looking at him I cross my arms in contemplation as to what to say, he looks around at everyone as if to soak up encouragement to continue, he does, he doesn't like me "why don't you show us how a kid does it then if all you're going to do is tell us how bad we are" smirking I thought of a great comeback "I'm not telling others how to shoot because they got that concept hours ago, you're the problem, you're the fuckup!" his snide smile drops and his ratty expression changes to a what looked like he was trying to be intimidating, glare "ok demonstrate to me how to shoot, or are you to scared that you might drop the when from the recoil and get laughed at" he laughs and soon a few others around him join in. that does it, I'll show that little stuck up prick, upholstering my pistol I move it up and what appears to be aiming at his head "they are laughing at you and your pathetic shooting Alexander not me you idiot" immediately his face goes pale and he starts to shake "sir..." he stutters out, smiling I take aim and fire as he closes his eyes preparing for the end.

But it doesn't come, instead he hears the 5 blaster shots fire and then whistle past him, he opens his eyes and sees everyone is staring at the target behind him, looking around he notices the centre of the target had been hit almost perfectly 5 times.

Smiling at the reaction I had received and intended to get I holster my blaster and order everyone to form up, Alexander was the last, probably still recovering from the shock of not dying. "practice these exercises mindfully and you will see improvement. I promise" In return I hear a chorus of "sir" and "yes sir" "very well class dismissed"

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