A Blink of an Eye

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A distant snort of laughter,
A sudden flash of smile,
A happy end we're after,
A path that stretched a mile.

As our steps grew close,
Reaching the other's hand,
Sudden darkness rose,
That none could understand.

A simultaneous echo of names,
A deafness unexplained,
The tears had whispered claims,
That the other side had rained.

The lonely sobs near,
Yet growing further away,
Hiccoughs of voices I could hear,
Yet I wish they would stay.

A quick blink of an eye,
My home came to view,
A bit relieved was I,
Yet I couldn't find you.

The skies once bright a blue,
Turned grey above my home,
And now that I have lost you,
I stay here all alone.

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