Chapter 3

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He didn't have to wait longer than half an hour, but it still felt like an eternity. His stomach growled loudly every few minutes or so and would twist in pain at the sound. The thought that food was so close had it in a frenzy.

When the group finally showed up again, they were short one member. The boy with glasses, Pidge, was not with Hunk and Lance. That wasn't something that concerned him at the moment though.

A large bowl of green gooey mass was being held by Hunk as Lance looked at the door to Keith's cell curiously. Lance was holding a pitcher of water and a glass.

Keith stood and wandered his way over to the door at the will of his shouting stomach, which didn't seem to care about the unappetizing appearance of his dinner. Before he realized it Keith was standing with his face inches from the glass staring at the food intensely. When Hunk moved the food out of his line of sight to help Lance with whatever the frell he was doing the trance broke.

Keith took a step back and blinked.

Hunk and Lance were feeling along the door, maybe for a chute to send the food to him, but they couldn't seem to find anything. After a minute they stopped and looked at each other before looking to Keith, who was still relatively close to the window.

Lance pressed the button.

"Umm, we don't know how to get the food to you..." He says with a sheepish smile. Keith must have looked crestfallen, lips parted just slightly, sad eyes, and flattened ears. Keith's stomach protested at the same time.

"Don't you know where the chute is? Isn't this your ship?" Keith asked quietly. A prisoner to strangers who can't even feed him. This situation just kept getting worse.

"Not exactly. But don't worry, we'll find a way to feed you," Hunk said reassuringly. Lance nodded with him. They both set down the food and drink before feeling along the door again. Lance kept his finger on the button so that Keith could talk to him.

"Can't you just open the door and push the stuff through the crack? I wouldn't try to escape, it's not like I have any weapons or any idea of where to go." Keith was practically begging at this point, it was almost as if he could smell the food, a foot away but impossibly out of reach. Of course he couldn't really smell the food, but his stomach was creating sweet delusions.

"Even if that were true it wouldn't matter. We don't even know how to open this door in the first place, let alone have the key to unlock it. And Allura would kill us if she found out that..." There was a moment of silent static as Lance thought over his own words, but it was Hunk who broke the silence.

"Pidge! She would know what to do! She should be done eating by now anyways! I'll go get her," and with that Hunk was off down the hall.

"Pidge is a girl?" Keith asked, intrigued. He had been thinking of her as a him. She had never specified in the first place, so it was fair.

"Yeah, she fooled all of us once. We thought she was a he for at least a month before she dropped it all on us." Lance says with a faraway look on his face as he remembers. He pauses for a moment before his face broke in a crooked grin. "But of course I had suspected something the whole time. The rest of the team- they were so surprised!" Lance says loudly.

Keith had a sneaking suspicion that Lance was lying through his teeth.

Keith doesn't respond, he can't decide if he wants to show his true feelings to Lance (seriously disliking him, because, like Thace always said, hate is a strong word) or play along and getting information out of him.

"So, where are you from?" He seems genuinely curious. Keith thinks about his response for a moment.

"No, I think you should answer one of my questions first." Keith only allows Lance time to comprehend his words before he is continuing, "Who are you? What kind of- I don't know- group are you people?"

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