Chapter 21

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This is it guys. This entire chapter is the truth about what happened to Aubr and Chorrol.

Keith, Chorrol, and Aubr were all sitting together in Aubr's housing unit. She was lucky enough to get a room facing the closest star, giving the room a wonderful soft blue light and a beautiful view of space.

They had begun to hang out more frequently here, it was quiet and calming. There was also no worry of disturbing other family members (Keith's unit) or quick to anger neighbors (Chorrol's unit) so they had decided that this would be the place they would relax before their next mission,which was tomorrow.

"Aubr!" Chorrol yelled from the kitchen area to the living room where Aubr and Keith were playing a strategy game together.

"What?" She called back, not taking her eyes from the game. Keith was two plays away from destroying her base.

"Ugg! You know what!!" Chorrol complained. Aubr smiled, she did know what. Aubr was taller than both Keith and Chorrol, by quite a bit. She had the advantage of being able to reach the top shelf of the cabinet, which was where she liked to keep her cups. Despite the amount of times that the two of them complained she still wouldn't lower them.

"Get the poor man a cup." Keith laughed as he took her base with his last move, winning the game.

"Fine!" Aubr said in a fake exasperated voice. She smiled and walked into the kitchen with Keith following. Chorrol was standing with his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for her.

"Why do you do this to me?" Chorrol asked her dramatically. "To us?!" He threw an arm around Keith's shoulder when Keith got close enough. "Us poor, poor, vertically challenged beings."

This made Aubr chuckle.

"You could just get a chair you know." She said as she opened the cabinet.

"A chair!!" Chorrol exclaimed.

Keith couldn't help but to laugh loudly at them. They knew what had happened the last time Chorrol had tried to use a chair to get a cup.

"Oh wait, that's right! You can't even balance on a stable chair long enough to get a cup!" Aubr teased him as she reached up and grabbed a cup.

"Oh yeah?" Chorrol lunged at her, tickling her vulnerable sides.

Aubr screeched. The cup she had grabbed fell to the floor as she laughed and tried to bat him away. Keith sighed, smiling to himself at their antics, before grabbing the cup from the floor and getting himself a drink.

He let the two of them fight it out for a while when suddenly it was quiet. Keith glanced up from his drink, mildly concerned about what he would see.

They were staring at each other silently, Chorrol's arms around Aubr's waist and Aubr's arms over his shoulders.

Do it. He thought to himself. Quit putting it off and do it. Keith was tired of watching them dance around each other like they were walking on eggshells. And even though he had feelings for Chorrol, he knew that nothing would ever come of it. He and Aubr were good for each other and he would be happy for them no matter what.

If they would just fraking do it already.

The longer the two of them stared at each other the more aggravated Keith got. He gripped his cup and didn't move an inch.

He waited.

And waited.

Then, finally, Chorrol pushed himself up on his toes and Aubr lowered herself until their lips met in the middle.

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