Chapter 14

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When they arrived in the green lion's bay the door opened and Hunk and Pidge where both laying on the ground groaning.

"Come on guys! What are you doing taking a nap at a time like this! The Castle is going crazy!" Lance shouted as he walked over to them. They groaned in response. Pidge lifted her head up.

Are they serious? This is an emergency! The castle tried to kill him not five minutes ago and these two were laying on the floor.

"We were trying to fix the computer with all of the blade information on it." She grumbled. Hunk pulled himself into a sitting position.

"We were stuck in zero gravity for like ten minutes!" Hunk whined. So the castle wasn't targeting specific people then. Lance raised an eyebrow, glancing to Keith to gauge his reaction. His eyebrows were furrowed in thought. His skin was changing ever-so-slightly into that dusty, dancing purple.

Pidge stood up and went back over to her computer, which sat on the floor along with most everything else. A table was turned on its side and all sorts of scientific looking devices were scattered around it. Hunk got up as well and Lance and Keith followed him to Pidge's side. There was a sigh of relief from Pidge.

"My computer is fine. Nothing external broke in the fall. Now, if only I could find the internal problem."

"You said that there was a virus? Where could it have come from?" Keith asked as he leaned in slightly closer.

"We've been trying to figure that out." Hunk said as he turned to look at the two of them. "We can't think of anything that could have caused this, Pidge wasn't having any problems with it yesterday."

"What is it doing to her computer?" Keith asked. Pidge answered him this time.

"It's not responding to anything I tell it to do; it won't run a diagnosis, it won't open or close any of my windows, and it won't let me access any of my coding files." She huffed out in one frustrated breath. "I can't even figure out what caused it, let alone how to fix it!"

There was a moment of silence as everyone wordlessly tried to figure out where the virus could have come from.

Lance quickly ran over the past few days. Keith was released from his make-shift prison after he woke up and they got some food. They started the tour and he ran into Shiro, who he knew. He told Shiro about the...

"Could it have been the chip from Shiro's arm?" Lance chimed in. All eyes turned to him, but not in the good way, in the, 'I can't believe that you just said that' kind of way. Especially from Keith, his eyes narrowed at Lance and his mouth slightly open, his ears tilted back in disdain. "I-I mean, you hooked it up to your computer and the castle and now both are kind of..." He trailed off as the eyes around him grew wider and then glanced at each other.

"That's possible, but I ran a diagnostic on the chip, it was clean." Pidge said.

"It's alien tech, you've never had to deal with any alien viruses before." And it was true, none of them had needed to deal with anything of this sort before.

"So it could have been the chip?" Hunk asked.

"No." Said a firm, assertive voice. All eyes turned to Keith. "It's not possible. Ulaz gave Shiro that chip. He would never have put a virus in it, he wants Shiro to help the Blade, not..." Keith trailed off, his hands clenched in tight fists as he glared down to the floor, his ears folded tight against his head, almost blending into his hair. "He wouldn't."

Lance said nothing as he looked to Keith. He wanted to believe him, but all signs pointed to sabotage on Ulaz's part. On the Blade's part.

At this point Lance has stopped trying to keep track of how many times Keith has saved him. All he knew was that Keith could be trusted. Trusted to save him, and to help Voltron survive.

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