Chapter 13

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The group had gotten everything set up for the castle to begin its slow journey to the mark of the coordinates. They decided that it was best if they took their time to get there and let Allura conserve her energy so that if it was needed she could make a complete jump with little to no problem. Now, with everything set, the crew had gathered in the command room.

"Paladins, you should go and spend some time with your lions before we arrive. Try to strengthen your bonds, let your minds sync together. The stronger your bonds with your lions and with one and other, the easier it will be for you to form Voltron," The Princess explained.

Pidge, Lance, and Hunk nodded and went to their respective lions in either hanger bay, leaving Keith, Allura, Shiro, and Coran in the command room.

"Well, I'm going to get back to fixing up the castle." Coran stated moments after the paladins were out of sight. He left without a scene.

"Me as well." Allura added and turned back to her control screen and began typing away.

Keith looked at her with curiosity. She had to have been working for hours now. Coran too. But neither of them stopped for even a moment to take a small break. Allura was frowning at the screen, emphasizing the small, dark, circles under her eyes, the pink markings just beneath them seemed paler than what they had been when Keith had first met her.

She was obviously tired. The castle was pretty beat up, yes, but it was functioning just fine at the moment and it was already on auto pilot to the coordinates. It would be at least twelve hours before the castle even got to the mark's solar system and another few after that to reach the actual mark, Allura should rest.

Keith wanted to say something, but he knew that it wasn't his place to tell her what she should or shouldn't do.

"Princess," Shiro's voice caught the attention of both Allura and Keith. Shiro's face held a small frown and a worried crease between his eyebrows. "We won't be arriving for quite some time. Maybe you should rest." Shiro urged as he took a step closer to her.

'She trusts Shiro, maybe she will end up getting the rest she needs.' Keith thought to himself.

"But the castle is still in ruins. I must-"

"Be rested enough to control the entire castle and make responsible decisions. If you can hardly stand there is no way that you could do that." Shiro cut her off and placed a hand on her shoulder, gently pulling her away from the panel.

"I can stand just fine, thank you very much." She mumbled and crossed her arms, stubbornly standing her ground.

"You say that now but within the hour you will be swaying on your feet. Rest now, and be ready before we arrive. Who knows what we may encounter."

Allura looked at Shiro challengingly for a moment before seeming to finally fold. She sighed and let her eyes fall shut. "Fine, but only for a few hours."

"Of course, Princess." Shiro says. There is a hint of relief in his voice as he guides her away with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

And just like that, they're gone.

And he is once again left to his own devices. It was nothing that he wasn't used to, he had become accustomed to lonely or solitary missions, but he always had an objective then. Now his objective is to wait, something he has never been fond of or good at.

"Ugg. What am I supposed to do now?" he asked himself.


"What am I supposed to do now?"

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