Chapter 11

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After the shower Keith and Lance went back to their own rooms.

When Keith got back to his room he put his extra shirt into the wardrobe in a separate area to wash later. He changed his ears and let his physical features revert to their usual 'at rest' state. His hair was still slightly damp so he decided against pulling it back.

He wasn't sure what to do now.

He reorganized his other things even though there wasn't much to organize in the first place. After, he polished his sword with an old piece of clothing from the wardrobe.

Once that was finished he tried to think of something else to keep him preoccupied. He felt restless. He felt useless.

What was he supposed to do? Sit in here and think about the things that had lead up to this moment? No, his thoughts were much too messy for that and his past was something that darkened much too frequently for him to be able to remanence freely.

He was bored.

He didn't know what the other paladins were doing at the moment, but he knew that Coran was fixing the castle with Allura. He had contemplated helping them, but he was still wary of Allura. Maybe he could...

He stopped pacing and gazed over to where his blade sat on his bed.

'Yeah, that sounds good.' He thought to himself. He grabbed his sword and sheath. He slung the sheath over his shoulder and pushed the sword into it.

It only took him a few minutes to find the training deck. He had actually payed attention to the group when they were giving directions to the room. He knew that he would be using it at some point.

When the automatic doors slid open with a gentle hiss he caught sight of three colored suits of armor ducking, dodging, and firing rapidly as tall robots chased them around, trying to cut them down with oversized blades.

"Hunk! Your 6!" Pidge shouted out to Hunk as she zapped her own attacker with her Bayard. Hunk turned 180 degrees and was met with the bot that had originally been after Lance, but changed directions to attack Hunk.

Hunk was already struggling with his first bot and when he turned his fire away from the other, the original used the reprieve to sprint closer and attack him from behind. The bot brought its blade in a downward strike over top of Hunks head just as Hunk shot down the second bot.

"Hunk!" Keith screamed out.

Just before the blade sliced through him a blue laser smashed into the bots hands and sent the blade soaring away. A few more blue lasers flew into the bot's body until it pixilated and dissipated into the air.

Hunk turned back to look in shock at where the bot was. Then he looked to Lance who lowered his smoking gun. Lance gave a cocky grin and tossed the gun onto his shoulder in a very 'sure of himself' movement.

"Thanks bro." Hunk said in a sigh of relief.

"I've got your back my dude, no worries." Lance grinned.

"Ugg, could you guys, like, tone down the Bro-mance over there a little bit?" Pidge questioned unamused as she replaced her Bayard in her suit of paladin armor. "I bet at this point even Keith can feel it, from all the way over there." She gestured to him and they turned to greet him.

"Hey Keith. Did you need something?" Hunk asked.

"Oh, I was just gonna do some training or exercises or something. Not like I really have anything to do at the moment so..." He trailed off in a shrug and looked around.

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