Chapter 22

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Keith awoke to the sound of the cell door opening slowly. His eyes snapped open and he reached for the blade by his side. He had promised himself that he would hold off the guards until Lance could escape and he intended to keep that promise.

The guard saw him his eyes widening when he realized where Keith was. Keith fumbled in the darkness but couldn't find his blade in his panic.

"How did you get out of your shackles?" the guard growled.

Lance had woken up by this point and he shouted when the soldier yanked him away from Keith and threw him towards the other soldier that was standing in the doorway.

"No!" Keith screamed and tackled the guard before him. He directed the blow into his stomach which forced the soldier's body to fold in half.

Distantly Keith could hear Lance shouting from the doorway but he couldn't stop to see what was happening, he had his own battle to fight right now.

The soldier's back smashed into the wall and he let out an 'oof' sound as the air was crushed from his lungs. Keith brought back his fist and drove it into a soft spot on his lower armor only to find that the soldier wasn't wearing any lower armor.


He didn't let this stall him though and he continued wailing his fists into the guard. He realized only a moment too late that he had left himself wide open.


The soldier brought his knee up into Keith's sternum, stunning him. Keith felt his ribs crack on impact and coughed out painfully. The soldier used that moment of weakness to grab his wrists and shove Keith violently to the floor. He pinned his arms above his head and sat on Keith's hips.

He was trapped. The soldier weighed much more than Keith and there was no way for him to get out of this position without the soldier moving.

"I see now." The soldier grinned maliciously. Keith hoped that he had stalled him long enough for Lance to get away. "I had my suspicions but I know for sure now. You're a little halfling. A little waste of space."

Keith realized all at once that he had reverted to his relaxed state. He looked more human than Galra. He was the size of a human, he had more skin than fur, and his eyes were poorly adjusted to the dark.

He struggled harder.

"Give up," the guard hissed. "Submit."

It was with those words that he finally understood. He understood why the guard wasn't wearing the 'regulated' lower armor. He knew why he hadn't been picked up and thrown out of the cell to wherever the witch commanded. He understood, finally, the reason that the guard was leaning down and breathing his hot breath right into Keith's face.

"I will never submit to you." Though his words were filled with heat Keith felt as if he was slowly freezing over inside. This soldier, this plag, was going to have his way with him and no one was going to stop him.

He had heard of prisoners being attacked like this and though the empire may have been evil they did not tolerate such actions. The punishment for rape was to be thrown into the arena where they would fight for the right to return to the ranks of the empire. But, when there was no one who knew and the only other guard was going to turn a blind eye there wasn't much the 'empire' would be able to do about this.

The guard grinned sadistically and gathered Keith's wrists into one of his large hands and wrapping his now free hand around Keith's throat, his claws digging into his skin.

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