Chapter 6

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Keith POV

Lance walked back into the kitchen as they finished their meals looking much chipper than when he had left.

Keith didn't quite understand why Lance had become so upset when he suggested training the team. It was the best option if Lance was only skilled in one area and even then it wasn't much, but he decided to brush it off and let things play out.

"He'll pout for a little bit and then he'll get over it." Hunk had said to him before Lance got back. Keith had only nodded and packed in some more food, attempting to satisfy his angry stomach.

"You guys miss me while I was gone?" Lance asked with a cocky smile and dropped his bowl onto the counter.

"Dude, could you at least try to keep it clean in here?" Hunk whined and picked up Lance's bowl and put it in a large machine. It came out a few seconds later clean. "At least put it away?" He handed Lance the bowl. He sighed and his shoulders drooped like he was holding the universe on his back before dragging himself over to the cabinet he had gotten the bowl from and placing it in its rightful place. Hunk rolled his eyes at Lance's dramatics and moved towards the door.

"We'll show you your room now." Hunk sighed. Pidge who had just been grinning silently from the sidelines the entire time followed behind Hunk closely. The proximity of the two showed the heavy contrasts between the two of them.

Other than the obvious "One is abnormally large and one it incredibly small" there were little small things in how they carried themselves and Keith analyzed each nuance. Pidge, despite being small in stature, walked with such intent and purpose that they seemed almost bigger than the scrawny kid that anyone immediately saw and judged. She held her shoulders back in a proper posture that must have been drilled into her from a young age, but it seemed to be slipping. Her shoulders would cave in every so often and she would walk for a few steps like that before pulling them back stiffly. Keith judged this action to be her relaxing in the presence of her friends and then deciding that she still wanted to be taken seriously. By rolling her shoulders back properly into a hard yet commanding posture she believed people would take her seriously and not just assume that she was incompetent due to her unfortunate size. Keith could respect that.

Hunk was almost the complete opposite. If he were to walk and carry himself like Pidge he would seem intimidating and overbearing, but this was not the case. Hunk may have been huge, but that didn't mean he was frightening. He walked quietly, despite his hulk and smiled brightly (Albeit a bit nervously sometimes) at anyone who would make eye contact with him. It was almost as if he did it to assure the onlooker that he was friendly. By doing this he made himself seem more approachable. Then there was the way that Hunk didn't quite know what to do with his hands. He fiddled and rubbed and never stopped moving his fingers: over his jacket hem, adjusting his headband, putting them in and pulling them out of his pockets, playing with scraps of metal and tools that he seemed to just pull out of nowhere. All of this. It didn't seem like it was a nervous habit, just something that was ingrained in Hunks very being. The need to be doing something at all times.

It was understandable. Keith knew that he always felt like he was wasting time when he wasn't in the middle of something, or if he was waiting for something else.

That was when Lance broke his train of thought coming closer to walk by Keith's side as he trailed behind Hunk and Pidge.

"So, what does it take for someone to become Blade? Where you, like, born into it, or did you divert from the traditional Galra route all on your own?" Lance asked invasively.

Keith had never really had to explain how he had become Blade. He didn't really do anything other than train and go on missions. When he wasn't doing that he was hanging around the other Blade members, who all knew how he had become one of them. It was such an odd yet simple question that he was caught off guard.

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