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The soft clicking of keys filled the air. Bright sunlight bled through the cracks of the blinds and appeared in straight, illuminated streaks. Particles of dust floated through the air, and my (e/c) eyes watched them in a bored, but thoughtful way. Fingers drummed over my wooden desk while my chin rested in the palm of my hand. My eyelids drooped as my body slowly collapsed onto the table top. I let out a muffled groan into my sleeve, wanting to scream because of how bored I was.

It was just another day at the Armed Detective Agency. There was no talk, just work. I had already finished all my paperwork and various errands assigned by the president. The clicks of mouses and keyboard still echoed through the room. The voice was only interrupted by the loud sucking noise Ranpo made while eating his lollypop. Just then, a sudden realization came to me. The Agency was quiet. Too quiet... My head snapped upwards and my eyes squinted at the sudden brightness in the room.

The first thing my sight met, was the stern, stoic visage of Kunikida. His long, blonde ponytail rested on his shoulder while his piercing yellow eyes stayed fixated on the computer in front of him. His long, thin fingers few over the keyboard as Kunikida's slender body was hunched over his desk. I rolled my eyes at his stiff posture, but smiled.

"Oi, Kunikida-kun!", I called. The man across me glanced up briefly, not faltering in his rapid typing.

"What do you need?" Kunikida asked in a low, monotonous voice. His fingers suddenly stopped while his golden eyes scanned the screen, reading something he just wrote.

"Where's Dazai?", I asked. "I haven't seen him around in a while." Kunikida kept intently staring at his computer. I didn't know if he had heard me or not. When I was about to repeat myself, he answered.

"No idea." Kunikida said. I furrowed my eyes in irritation.

"Aren't you his partner?", I asked in a frustrated tone, "Shouldn't you know where he went?" Kunikida's eyes immediately snapped up to meet mine. His face held that irritating, blank stare.

"I'm not Dazai's keeper. What a suicide maniac like him does in his free time is none of my business." Kunikida paused to write a few more words. "Besides, if he didn't tell you where he went, it's probably not important." I sighed, shaking my head.

"It's always important to know where your friends are, Kunikida-kun.", I said. "With enemies lurking around every corner, you never know when they need your help, or you need theirs." Kunikida's eyebrows raised slightly as he suddenly became frozen in thought. One of his hands flew forward, snatching his dark green notebook and then furiously began scribbling in it. Kunikida's mouth formed silent words as his pencil flew over the page.

"Oi what the hell?", I cried out in alarm. "Know where your friends are because with enemies lurking around every corner, you never know when they need your help, or you need theirs." He nodded. "That's a very good saying." I chuckled.

"Why thank you, Kunikida-kun!", I giggled.

My head rolled to the side, where I saw another member of the Agency that could help me.

"Oi, Atsushi-kun", I yelled. The light grey haired boy looked up from his paperwork, startled. Atsushi's purple-yellow eyes regarded me with both respect and slight admiration. I forced back an annoying sigh. Atsushi was the least aggravating member of the Agency, but his false sense of admiration for me stemmed from my relationship to Dazai.

"Y-yes, (y/n)-san?", Atsushi asked. I noticed the way his porcelain face beamed with such immaturity and naiveté. Such innocence doesn't belong in this harsh world. However, I knew Atsushi had his fair share of suffering and pain, and yet, he remained strong through it all. Perhaps that's what Dazai saw in the boy, I mused, silently.

"Have you seen Dazai?" I repeated to him. Atsushi placed his black gloved hand on his chin in rubbed it thoughtfully. His features screwed up in concentration, before they fell.

"I'm sorry." He said. "But I don't know where Dazai went. I-I haven't seen him since yesterday." Atsushi paused. His multi-coloured eyes widened in fear. "You don't think he's in trouble, don't you?", He asked worriedly, "Could he have been captured by the Port Mafia again?" I shrugged in a nonchalant manner.

"It's possible...", I sighed. "But if that's the case, he'll be fine." Atsushi still looked worried.

"What if he went to...to..." He made sign as if he was slicing his own neck with his thumb. I frowned, deeply.

"Well if Dazai is trying to commit suicide again, I guess I'll go find him." I returned my head back to its normal position. "Ranpo-san!" I yelled, Tapping his desk to get his attention. Slowly, Ranpo lifted up his face to mine and gave me a closed eyed frown.

"You don't need to be so loud, (y/n)" Ranpo whined. I immediately felt guilty. Despite my distaste for Ranpo's arrogant attitude, I respected him greatly. Ranpo pulled out the candy in his mouth with a pop.

"My apologies.", I said, bowing my head. "I need your help finding Dazai, Ranpo-san."

"Oh?", he said, "We lost him again, don't we?" I nodded.

"Dazai has a tendency to disapear. I just want to make sure that he's not in danger. Will you help?" Ranpo groaned in a childish way, slumping his shoulders and throwing his head back.

"I'm very tired.", Ranpo mumbled quietly. "Maybe another time." My teeth sank inside the flesh of my cheek , forcing myself not to get angry. "I can pay you to do it, if you'd like that?" Ranpo shook his head.

"I have no need for money." I gritted my teeth. "This is urgent, Ranpo-san. I hope you can see that." No reaction. With a disgruntled sign , something I had been doing quite often today, I gave in. "Fine."

"Giving up so soon?" Ranpo asked with a smirk. I shook my head, glaring defiantly.

"My offer is a kiss.", I replied. Ranpo's eyelids raised in shock to reveal a pair of sharp green eyes. His face remained blank, but I could detect the sparkle of amusement and surprise in his green pools. I heard Atsushi gasp. "Tell me where Dazai is and I'll kiss you.", I said again. Ranpo closed his eyes again and smirked. "A kiss on the li-" Before I could finish my sentence I could feel a pair of soft lips against mine.

"Did you eat strawberries this morning?", Ranpo asked, returning his gaze to the map.

"Just finish your part of the deal already." I said. Ranpo held up his hands in defence.

"Alright, alright."

1139 words, Edited

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now