❝This again?❞

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"Ah~ (y/n)-chan~" That terribly familiar voice rang trough the initial silence. Because of the echo, I could not discern from where the voice originated. I swivelled my head from side to side, quickly becoming irritated that I could not pinpoint the location where the voice came from. "Up here!", the voice called again. My eyes raised to the top of the warehouse. Up above, large, red beams were hung. Rows of panelled windows allowed more sunlight to bleed trough, illuminating a figure that seemed to be hanging upside down.

"Hello, my belladonna!" the man called. My frown became deeper when I saw that the man was Dazai. If I wasn't so angry, I would've found his upside down position ridiculous and laughable. Dazai's arms dangled below his head, the hem of his coat hung near his ears, and his dark, wavy locks swayed in the air.

"What the hell are you doing up there?", I yelled. Dazai smiled. which looked absurd because of his position.

"Well you see," Dazai started, "I read in a book somewhere that if you hang yourself upside down for a long time, the blood of your body will rush to your head. This rapid, constant movement of blood can either cause vessels to rupture and haemorrhaging, or asphyxiation due the weight of your organs pressing down on your lungs. Or-" I waved my hands in front of my face, stopping him. My stomach was beginning to feel queasy.

"Enough. I get the gist.", I said. "How long have you been up there?" Dazai brought up his wrist to his face to check the time. The thing was tough... he didn't have a watch.

"Is it still Wednesday?", he asked. I told him it was. "Then I've been up here for 5 hours." My jaw dropped as I stared up at him in horror. "Would you please get me down now?", Dazai asked. "This is taking much longer than I had anticipated and it's very painful." I curled my lip in anger. 

"Why didn't you call?", I asked, slowly. Dazai gave me a sympathetic look.

"I am very sorry", he said. "I truly meant to, but I think I lost my cell phone when I tried to drown myself in the river a while ago." God, I hated him sometimes. Dazai was a brilliant man, and yet so moronic at the same time. It made me want to scream. "Um", Dazai began. "I don't mean to sound impatient, but I'm still up here."

"Right, sorry.", I mumbled. Reaching out to my pouch, I pulled out another red gem, and placed in my bracelet compartment. I looked up at the beam Dazai was hanging from. I tried to memorize specific details of the beam before closing my eyes. A fleeting sense of freefalling passed over me before I found myself teetering on a precarious metal beam. Dazai was now under my feet, grinning up at me. I replaced the red gem with a purple one for safe measure before I knelt down on the beam. Reaching my arm out, I grasped one of Dazai's hands and pulled him up. I cut his bonds with my pocket knive while Dazai clutched his aching head. Suddenly, the beam let out a squeal and broke away from the wall. I cursed and wrapped my arms around Dazai's waist, screaming my abilities name over the sound of shrieking metal.

My back landed hard against rough, solid ground. A weight laid directly on top of me, and I could feel the tickle of hair against my cheek. A deep groan fell from my mouth as I opened my eyes only to meet warm pools of brown. Dazai hovered over me as we laid on a concrete sidewalk together. Orange sunlight lit up his pale features and a delicate smile pulled at his lips. My legs straddled Dazai's waist as I remained pinned underneath him. Amusement danced in his eyes as he observed the position we were in. A smirk grew on his face.

"Hmmm...", Dazai said, rubbing his chin. "Now where have I seen this position before?" My face flushed red and I used all my strength to push him off me. Dazai chuckled loudly as he rolled to the side. I refused to look back at him, still quite angry at him for his antics and for putting my own life at risk. I rubbed my eyes, wondering where my panicked brain teleported us to. My face got even redder when I realized where me and Dazai were. He noticed too and raised a curious eyebrow. He turned to me, face full of subtle adoration. "I'm very flattered that this was the place you chose to teleport to in your moment of near death."

"Shut up." I murmured, unable to take my eyes of the building in front of us. It would have been logical to teleport me and Dazai back to the Agency, but, of course, my brain was everything except logic-based. In front of us was a small bakery shop. The very one that Dazai had taken me to on our first date and where we still visit often. Tearing my eyes away, I stood to my feet, brushing off the dirt and grime that stuck to my clothing. "We're still quite far away from the Agency", I said, lifting up my gaze to the orange tinted sky. "Maybe we should...", I began reaching for my pouch again, but a hand on my wrist stopped me. Dazai shook his head.

"You've already spend three diamonds today.", Dazai warned. "Priceless stones don't grow on trees." He nodded his head forward. "Besides, it's within walking distance." I agreed and began marching up the sidewalk with Dazai by my side.

960 words, Edited

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now