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"You're finally awake.", Yosano said. "I hope your injuries are all healed fully. You were in a very critical condition; broken bones all over, bruises, punctured lung, and a possible concussion." Yosano swept her black hair to the side, pink eyes boring into mine. "If you get hurt again, don't hesitate to come back." A crazy look passed over her face. "Let's hope it's soon." Giving the Agency's doctor an uncomfortable smile, I thanked her and left her office.

With my head swimming, I returned to the main office area in the Agency. Everyone seemed to be at their desks with the exception of Kunikida. I noticed a trembling Tanizaki. The orange haired boy was still reeling from his visit with Dr. Yosano, no doubt. I decided to make a trip around the Agency, hoping to find a place to rest my aching head. When I entered the area where the Agency received clients, I heard a singing voice.

"Shin ju wa, hitori dewa dekinai!" I found Dazai laying on a couch with his hands under his head. The muffled sound of music pumped through the headphones on his head. A smile grew on my face. Deciding not to disturb him, I plopped into a seat across from him. I leaned back in the cushioned seat, resting my chin into the palm of my head and silently admired the way the sunlight from outside illuminated Dazai's calm, serene face. I smiled into my hand, wondering how I got such a handsome and strange man as Dazai to finally become mine.

"I may be wrong, but I don't think it's socially acceptable to stare at someone for so long.", Dazai said, bringing me out of my daze. A single brown eye cracked open, looking in my direction. "I think it's labeled as 'creepy'." He sent a devilish smirk my way before sitting up. Dazai tugged the headphones from his ears and set them on the table before returning his attention to me.

"Well, it's not my fault such beauty was put on display.", I replied. "I couldn't help myself." Dazai mimicked the expression of surprise, pretending to blush.

"Oh my belladonna," he said, "How you flatter me so." I laughed. Dazai's face suddenly grew serious and concerned. "I'm glad you're awake now. Are you feeling better?" I frowned slightly.

"Y-Yeah... I think so." I rubbed the back of my head, sheepishly. "I overdid my power yesterday. It's been so long since I teleported like that." I gave a bitter laugh. "I guess that's what I get for having such a worthless ability." Dazai frowned deeply, unseen to the girl across from him. Just as he was about speak, he was interrupted.

"OI, DAZAI!", an angry Kunikida yelled. "Where the hell have you been? I've been doing paperwork on the Port Mafia case all day, alone!" Dazai threw his head back like a spoiled child.

"Ah, Kunikid-kuuuuunnn!", Dazai whined. "Can't you see I'm the middle of conversing with a beautiful woman who has just been released from the clutches of pain and suffering?" Kunikida turned to me, finally recognizing my presence.

"Oh, (y/n)-chan", he said, adjusting his glasses. "I'm glad to see that you've  fully recovered. When were you released?" My head lolled to the side so I could see the clock on the wall.

"About fifteen minutes ago.", I replied. I could almost see the blood that crept up into Kunikida's face.

"Fifteen minutes?", he quietly asked. I nodded. Suddenly, he whirled around, wrapping his hands around Dazai's throat, shaking him back and forth. "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THE PAST FIVE HOURS, YOU LAZY BASTARD?" While Kunikida continued strangling Dazai, I walked outside.

Shoving my hands into the pockets of my slacks, I took a deep breath of the city air. Herds of people pushed their way past me, and I past them. We walked as one giant flock, together and in pattern. Most people in these situations feel small, feel unimportant in a city with millions of people. However, I felt differently. Of course, I still felt small, but I realized that I still had importance here. As I walked, I filled a certain gap that wouldn't have been filled if I wasn't walking there. If I bumped into a stranger, I realized that I wouldn't have if I wasn't there at that specific place, at that specific time.

It may seem absurd to think in such a small scale when the universe is so big, but the thing is that small things truly do the matter. Living in a world where so much happens all at once and at a scale so large it's incomprehensible to the human mind, it's important to remember the little things.

Eventually, I found that I had wandered to a less populated area of Yokohama. There were still many people, but the air was much quieter. Finding a nearby bench, I sat down to admire the beauty and immensity of Yokohama. In the distance, I could see the tall, towering skyscrapers. Their black silhouettes loomed like lone, lost figures, casting their long shadows over lesser beings. I mused at their superiority and solitude before turning my attention to the orange sky. Just as I did, I suddenly noticed the presence of a young girl.

Looking down, I saw a small child. Her long beautiful, blonde hair reached her waist, swaying lightly in the breeze. Her deep red dress also billowed in the wind. I could not see the girl's face as her back was turned to me. Frowning in concern, I wondered if the girl was lost.

"Excuse me, young one.", I called. "Are you alright? Have you lost your parents?" The girl laughed and turned her head to look at me with her large blue eyes. I felt the color drain from my face.

958 words, unedited

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now