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~flashback~ (Do not skip! )

"So this is her?", a low, familiar voice said. I opened my eyes and found myself in a place I had not been in for years. I looked around. Bookcases lined the walls, intricate carpets stretched over the floor and an expensive looking desk and chair sat near the back of the large room. From the side, I looked directly in the horrid, red eyes of Mori Ougai– The Port Mafia boss. Those snake-like eyes, however, weren't focused on me, but behind me. I backed up a few steps, allowing myself full view of the scene around me.

In front of Mori stood a tall burly man. No doubt that he's also a member of the Port Mafia. At the feet of the man was a the small form of a girl. Her (h/c) hair was matted and greasy. Her skin was caked with dirt and grime. The girls head hung forward. Her (e/c) eyes were barely visible. Her small hands were firmly tied behind her back, and there was a nasty, purple bruise on her delicate neck.

"Yes", the larger man said. "She is the one who has been stealing from the Port Mafia stockpiles." Mori hummed, rubbing his chin in a menacing manner.

"You can't be serious.", He said in an amused tone. "This little girl is our thief?" The mafia boss chuckled lowly. "What's your name?"

"(y/n).", the girl said, dully.

"Well (y/n), may I ask you why you stole food, weapons and other goods from us?"

"I needed to survive.", was the response. Mori laughed, looking over the girls form. I understood his source of amusement. This girl at his feet was small, starving. She was barely surviving.

"Do you really think you can steal from us and get away with it?" The girl shook her head.


"One last question." Mori said. "You've been stealing from us for months without getting caught. Do you have a special ability you'd like to share about?" The girl then again shook her head.


"That's a lie.", a young, male voice said. From the dence shadows, a boy appeared like a ghost. His wavy brown hair hung in his face, but, below those shaggy bangs, brown eyes peered out. I noticed how a red glint blazed trough those eyes. The boy was not much older than the girl who knelt on the ground.

"Ah, Dazai-kun!", Mori cheered. "Come, come!" He beckoned the young boy forward. "Do you have anything more to add?" Dazai's sinister eyes hung onto the form of the girl who, somehow, remained unfazed.

"You obviously have an ability", Dazai said to the girl. "Otherwise it would have been impossible to have gone undetected all this time." He began circling the girl like a vulture, assessing everything about her. "Why lie?", he asked. She didn't respond " Maybe it's because you don't even know what your ability is, or how to control it." Suddenly, the girl's jaw clenched, a subtle change that Dazai caught. In the background, Mori sighed.

"I don't think our thief will say anything more.", Mori said.

"What shall we do with her?", The largest man asked. Mori flicked his hands to the door.

"Dispose of her", he said. "I have no use for such creatures with no abilities." The large man grabbed the girl by her shoulders. Her eyes widened in alarm, fear flashing over her face for the first time.

"Wait." Mori lifted an eyebrow, turning to the sound of the voice. Dazai was still staring intently at the girl in front of him. His hand raised towards the mafia guard. "Let me be in charge of her." Mori chuckled, confused and curious.

"And what makes your judgement better than mine, Dazai-kun?", Mori asked. "What authority do you have?" The boy turned to face Mori, his face set with determination.

"You've promoted me to an executive position.", Dazai said. "If I am to be successfull, I need subordinates." His eyes drifted back to the girl. "I believe she has an ability that could be useful to the Port Mafia. Allow me the chance to bring in out." Mori thoughtfully rubbed his chin. His cold, calculating eyes examined the situation before him. At last, he chuckled.

"Very well. I shall place her under your command.", Mori said. "You shall be solely responsible for her, Dazai-kun. If you are unsuccessful, it's your head that will be on a platter."

"Yes, sir."

737 words, unedited

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