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I've been sitting at my desk for a while.

"Here." Ranpo said. I squinted my eyes and brought my face closer to the area on the map he was pointing to. I gasped in shock.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed. Apparently, Dazai was at some port warehouse... on the opposite side of the city. "Do you think the Port Mafia has him?", I asked Ranpo. He shook his head.

"The area is too crowded with civilians.", Ranpo said. "Besides, I've never heard of the organisation working in that area. This building in particular was once used for fish stockpiles." I groaned, lowly, and massaged my aching temples. Ranpo gave me a playful smirk. "So? How do you think you're going to get there?", he asked, teasingly. "It's not like you can teleport or something." I rolled my eyes, elbowing him to the side.

"Ha ha, very funny.", I replied, sarcastically. My eyes went back to the map. "I haven't been to that specific warehouse, but I have been to the Port before." I sighed. "I hope that's enough." Ranpo shrugged.

"I guess we'll just have to find out." Atsushi, on the other side of the room, raised his eyebrows.

"(y/n)-san, mind if I joined you?", the boy asked, his purple-yellow eyes wide with anticipation

"No." Kunikida said. "With Dazai's absence, the Angency is swamped with paperwork." Kunikida grabbed an enormous stack of papers and plopped them on Atsushi's desk. The boy's eyes seemed to bulge out of his head as he started at the pile in exasperation.

"All of this is Dazai's work?", Atsushi asked in disbelief. Kunikida nodded.

"Get to work, brat.", He said. I gave Atsushi a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Atsushi-kun." The boy didn't respond, he just stared blankly at the work dumped on him.

My eyes drifted down to the red, velvet pouch that was strung around my neck like a piece of jewellery. Opening the pouch, I peered inside, seeing the brilliant sparkle of a red gem that lay hidden in there. I reached my fingers inside and pulled out the beautiful gem, no bigger than a nail clipping. The small stone shimmered in the bright light, flaunting its jagged imperfect form that was still somehow captivating. This stone was the source of my ability. Without it, I wouldn't be able to use it. Closing the pouch back up, I flipped open the compartment of my watch-like bracelet and placed the sparkling gem inside. My gaze lifted to meet Ranpo's closed eyed stare. He gave me reassuring smile.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the port I was trying to get to. I imagined the massive, clunky cargo ships on the water, the squeals of gulls, and the fresh scent of sea water. I called, "Here one second gone the next!", and a sudden whooshing feeling erupted in the pit of my stomach. I felt my (h/c) hair violently whip, in some supernatural wind. Soon, the sharp, refreshing smell of salty sea water filled my nostrils. The wild gust was replaced by a soft breeze that brushed against my skin. Opening my eyes, I had to blink against the harsh glare of the sun hanging overhead before black spots faded from my vision.

My sight immediately met with an incredible view. Metal giants towered above me as they laid at rest in the port. Cargo containers were stacked endlessly on top of each other. Some ships were being prepared to sail again or were being disembarked. I marvelled at the scene, almost forgetting my main objective. My eyes drifted to the grey, decrepit warehouses that sharply contrasted with the bright blue ocean. The buildings sat deep in the shadows, making them appear menacing and dangerous. To the best of my abilities, I tried to remember which building Ranpo had pointed out. Finally, I settled on the structure furthest away from me. Running, I quickly arrived at the warehouse and pushed open the rusty doors.

A loud metallic squeak reverberated through the open room. Dingy light illuminated the grey interior of the warehouse, and an old musty scent assaulted my nose. My lips set in a hard frown. If Dazai really chose this sort of place to end his own life, he really must have lost it. Squinting in the dim light, I noticed the grey silhouettes of cardboard box fragments, metal chairs, and remnants of dead rodents. A shiver of disgust ran down my spine as I resisted the urge to hurl the contents of my stomach. Other than those things, the warehouse was empty, devoid of life. Just when I was about to conclude that Dazai wasn't here, a loud, but soft toned voice sang from the rafters up above.

802 words, edited

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now