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Two arms caught me as I fell.

"(y/n)-chan!", Atsushi cried. "Are you alright?!" I quickly regained my balance and waved the two boys off me.

"I-I'm fine", I gasped, resisting the urge to vomit. "I-I'ts just been a long time since I've did that. Just give me a moment..." After a few wheezing breaths, the sickness passed and I had the strangest sense of déjà vu. Finally, I was able to assess our surroundings. Off to the left was the yellow crane from my memories, and to the right was a large, grey warehouse. The entire front was black an charred as if it had been blown open with an explosive. I nodded to the wide open entrance, beckoning for Atsushi and Tanizaki to follow me.

With quiet steps, we entered the warehouse. I peered into the gloom, assessing the cargo located inside. Large metal crates remained untouched on both sides of the building. An unsettling feeling crept up my spine and before I could act on it, I felt myself flying backwards. My body collided with a metal crate outside the warehouse, making a sickening thud. Pain erupted all over, some sharp and throbbing while others dull. I looked up just in time to see a black and red blur slam Tanizaki into a concrete wall. His head hit a sharp corner and I watched the light fade from his eyes.

"Tanizaki-kun!", I cried, but unable to get up. My eyes desperately sought out Atsushi. The grey haired boy stared at me in horror before a black shape curled around his small form and lifted Atsushi in the air, pulling him deep inside the warehouse. A low snarl exited my mouth. I'd recognize that ability everywhere. Staggering to my feet and clutching my side in agony, I lifted my hate filled gaze to the back of the warehouse. A tall, slim figure stepped out from the darkness.

"Akutagawa-kun." I said, my voice full of disgust. Malignant, dark grey eyes peered at me from the distance. Even from afar, I could discern the sickly pale appearance of the young man. Akutagawa wore all black. A long, dark trench coat draped his body while a white cravat was tucked into his shirt. His black hair, dyed white at the tips, swayed in a slight breeze from outside.

"(y/n)-chan.", Akutagawa said, tone devoid of any feeling.

"It's been a long time, Akutagawa-kun.", I replied, slowly reaching my hand behind my back for my gun.

"Not long enough." Just then, I noticed a familiar red pouch laying in the distance. I silently cursed, realizing I would not be able to use my gems to teleport long distances. One thing I have learned about my ability over the years, was, without the aid of a gem, I could only travel small distances. But, even if I were to successfully travel to the place I wanted to, my energy and strength faded faster. I was going to need to play this out carefully.

"I see you've became a worthless pawn of the Port Mafia.", I sneered. Fury washed over Akutagawa's features. His fists clenched tightly together and his power, Rashoumon, tightened around Atsushi's body. The boy emitted a chocking sound, making my attention snap up to him in alarm.

"What would you know?", Akutagawa said. His lip curled into the beginnings of a snarl. "A disgraceful traitor like you deserves to die." A triumphant look took over his features. "It seems the Agency is still as moronic as usual." Rashoumon's grip on Atsushi tightened even more. "Mori-san predicted you would come and that Dazai-san would be far away. You fell straight into our trap, allowing the weretiger to fall right into our hands." My jaw clenched. Akutagawa's grey eyes glared up at Atsushi who helplessly struggled against Rashoumon. "I don't see how this worthless being is worth seven billion yen." I chuckled, drawing back Akutagawa's attention. Cocking my head to him, I gave my best shit-eating grin.

"I can tell you why, Akutagawa-kun.", I said, still staggering to remain upright. "It's because Atsushi is strong. His power goes unmatched, even by you. Atsushi has more potential than you ever did, Akutagawa-kun." My grin grew wider. "At least, according to Dazai." Pure, white hot rage blazed through Akutagawa's grey eyes. "You know," I continued, "I'm quite hurt that the Port Mafia just sent you to take care of me." I frowned, mockingly. "I thought I had taught them to do better." Now i was Akutagawa's turn to smile.

"I'm afraid that's where you're wrong." A bullet suddenly whizzed past my head. I ducked, then focused my ability to teleport behind a pair of stacked crates, just a few feet away. My hand flew back to clutch my pistol just as the top crate was suddenly blown backwards. I rolled to the side just as they fired a few shots at me. My eyes met with the aged ones of Ryurou Hirotsu, the Black Lizard commander, a sect of the Port Mafia. I raised my gun before firing a few shots in the old man's direction. I didn't wait to see if I hit him before teleporting again.

This time, I appeared behind a wooden box. Peering around it, I could see about five or six Port Mafia members holding pistols and machine guns. They were snooping around the area, trying to seek me out. A furious Akutagawa marched around, using Rashoumon to obliterate cargo crates. I suddenly realized my pouch was only a few meters away. Bracing myself for a daring move, I sprinted towards the pouch. Simultaneously, I fired my pistol at a few nearby enemies, striking one in the calf and another in the shoulder. I slid on the ground, grabbing my pouch, before ducking behind another crate. However, my luck ran out. A black figure crashed through the crate, the sound of splintering wood was deafening. Rolling to the side proved to be of no use. Rashoumon slammed into my chest throwing me backwards. My back connected with the wall. Blood spurted from my mouth and seemed to fill my lungs. I weakly tried to sit up on my elbows, my blurry vision revealing an out of focus figure that slowly approached me. Now was one of the many times I hated not having an combat ability.

"Hasn't anyone told you, (y/n)-chan," Akutagawa sneered, "to never mess with someone stronger than yourself?" I glared up at Akutagawa, hate filling my heart.

I'm sorry, Atsushi-kun. I have failed you. you and the whole Agency.

"Hasn't anyone told you that it's a sin to hit women, Akutagawa-kun?", a familiar voice scolded. As my vision began to clear, I now saw three figures, two in the distance and one up close.

1117 words, unedited 

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