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"Ah, Elise-chan!", a soft voice called. "How many times do I have to tell you not to run off like that!" My blood suddenly ran cold in my veins. My entire body tensed as I felt a presence approach me from behind. In an instant, I stood to my feet and whirled around. The sound of my own heartbeat rang in my head as my (e/c) eyes connected with the deranged red ones of Mori Ougai. The Port Mafia boss chuckled lowly. "Children are such scoundrels, aren't they? I gritted my teeth together.

"Mori-san.", I growled. "I didn't think you traveled any further than the sewers of the Port Mafia." Mori laughed. His red eyes were like flames, burning holes into mine.

"That's quite true.", Mori agreed. "I just thought I might visit an old friend." I snorted.

"In what life would you consider me a friend?", I snarled. Fear began creeping up my spine. Tsk, what a time to forget my gun. Mori Smirked.

"None.", He admitted. "I actually have a warning for you, (y/n). I've been growing increasingly annoyed with yours and Dazai's antics. I just don't want the two of you to start feeling safe in your precious Agency." Mori sighed. "It's a shame that a beautiful woman of your talent squanders her time in an organization that has no use for your ability." I laughed. Is he trying to flatter me?

"Oh, and you do?" Mori smirked.

"Perhaps." I giggled.

"Of course you do." I said sarcastically. "Is that it Mori-san? My patience is wearing thin.", I said sweetly. He nodded, still giving me that hideous smile.

"For now, (y/n)." A glint shimmered in his eye. "For now." Mori turned his attention to the young girl in front of us. "Ah, Elise-chan~", he called. "Come, dear." The girl giggled before skipping over to Mori, wrapping her small hand in his. "Oh, and (y/n)-chan," Mori called over his shoulder, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Dazai about our little chat~" With that, he moved on. When they disappeared, I let out an enormous puff of breath that I didn't know I had been holding in. My hand clutched my chest as I tried to regain control of my breathing.

Mori Ougai-- Mori Ougai -- Had just visited me personally. Not a call, not an e-mail, or a letter. It had been face-to-face. That was never a good sign. I tried to rack my brain with some kind of explanation, but I could not find any. I no longer felt safe and decided to go back to the Agency. However, I knew that I wouldn't be able to face the other agents after my encounter with Mori. On my way to the Agency, my attention was caught by a small bakery shop. A smile pulled at my lips.

A soft bell rang as I entered the store. A small, grey haired woman looked up at me with a warm smile. She welcomed me and allowed me to take any table I liked. My eyes immediately went to a small, two person table in the corner, near the window. The woman brought me my usual order of tea and cake.

Dazai and I always came to this shop. It was our safe heaven, you could say. As I sipped my tea in silence, I heard the ringing of a bell. Voices greeted each other behind my back and I suppressed a smile.

"I thought I might find you here.", Dazai said. Turning, I saw him standing near my table with a soft smirk on his face.

"I thought you might come.", I responded. I nodded to the seat across from me and Dazai sat down without another word. "Did you sort everything out with Kunikida-kun?" He nodded.

"I told him I'd do all his paperwork tomorrow.", Dazai said. I snorted.

"That's not happening." Dazai smiled.

"Of course not." For a few moments, we sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. I caught Dazai staring at me. I could tell that there was something he wanted to say, but wasn't. Curious, I looked up at him.

"Dazai, if you want to say something, please do." The man across from me smirked.

"My apologies.", He said. "It seems that when I finally have you alone, I've lost my tongue." Dazai uncomfortably shifted in his seat. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you about, but I've haven't had the chance to." I gave him my full attention. Dazai paused for a long moment. He smiled and plopped an object onto the table. "I bought you some gloves!" Dazai cheered, plastering a smile to his face. It took me a moment for his words to settle in. My eyes fell to the black pair of gloves on the table, and back up to Dazai. I laughed. Grabbing the gloves, I slipped them on and inspected them in the light.

"Thank you very much!", I said, giving a small sigh of relief. "You had me worried for a second." When I looked back up at Dazai, I noticed his downturned face. He seemed disappointed and I wasn't sure why. "Hey.", I softly called, grabbing one of his hands in mine. "I love them, it's a very thoughtful gift." Dazai offered me a small smile, before his pleasant demeanor returned.

"I'm glad.", Dazai said, squeezing my hand. His brown eyes drifted to the window, watching the sunset. "We should get back." I agreed. We paid our bill and walked back to the Agency together. The two of us retrieved our stuff and went to our apartments. Dazai insisted on walking me up to my room and when we reached it, he lingered at the door.

"Goodnight, Dazai.", I said, my tone indicating that he should leave. He didn't. Giving me a sly smile, Dazai stepped inside my apartment, rather than out.

"Would you mind if I stayed with you tonight?, he murmured. My eyebrows raised in surprise and a blush heated my face. Dazai was normally never this forward nor was he the one to insist spending the night. I gave him an awkward smile.

"Well, isn't it improper for a man to stay at an unmarried woman's apartment?", I joked. Despite my attempt to be funny, I was also worried. This was another  thing to add to the long list of strange behaviors Dazai was showing lately. He smirked at me.

"What's wrong?", he asked. "It's not like we haven't been intimate together." Dazai's hot breath washed over my face. His lips brushed against my ear. "Is it so wrong to want to sleep at your side? It's been so long." My face burned like the sun, but I stepped to the side, allowing him to come in. I went into another room to change while Dazai did the same. When I was done, I sat down on my sleeping mat. Waiting for Dazai to appear, I felt anxious and exited. Dazai was rarely affectionate and it was a nice change to be able to sleep beside him.

When Dazai turned the corner, a smile pulled up my lip. He was fully undressed, except for his blue boxer shorts and white bandages wrapped all around his body. Dazai's brown eyes sparkled when he saw me and he didn't waste a single moment to lay next to me. His long arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. Our noses were barely touching, lips centimeters apart. He gave me an impatient look and leaned forward to kiss me. A warmth erupted in my chest ast I lightly kissed back.

"Good night, my Belladonna.", Dazai whispered.

"Good night." Nuzzling closer to him, I let Dazai's warmth consume me. His scent flooded my nose as I drifted off to sleep.

1295 words, unedited.

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now