❝A powerful duo❞

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"I planted a wiretap on him."


Dazai sighed. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Dazai launched into a short explanation. "Like that small jackass said, the Port Mafia approached me about rejoining the organization. I said no, but I knew they'd come to you next. I discussed this with the President and he sent me to stake out Port Mafia members that might give the Agency leads as to what they are planning." Dazai paused, thinking. "I planted a wiretap in Chuuya's hat and followed him at a distance. It wasn't hard since he breathes like an elephant and is thick headed as a rock. It didn't take long for me to realize that he was trailing you. After you left, I followed you back to the train station and boarded the car behind you."

"So you heard everything?", I asked. Dazai nodded. "Is that why you're angry? Are you mad that I talked with Chuuya or that I didn't tell you about Mori? Did you really think that I was going to take the offer of going back to the Port Mafia?" Dazai surprised me by giving a soft smile.

"None of those things.", he said. Dazai lifted a hand and brushed his fingertips over my cheek. "I'm angry because of what Chuuya said to you." I raised a confused eyebrow. "Everything he said are things that should've come from me. Lately, (y/n), I've noticed the growing dissatisfaction in yourself. You doubt your ability, you doubt your skills, and worst of all..." A hurt look passed over Dazai's face.

"You doubt my love for you."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Dazai...", I whispered, speechless. Dazai cupped my face in his hands, pools of brown staring directly in my eyes.

"You're so stupid sometimes, (y/n).", Dazai said. "You thought, after all these years, that I wouldn't develop feelings for you? You are the greatest thing in my life, (y/n). I know I haven't been able to return your feelings in the past, but I've changed because of you. I was afraid that I was going to lose you to the Port Mafia, but I never told you about their offer because I knew it was your choice." I felt a tear trail down my face.

"You should know by now, Mr. Osamu, that I'd never give you up.", I said. Dazai smiled.

"I'm glad." His face inched closer to mine. "Because I'd be lost without my belladonna." Closing my eyes, I grabbed Dazai's blue pendant bolo tie and pulled him closer. Dazai's lips pressed against mine, softly at first, but it became rough and demanding. We backed up into a nearby alley, the shadows passing over my eyelids. Dazai lifted me into his arms while I wrapped my legs around his slim waist. My back was pressed up against the side of a building as Dazai trailed hot kisses on my throat. My fingers tangled in his soft, wavy brown hair. I lifted Dazai's face to mine again, kissing him deeply so our mouths molded perfectly together.

"I love you, (y/n).", Dazai murmured against my lips. Smiling against his mouth, I whispered:

"I love you too, Dazai."

"Now, I'd like to formally welcome two new recruits into the Armed Detective Agency.", the President announced. His hand swept out to gesture towards a tall, dark haired man and a (h/c) haired woman. "Please introduce yourselves." Joyful brown eyes looked out at the group before them.

"My name is Dazai Osamu.", the man said. "It's a pleasure to be accepted into the Agency." All attention was now  turned onto the woman next to Dazai. She blushed with nervousness and cleared her throat.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n).", She said. Her (e/c) eyes scanned the room. "And I look forward to working with you all." Applause erupted in the room. The girl next to Dazai smiled up at him. Dazai grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. "We finally did it." She whispered. "What do we do now?" Dazai smiled.

"Now we begin a new chapter together.", Dazai said. "As long as I have you, my belladonna, I can do everything." The girl blushed profusely, but gave Dazai a grateful look.

Yes, Dazai thought, as long as I have you, (y/n), everything will be fine. You are my reason for living. You are my perfect girl.

ღ The end ღ

707 words, unedited

God 707 confirmed xD

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