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"Oi! How many times have I told you that you need gloves!", Dazai said softly, suddenly appearing besides me. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Many times", I said. "I just don't have the time to buy them." Dazai nodded. Soon, the three of us reached the Armed Detective Agency. As we stepped into the elevator, a soft-toned but loud voice greeted us.

"Good morning!" Kenji cheered with a wide smile. Kenji was the country boy who always wears blue overalls and a straw hat around his neck. His golden eyes crinkled at the corners of the elevator, beaming with youthful joy. "Everyone is upstairs waiting for your arrival. The President has something to say!" Dazai and I raised our eyebrows

"The President?", I asked. Kenji nodded. "Must be pretty important then. We shouldn't keep him very longer."

As we entered the main room, there was a certain stiffness in the air. Every member stood at attention, intently staring at the older man who sat in the back of the room.

The President's tall figure loomed before us, the members of the organisation. His arms were crossed under the dark sleeves of his yukata while his stern blue eyes searched the room to ascertain that all the members were now present. When he saw the were, he cleared his throat.

"I have just received worrying news from the Yokohama police.", the President said. "I have been informed that the Port Mafia has been making sudden raids on port warehouses containing high grade weapons and chemicals." A moment of grave silence passed through the room. "Their intentions are unclear, but it is surprising for the organisation to make a daring move like this. The police have asked us to investigate since the lack the evidence and authority to suspect or face up against the Port Mafia." The President stepped to the center of the room, his focus on two agents in particular. "Dazai and Kunikida shall head this investigation. I am sending you to the heart of the scene where the most damage has been done."

"Yes sir.", both of them said in unison. The President's eyes now turned to me.

"(y/n). I am sending you to another warehouse that was attacked.", he said. "The police have not investigated it yet, and do not know what was taken. I've marked the location on this map." He pointed to a Yokohama City map on my desk. "Use your ability if you are unable to get there." I nodded

"Yes sir."

"Be careful.", the President warned. "This particular warehouse was the only other one attacked and is much further away from the main area of attacks. Take Atsushi and Tanizaki with you." The President turned to the rest of the room. "The rest of us will discover the Port Mafia's motives behind their raid. Dismissed." With that he disappeared back into his office while we quickly got back work. I immediately went to my desk, grabbing my pistol and putting in to my holster.

"Atsushi-kun, Tanizaki-kun, with me.", I called. The two young man appeared at my side, faces set in determination. Studying the map, I recognised the port and could vaguely visiting there before.

"How are we going to get there, (y/n)-chan?", Atsushi asked. I rubbed my forehead.

"I've been there before.", I said. "Which means, If I can remember correctly, we should be able to teleport." I sighed. "Get your gear and we'll teleport together." They both nodded and set off. I sighed again, not prepared for such a sudden investigation.

"I remember there was a time that you couldn't even teleport a single person.", Dazai mused, sneaking up behind you.

"Yeah." I said, thoughtfully. "Only because of your training." Dazai frowned deeply. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted.

"Oi, Dazai!", Kunikida called. "Let's go." The wavy brown haired man nodded. Dazai grabbed my hand before placing a gentle kiss on it.

"Be safe, my belladonna.", he said softly. With that, he and Kunikida left. My eyes then met with Tanizaki's and Atsushi's. "You guys ready?" They nodded.

When we were about to leave, a loud, feminine voice pierced the air.

"Onii-sama!", Naomi squealed, launching herself at her older brother, Tanizaki. "Be careful out there! Don't get hurt!" The girl rubbed her cheek against her older brother's in a way that puts pressure on upon normal sibling boundaries. I cleared my throat.

"Ah, Naomi-san", I said. "We were just about to leave, so if you wouldn't mind..." I pointed to Tanizaki-kun who was now turning purple in the face. Naomi let go of Tanizaki. "My apologies, (y/n)-chan!" Turning back to her brother, she rubbed circles into his chest, bringing her face within inches of his. "Hurry back, onii-sama, some we can have some fun when you return!" With a soft chuckle Naomi skipped away. Tanizaki scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"Sorry about that. We can go now.", Tanizaki said. Nodding, I beckoned both of them to me. I placed the gem inside of my bracelet.

"Alright. Hang on to me as tight as you can." I wrapped my arms around their waists. "You might feel a bit sick after traveling with me.", I warned. "And I also haven't teleported 3 people in a while." Both of their eyes widened. "Just kidding." I really wasn't.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the location we had to teleport to. One of the features was a large, yellow crane tagged with purple graffiti. That was, If I remembered correctly. My stomach seemed to do a somersault in my abdomen and my body felt weightless for a second. When I opened my eyes again, we were at the Yokohama port. Atsushi and Tanizaki were still at my side in one piece. That was a good sign. However, as I took a step forward, I was hit by a powerful dizzy spell. Black dots dotted my vision, my head swam and my knees wobbled until they collapsed.

979 words, unedited

Loving you is suicide || Dazai x Reader #BSDWattys2017Where stories live. Discover now