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"This was not the work of a murderer.", Ranpo said. "This was a suicide." Everyone raised their eyebrows in surprise. Tanaka incredulously snorted.

"You can't be serious!", he cried. "There's no weapon around! No evidence to assume that!"

"Tanaka.", Saito warned. "Hold your tongue." He turned to Ranpo. "Please explain." Ranpo sighed. He always hated explaining his findings. Looking to me for my support, I did my best to piece the scene together.

"Well," I said, taking over for Ranpo, "Take a look at the note." I paused for a second. "When I first saw it, I thought it must have been a woman's writing because of the content, but the entire note is inconsistent with feminine handwriting. It's been to carefully drawn out and, if you look closely enough, there is evidence that the pages had gotten wet-- tears perhaps. So if this is supposed to be a letter of love, why would the writer be crying?" I sighed. "My assumption is that the dead man is the one who wrote it. The letter might have been his 'note' of sorts to a forbidden lover." Ranpo nodded, agreeing with my analysis.

"And the weapon?", Tanaka asked.

"That is where I am at loss.", I said, turning to Ranpo. "Can you clarify?"

"Aw, I'm disappointed, (y/n).", Ranpo said. "You were doing so well!" I shrugged. "The gun is in the river." Everyone gave startled looks. "The victim tied a rock to the gun. When it was shot, the rock pulled the gun into the water. The river is not that deep. I believe that if you search the bottom, you will find it. Ranpo turned to me, mentioning me forward. "Look down there." I did as I was told and, leaning over the edge, I noticed a soft shimmer of something metallic in the water.

"Here it is.", I said, showing the gun to the other detectives.

"But why conceal a suicide?" Tanaka challenged. I frowned.

"Because, for some people, suicide is dishonorable and an embarrassment to families.", I replied. Nods were given.

"That was incredible! We are very appreciative of your help, agents. We shall call if we are in need of your help later on.", Saito said. With that, we left the crime scene and headed back to the train station. As we walked, Atsushi gushed over mine and Ranpo's teamwork on the case. However, I ended up zoning out Atsushi's talking. I suddenly had the strangest feeling of being watched and followed. Of course, there were many people on the streets of Yokohama, but my time with the Port Mafia had taught me how to know when I was being trailed. Besides, I'd recognize this persons stalking technique everywhere.

"Atsushi-kun, Ranpo-san.", I said. They turned. "Go on ahead of me, I'll follow behind."

"Where are you going, (y/n)-chan?", Atsuhsi asked, alarmed.

"I need to stop by the police station.", I lied. "Direct orders from the President." Ranpo gave me a skeptical look, but Atsushi seemed to buy it. They boy even offered to come with me. I told he needed to aid Ranpo.

When the two of them were far enough away, I backtracked a few paces before entering a dark alleyway. As I peered into the blackness, I could not see anyone, but I felt his presence.

"You can come out, you know!", I called into the gloom. "I really don't appreciate being followed, so if you have something to say, please do." Just then, a small figure stepped out from the shadows and a smile grew on my face. Familiar blue eyes regarded me in a smug manner underneath a black hat. Long, dark orange hair was swept to the side and an array of unruly strands hung in a pale face. "It's been a long time, Chuuya." My ex-partner grinned back at me.

"It has.", Chuuya replied. "It's good to see you again." I snorted.

"For some reason, I don't believe you.", I said. "Port Mafia executives don't follow a target around just to say 'hello' and catch up on lost time. That was you on the train station, wasn't it?" Chuuya nodded. "So why are you here, Chuuya? Have you come to threaten me? Kill me?" Chuuya chuckled.

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