❝Super Deduction❞

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As we sat in our cushioned seats, Ranpo sat nearest to the window with Atsushi next to him. I sat across from the two men, studying the station outside. Ranpo yawned loudly before shielding his hat over his eyes. My (e/c) eyes aimlessly scanned the platform outside the window. Large groups of people all milled around together holding large luggage cases or small briefcases. So many unfamiliar people in one place. However, I swore I caught sight of a familiar figure. The train lurched forward before I could study them further. Shaking my head, I convinced myself that it wasn't who I thought.

"(Y/n)-chan?", Atsushi spoke up. My attention drifted to the boy. "Can I ask, how long have you been at the Agency?"

"I have been with the Armed Detective Agency for two years. Same as Dazai.", I said. His eyes widened.

"Really?" Atsushi bit his lip before asking another question. "I know that what Dazai did before the Agency is a secret, but is that the same for you? What were you before the Agency?" I smiled.

"Do you have a guess?", I asked. Atsushi furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.

"A tea shop owner?" I burst out in laughter.

"A tea shop owner?" Atsushi flushed in embarrassment. "Why is that?"

"Well, you do drink a lot of tea, and all the shops I've been to have kind people like you working there.", he responded. I gave him a soft smile and sighed.

"No, I wasn't a tea shop owner." My gaze drifted out the window. "I guess you could say, before the Agency, I was an orphan." Purple-yellow eyes widened in surprise.

"An orphan?", he asked, more to himself than me. Atsushi gave me a curious look. "But aren't you still an orphan now? I mean-" I chuckled at Atsushi's naive nature.

"I guess I consider the members of the Agency my family now.", I said. "Family is a group of people who love you back. Before the Agency, Dazai was all I had, but now I have more." Atsushi looked shocked, a sudden realization drawing in his features. Atsushi stayed quiet after that, deep in thought. I rested my head back against my seat, staring out at the city that passed by in an indistinguishable blur. My eyes slowly closed as I fell asleep. This time no flashbacks consumed my mind.


I was awoken by a soft nudge, Blinking, my eyes met with Atsushi's. The grey haired boy gave me a soft smile before telling me that the train had arrived at our destination. Ranpo was already up from his seat, trying to leave. It seemed that he couldn't even find the exit on his own. I directed both men off of the train and out of the station. According to the message the President send me, our destination was a couple miles away.

The three of us walked under a bright blue sky. The sun shone above and beat its warm rays against my (s/c) skin while a chilly breeze wafted trough my hair. We walked up a few streets, following the crowded sidewalks. Tall buildings towered on either side of us until the area opened up. A few meters in front of us, I saw police vehicles and plenty of officers and detectives. Yellow police tape was wrapped around a small, concrete bridge. As we got closer, I could see the body of a middle aged man lying on the ground with a single bullet wound in his temple. A couple detectives circled the body, inspecting the man closely. After a little while, one of the detectives noticed us. He was young, obviously a newbie. The man gave us a sour, confused look.

"Oi!", he called. "Civilians are not allowed in this area, move along!" The young man's shouting drew the attention of the older detective, most likely his partner. The older man silenced the younger one with a fierce scowl.

"B-but Saito, Sir. Who are these people?", he asked.

"Members of the Armed Detective Agency.", The man named Saito answered. "It's good to see you again, Ranpo. (Y/n)." I quickly introduced him to Atsushi before Saito gestured for us to cross the police tape. Leading us to the crime scene, he started explaining the situation.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice.", Saito said. "Here we have a man in his mid-forties found dead this morning. Single bullet wound to the head and a mysterious note in his hand." Saito passed the three of us gloves before we were allowed to approach the body. "This is the note;", Saito continued, passing me a single, blood soaked page. "This is the reason we called the Agency." I took the note from him and read it over. It was a love note, at least from what I read. The handwriting is odd and smudged in some places. I passed the note over to Ranpo who looked at it as well. "There is no name on the note.", Saito said. "We have little to no evidence as to who killed this man and why." Ranpo hummed quietly. "So, you think you can solve it?" A grin slowly grew on Ranpo's face.

"I can solve it in sixty seconds or less~", Ranpo confidently said. The young detective, Tanaka, skeptically snorted.

"That's impossible.", he said. I smiled.

" Just wait and see." I assured Tanaka.

Ranpo stood to his feet and whipped out his glasses from his pocket. As he put the spectacles on, his eyelids rose like curtains before a play. Sharp, green eyelids widened and scanned the scene before him.

"Super Deduction!", Ranpo called. Just as the words left his mouth, Ranpo's eyes darted around the body. They flicked back and forth between the body, the note and the bridge. After about forty seconds, Ranpo chuckled lowly and took of his glasses.

Everyone stared at the great detective, breaths held in anticipation.

1010 words, unedited
I'm sorry for the long wait and for the crappy chapter. Also, Dazai will appear again soon. :)

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