"Hey, Darling." I said as I entered his office.
Lucas looked at me, shocked to see me coming today. After actually taking in my presence and believing that I'm actually there, he replied with his arrogant smile, "Hello Sweetheart! I always knew you love me and you cared."
I stuck my tongue out at him childishly and made my way to the couch after placing the drink on his desk. He smirked at my reaction and noticed my dressing, and obviously commented, "I like you this way too sweetheart."
He likes you! Candy stupid Lockwood, the Lucas arrogant Banks likes you!
I shook my head to get rid of the idiotic thoughts my conscience was giving me.
"And I don't like you, either way."
"Oh the agony!" He cried dramatically as he clutched his chest. I rolled my eyes at him and started going through my phone, stealing a glance at him occasionally to make sure he's drinking it.
He's such a fool. Drinking the coffee every time, though he knows my strong urge to poison him. I looked around the room and my gaze again settled on him. His jacket was hanging on his chair, and he was wearing a charcoal grey shirt.
And that tight fit. Broad frame, muscular...
God, help me.
Don't take it the wrong way, but I really like such men...
Hot men...
Or Lucas- like to be more clear...
I shook my head again at the perverted thoughts that started to make their way into my unused brain. I picked up a magazine and started reading it, acting normal. It was about me and Lucas. I threw it back on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch.
I have nothing to do here!
As I turned to my left where Lucas' desk was placed, I found the seat empty. I looked at the washroom door to find it shut.
Looks like the laxatives worked fast...
I continued playing games on my phone as I waited for Lucas to come out.
He didn't. And it has been almost half an hour. Deciding to make him even more uncomfortable, I walked up to the washroom door and knocked.
"Darling, you in there?" I asked in a dramatically high pitched voice.
No response.
As I opened my mouth to ask again, his phone started to ring. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat back on the couch, thinking not to mess up with his phone.
Since the ring didn't stop, I decided to pick it up. As I saw the caller ID, it was Karen calling. I glanced back at the washroom door but he didn't have a chance of coming out before another half hour. I picked up the phone.
"Lukey!" Karens sweet voiced cheered.
"Um... actually it's Candy... Lucas is in the washroom..."
There was silence on the other end of the line. But it was broken as Karen asked while whispering, "Were you two? I mean doing... You know. Not that I don't approve! I ship Landy to the Pacific Ocean! But that doesn't make sense. Oh don't tell Lukey that! He hates when I'm babbling. Am I still babbling? Oh god I need to do something. It's just that I'm a hardcore Landy shipper and fan girl! You know?"
My eyes widened as I listened intently to Karen's rant.
"Um... No Karen. We didn't do anything like that if you know what I mean and please, no Landy-"
"What is Landy? And what did we not do?"
I turned around to see Lucas, with a confused look. His face was wet. His hair was wet as well and pushed back.
Ha ha ha.
"Nothing it's Karen and no-" Before I could say something, Lucas grabbed the phone and smirked at me.
"Repeat it, Karen." My eyes grew wide as his amused expression grew. He looked at me and smirked again.
I swear this smirking is gonna explode my ovaries...
"Yep Karen. We did it. Why else would she have my phone then? She's a typical girlfriend."
What the duck?
"Oh yeah. She's great. So Landy it is?" He asked cheekily.
"I sure ship it." He said as he winked at me. I rolled my eyes. After a little nodding, he gave me his phone.
"I can hear the wedding bells!" Karens voice chirped as the call ended.
I put the phone back from where I picked it and sat back on the couch, Lucas' gaze never leaving me. Getting uncomfortable under his gaze, I snapped, "What?"
"Sweetheart, if you wanted to talk about our ship name that much, you should have asked me. Landy is a little-"
"Shut up. I don't ship Landy. A disgrace to my name." I said as I scrunched up my nose.
"Sure you don't"
As I decided to walk back to my cabin, Lucas shouted behind me, "Nice thing with the Laxatives Sweetheart! But don't forget, we have to go on the trip the day after tomorrow. Only us, how romantic." He sighed dramatically.
"To pack, tomorrow's off for you."
Well, shit.
I saluted him acting stupid, and walked out.

And He Still Didn't Fire Me
Humor"Your resume says your main achievement is... finishing a rubber before losing it because you are awesome." "Yep!" "Your personality type says you are... sassy, hot and cool (more than anyone here) at the same time because you are awesome? That's a...