The next day I woke up early and after taking a warm shower, decided to take a stroll near the market. I waited for my hair to dry, then shrugging on my neon green coat I made my way to my car. The roads were almost clear in the early morning, and the weather was rainy. I smiled as I passed by the Banks' building, thinking of the day I dreaded as Dad drove me there. It is a workday, but there is still three hours left for me to go there.
I parked my car near the curb of a street and got out to enter the park opposite the road.
I rubbed my hands and placed them in my pockets, as I strolled leisurely. The conversation I had last night with Jennah confused me even more, but I decided to let it slide. I walked at a slow pace, staring at the path ahead of me. The freshly washed grass, and the cool breeze soothed me. I relaxed in the peace around me. From the place I was standing, I could clearly see the backside of the building I work at. It still feels weird to say that I work here, considering how much I annoy my boss; but he returns the gesture every single time.
"Hello Candy." A familiar voice spoke out of nowhere. I turned around to see a sight I never thought I'd see.
There, standing in front of me stood Enrique with his arm wrapped around Natalie's shoulder who looked slightly dishevelled and looked at Enrique bedazzled.
"You know each other?" She spoke softly. Her face looked flawlessly fresh, and she was dressed in a dark jeans and green blouse.
"She's Lucas' girl." He spoke non chalantly. I raised my eyebrow at him as Natalie smiled.
Okay, this is creeping me out.
"I'm not his girl." I spoke each word clearly.
"Yet." He grinned really creepily, making Natalie giggle. I rolled my eyes but tried my best to control the freaky Harlem shake inside my stomach.
"Well, see you guys lat-" I said but was cut off by Natalie.
"I gotta talk to Candy." I stared at her, confused. Enrique's expression mimicking mine.
"Sure..." I drawled the word on my tongue. She nodded at Enrique and gestured me to continue walking as she joined me. We walked silently and when she was sure we were out of Enrique's hearing range, she started spilling the beans.
"I and Enrique are together." Wow, that came out of nowhere. I nodded at her; as it didn't make sense telling me that.
"And, I'm not interested in Lucas." She spoke hastily.
I nodded, reluctantly.
And if you were, I'd have killed you by now.
"And Lucas was never interested in me since he laid eyes on you." I stilled there, thinking about when he first saw me.
Funny, splashing sodas on gorgeous men's faces works.
Not guaranteed for every time. Hashtag: Candy's secrets.
"Uh, I'll get this straight. Lucas played with us all, me, Beth, Sasha and Jane. But since he saw you, he never gave any of us another glance."
"Cheesy." I spoke out, feeling my face warming up.
"So, since I'm with Enrique I realized what we and Lucas had was just... never mind. I hope it's all clear now." She said, staring at Enrique who was tucking his shirt in his jeans, only to pull them out again.
"Apology accepted." I smirked at her. She looked back at me and chuckled. We shook hands and I made my way back to my car.

And He Still Didn't Fire Me
Humor"Your resume says your main achievement is... finishing a rubber before losing it because you are awesome." "Yep!" "Your personality type says you are... sassy, hot and cool (more than anyone here) at the same time because you are awesome? That's a...