I'm on my way back home from the wedding reception. The day was just a blur; the wedding, the dance and the bouqet part.
Guess who caught the bouqet?
Lucas: So who's that unlucky mate? :P
Received a few seconds agoThat's right.
Karen, that clever Banks, threw it right at me making it obvious despite the thrang of girls crowded around her. And Nathan, another sneaky Banks, pushed me so it fell on my head, then in my hands.
Apparently, I'm cursing Nathan. All this earned me so much attention, with everyone asking me if I have a boyfriend or a fiance.
Ofcourse exclude the Banks and the Lockwoods.
One moment I was playing 8 ball pool peacefully on my phone with no care of the world and the next one a bouqet lands in my hands with hundreds of people gawking at me.
The Banks' coordination, hands down.
Did I mention Lucas' annoying messages? Yeah. That bastard, for obvious reasons.
The only time I felt free was when Lucas gave his speech.
"I remember when Karen opened the door of the cage and let my parrot escape when it killed hers. So, I forgive you for that Karen, and best of luck, Andrew. Hope you survive."
Oh and when Enrique came to ask me for a dance, he totally caught me off guard.
"Lucas has been looking your way the whole time, but he can't man up and ask you for a dance." He said, smiling at me.
"Like I want him to." I said but smiled anyway.
" Grr, Girl loves boy. Boy loves girl. Now suck faces!" He stated in an over-annoyed tone.I gaped at him, surprised at the way he casually said that.
"You know, he hates me. And right now he's thinking I'm making a move on you. And we all know the jelly potion works. So care for a dance?" He grinned triumphantly at me, and I smirked, lending him my hand.
"And it's gonna work. Trust me. Its all planned." He chuckled.
Another sneaky man.
When Lucas made his way towards me and practically dragged me to the secluded corner, it confirmed everyone's suspicions. And what he assumes, I want to smack him with a shovel. He thinks I like Enrique?
How can he even think of that when all I did was look at him all the time.
Or check him out...
The car finally pulled over in our driveway and I quickly made my way inside, throwing off my wedges in the corner. I walked up the stairs to my room, and shut the door behind me. Approaching my full length mirror, I stared at my reflection. A confident version of Candy Rose Lockwood stared back at me. I chuckled to myself as my name complimented my dressing perfectly at the moment.
A thought slipped my mind. I've started paying attention towards my looks. My sense of clothing and my words. The Candy three months ago would've killed herself if she knew this would happen. But the Candy now, enjoys herself in every attire and hasn't limited herself to one.
The image of Lucas was engraved in my mind. It was bed time now and I was seriously tired of thinking about him all the time since he made his first move on me. I was tired of being confused; but then he thinks I like Enrique?
Is that asshole an idiot? I met Enrique four days ago!
I bit my lip as I laid upside down on my bed. Groaning, I finally decided to have some talk.
I give up.
I made my way towards Jennah's bedroom and knocked politely.
"Come in Cathy!" She shouted after some shuffling. I opened the door and entered.
"Holy..." She stared at me with wide eyes. I raised my eyebrow.
"Bitches knock now?" I rolled my eyes and went to sit on her bed making sure to lock the door behind me.
"So... How's it going?" I asked dumbly.
"Ofcourse, come ask me how I am at midnight, always." I grinned sheepishly.
"Cut the sheet of paper, what is it?" She gave me a pointed look.
I glanced at her then averted my gaze to anywhere but her.
"It'saboutLucas." I said quickly.
"Say each word separately." Now she raised her eyebrow at me.
I sighed and without making eye contact, did what she said. I didn't look back at her but I swear I could see her grinning ear to ear from the corner of my eye.
"Candy Rose Lockwood, this has gotten even more interesting!" She rubbed her hands excitedly and I could hear the smirk in her voice.
Uh oh.
"Finally you gather your guts to talk about it! Now tell me everything!"
And again, I did as I was told.
Leaving the 'Fire me dear boss' part.
"Oh my god, you guys kissed three times!"
Rolling my eyes I spoke again, "No. The third wasn't a kiss. So shut up."
"Oh.. okay. And did you like those first two?" She asked enthusiastically. I felt awkward at first but again this is my weird aunt I'm talking to. I blushed automatically.
"You did you did you did!" She concluded.
"Well yeah, you could call it a kiss-"
"Eating each other's faces- check. How did he react after it?"
I looked at her wide eyed. "He was the same... teasing and flirty type."
Am I in some crush therapy?
"Girl loves boy. Boy loves girl- check."
My jaw unhinged. "What?"
"You guys love each other silly!" She waved me off.
"Sure, you know that better than me." I scoffed.
"Okay, seriously, he showed you he's interested in you like so many times, and you need to show it too."
"Sure Jen-"
"Like, show him you are interested!"
"Like go kiss him!" I stared at her face.
"Landy ship will sail!"
I nodded at her hormonal rant absentmindedly and decided to end the awkward discussion by nearing the door.
"And Candy?" I turned around.
"Sometimes the chick has got to surrender her pride and give a push."
I smiled at her in satisfaction and shut the door behind me.

And He Still Didn't Fire Me
Comédie"Your resume says your main achievement is... finishing a rubber before losing it because you are awesome." "Yep!" "Your personality type says you are... sassy, hot and cool (more than anyone here) at the same time because you are awesome? That's a...