Chapter 2 | Nightmares

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Thunderous claps shook the earth under me. Footsteps could be heard all around me. My heart beats so fast like the beat of a drum. My feet moved on their own, I jumped up the tree, climbing the branches, reaching the top. My chest ached, every time I inhaled and exhaled.

'Why! Why did it have to come to this?'

My thoughts ran wild in my head. Everything was unclear to me, but one thing I was certain of. I had to get away from them. I stood on top of the highest branch on top of the highest tree. There was no escape. I had to find a way out of here. I looked back at the forest behind me that ran for miles. From where I stood, I could make out shadowy silhouettes.

Staring at them, made fear grip my soul. Glancing ahead of the forest, the red moon shined brightly in the sky, tinting the land in a red hue. But the heavy clouds were moving so fast in the sky that every second there was light and then there was darkness. I glanced back at the dark shadowy creatures behind me.

My eyes widened as I watched them, they climbed the tree with so much force, making every climb they took scare me further and further into despair. I stumbled a few steps back, trying to balance myself at the rough edge of the branch.

The sky roared, making its cry be heard all throughout the land. The wind picked up, making me to shield my eyes. I waited for it to slow down. Seconds went by and then silence. It was too quite. So I slowly opened my eyes. What stood before me, made me scream. Those creatures had caught up to me.

'No, this can't be happening'

Each one of them jumped to catch me, but the moment I took a step back, I began to crumble down to the ground.

I woke up screaming. My breathing was uneven. I was panting and covered in sweat. I laid my head back on my pillow and covered my eyes with my arm while silent tears evaded my eyes. It had been so long since I had a dream and a nightmare at that. But I felt like I wasn't alone. There was someone or something that still caged me in reality. And this feeling would never go away for as long as I live.


It's my dreams at night that haunt me the most. The weird thing about dreams is that the best and worst dreams have the same people in them. It's the start of a new day but it feels as though everything is ending. My nightmares have somehow entered reality. I've been losing sleep and I wondered what would happen to me if I didn't go to sleep.

It's been two weeks since I've had that pain in my chest, two weeks since I went to the ocean. Two weeks since I felt the seal breaking. The first week the nightmares began and the second week is when I lost my sleep. I've been awake ever since.

"You look like a zombie."

"I feel like one." I replied to Devan as we made our way to his house. He came all the way to my house just to pick me up. I wasn't sure if it was him being sweet or just stupid.

"When was the last time you slept?" He questioned as I stepped out of his car.

"It doesn't matter." I said with a yawn grabbing my hand bag. I was about to close the door to the car when it was slammed shut, almost jamming my fingers. I glared at him as he gave me looks that I couldn't quiet comprehend.

"What's happening to you Serah? Why can't you tell me? Why don't you let me in?" He held my hands in his and my glare softened. He was trying to break my walls. But the walls around my heart have been shielded and nothing could break it down.


"Don't say anything." He shook his head silencing me. I couldn't be what he wanted us to be. Even though he never told me how he felt, I always knew but I could never reciprocate the feeling. Ever since last year, he's been trying to get closer to me. Devan closed the distance between us and before he could bring his face closer to mine. I pushed him away. I stepped back. I felt horrified... I felt scared to let him in. He was a human and I was a caelestian. Its forbidden for caelestians to mate with humans or take a human has a mate.

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