Chapter 13| The Council

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The council consisted of different members. Some of the members were part of the royal family and the rest was dukes and duchesses from the royal clans and tribes in Iracundia. I was dressed in a simple black corset dress. A dress that wasn't fit for a princess but an outcast, a maid.

Dante walked beside me. He didn't question my choice of clothes and I didn't care about his opinion. I didn't care about fancy clothes. What I wanted were my freedom and my revenge. And to get my freedom, I had to get my revenge.

"Be careful of what you say once you're within their walls" Stopping in his footsteps, Dante glanced at me.

"I don't care what happens to me. They'll have what's coming to them... I'll make sure of it." My voice was laced with a tint of darkness. My Darkside was watching everything within me. Grinning, I walked forward. I gripped the door handles, opened the door. The old golden door creaked open, making my presence known to all the occupants.

Everyone's attention turned to me and I could feel their gazes burning my skin. Silently they were cursing a cursed child. For now, I will remain as a docile girl and go along with their plans. I will make them fall one by one.

"Serah Iracia Obscurum, First princess of Iracundia. You are a very hard person to find. We never expected for you to find refuge on Terrae."

Looking up from the podium of where I stood. I came face to face with the 'leader' of the council. On high pedestals, every member stood. But in the middle, the leader... the person I had to protect... my brother... Zecane, dressed in red clothing that matched his flaming red hair.

"I never expected for you to be on top of the food chain. So how did you get up there? Did mommy get you up there?" I taunted him. He glared at me, his eyes burning from his rage.

I was happy that we weren't of the same blood. After all, I had the king's blood running through my veins unlike him.

"You should watch your tongue demon! You're treading on thin ice." Zecane hissed showing his anger for all to see.

"I am just stating the truth. Why should I lie about what you are? It's not going to make a difference." I grinned. Taunting him was so much fun. It's not like any of them could kill me. I was too precious for this kingdom.

But Zecane had a different thought as he jumped down from his pedestal. Sharp talons gripped my neck. And the second I inhaled, I was lifted into the air. I was thrown onto the wall. The talons seeped into my skin. The pain shot through me and I couldn't breathe from the pain and lack of air. I dared not to cry.

It would only bring them the joy from my suffering, but when I looked up to my captor. I could only see hatred seeping out from Zecane's eyes. His raven-black wings lifted him into the air. But his eyes weren't the thing that brought a cold chill to run down my spine.

It was his smile. A sickly grin coated his face. A smirk that brought back memories from nights I couldn't forget. My anger was bubbling within me and I could feel my Darkside clawing at me to kill him.

He drew closer to me until he was merely inches away. The brave person that I was melted away to that frightful girl that I was all those years ago. The nights I spent with him torturing me. I won't relive those nights again. Not anymore.

I felt my mind become at ease when my Darkside took over. From the furthest parts of my mind, I watched her take control of me. But I still held the chains that would hold her back. I noticed Zecane flinch when he made eye contact with me.

My eyes must have turned golden. I didn't need wings to fly when my darkness made me float. The miasma floated around me and I felt him loosen his talons. If I slaughtered everyone here now, I wouldn't feel satisfied.

I wanted to make them suffer. Today I came here for my punishment but it seems as if I'll be doing the punishment today. I frowned when I saw that their eyes held no fear. They were expecting this... for my Darkside to take over...

"So you haven't changed... that's a shame... to think of all the hard work we put through to make you the perfect weapon."

The sound of clapping and footsteps could be heard in the darkest part of the courtroom. And from the shadows, he emerged. Sir Talberon, the king's advisor and royal captain of the security of Iracundia. There were now three people that could end my life... The king, Dante... and Talberon...

He was the person that caused the most sin in my life. All the rituals and ceremonies that he made me shed blood for have been burned onto my skin.

His voice seemed to ease Zecane and the other caelestians. It was as if whatever fear that I had seen in them when my miasma was released, had disappeared in front of him. I never did like him. Talberon was like a snake, slithering in the coldest of nights, waiting to sink his fangs. At times he appears as a Vampyre, but he was a pure-blooded demon.

"Let's get down to business now shall we." With the snap of his fingers, chains and cuffs held my hands, legs, and neck. I was shoved to the wall, the chains holding me. These chains that held me, was my weakness. It weakened me to a state where I didn't know if everything was real or not. It was made of a metal that was found deep underground in the core of Iracundia.

"You know Serah, there was one thing that always bewildered me." Talberon strolled towards me.

"How the bloody hell did you manage to escape!?" He yelled as he plunged his hand into my chest. My blood started to rise in my throat. I began to cough out blood as my chest seized and he clutched my heart in my chest.

"Go to hell, you bastard!" I winced out in pain.

"It would be so easy to put you out of your misery now. But torturing you was always so much fun for me."

Glancing up at him, I snickered and spat on his face. My blood dripped from his face and it only angered him. I screamed when I felt my insides begin to burn.

"I can't wait to watch every one of you burn in hell." I groaned out in pain. Zecane and Talberon chuckled at my weakness. I pulled the chains even though they burnt me. I wanted to be free.

"You're one lucky little princess. If you had never escaped then by now you would have been our perfect little puppet, our slave, our soldier. It's such a pity, you were meant for so much more." His fingers grazed the sides of my face as Talberon reached for my hair. He gripped my hair pulling it back.

The chains around my neck grazed my skin. Hissing from the pain, I felt my blood drip from the wounds around my neck.

"Send her to the dungeon before her fiancé's anger gets the best of him." Talberon chuckled as Eduarda stepped forward.

Fiancé? Who's fiancé?

Eduarda waved her hand in the air as she mouthed a spell. I shut my eyes as she transported me along with Zecane, Talberon, and herself. The rest of the council remained in the courtroom. The jail that I was in was my cell in the dungeon.

I could hear Eduarda whispering her spells that made me drowsy. This room was coated with an ancient essence that made me weak. The cell drained my strength, it was worse than the chains. But they hadn't removed them... they knew that I had grown stronger.

They had to keep my Darkside at bay as they experimented on me. Maybe they would continue their other experiments.

'Are you there?' I asked my Darkside. My mind tingled. I knew she was there but she couldn't respond. I could feel myself slipping. Now I couldn't tell what was happening.

But my body... I could feel the wounds that they were inflicting on me. Each cut they inflicted, their laughter would ring around me.

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