Chapter 7 | A Monster

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"Someone that's just like me." Dante quietly replied. Serah just stared at him and her mind became clouded and collapsed into his arms. She was right when she said that they had the same darkness. Her body was even emitting the same miasma as his own.

It wasn't even a few hours ago that he wanted to kill her. But in that mere few hours, she made an impact on him and he didn't like it, he teleported into her room in the castle. He only knew of her room because it was the first place he had to go to get her scent to capture her. He sets her on her bed and when he was about to leave, he turned to his side and gazed at her one last time.

"His majesty awaits for you." Alex waited outside Serah's room. Dante noticed the fear in his eyes. He was all talk but no bite. He shoved his hands in his pocket and strolled to the throne room.

"YOU HAD ONE MISSION! AND YOU FAILED IT!" A voice roared. Athena, the queen of the demon realm was in a fit of rage. Her eyes matched the color of her hair, blood red. No one messed with her when she was angry and now her target was the three soldiers that she had sent to earth.

Ryan, Claire, and Devan

Ryan; also known as Prince Skythe, second Prince to the kingdom. He chose to bear the wrath of his mother. He was the only one from the group to change his appearance to enter Terrae.

Claire and Devan had always cloaked themselves in the demon realm, so going undercover on Terrae was an easy task. In the demon realm, they were known as the twin moon assassins and were the personal guards of Prince Skythe.

"That's enough Athena!" King William walked into the throne room, marching past Dante and straight for the throne.

The king had an intimidating aura of power that sent the other five occupants in the room to their knees. His luster-filled eyes scanned the five of them and then lifted into a smile that didn't reach his eyes. His shoulders were taut and his posture screamed soldier as if he was ready for war to happen.

"From what I can tell, they have already succeeded in their missions. The three of you will be rewarded for your achievement. For now, go rest. You three are dismissed."

Skythe looked unsure; he knew that the mission had somehow failed. He walked out of the throne room, Claire and Devan following suit.

"Dante, I thank you for bringing Serah back safely. I assumed that her human self has dissipated. And the miasma in the air is enough proof that she has returned to her demon self."

The king replied waving his hand through the air. The remaining miasma was sucked up in his hand and he crushed it.

"Your majesty, now that I have completed the mission. I want to know something-" Dante was cut off. He hated being cut off but kept his tongue from speaking. He was after all in front of the king of the entire realm.

"You want to know about Serah's power." King William sighed. Queen Athena abruptly stood up from her throne.

"I will attend to Skythe and my other children." She spoke, leaving the two alone. There was tension in the air. Dante didn't want to be caught in their argument but it seemed the King didn't care if she was there or not.

"As you may have noticed, she can control the power of darkness. Unlike any other demon, her power is on a whole other level, making her the most powerful demon in all of history. You must be thinking as to why she was on Terrae. That girl ran away and thought that hiding would make her escape her destiny. But destiny has a funny way of embracing her."

He stood up from the throne and walked towards the glass window. Dante remained silent listening to the tale but he knew that deep down, there was something off about her.

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