Chapter 18| For the Love of a Daughter

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The guards stationed outside the throne room had crossed their swords shielding me away from the room.

"I want to see the King, let me through!" I told them.

"I'm sorry your highness, but the King does not want to see anyone right now and has forbidden us from opening this room." One of them replied.

I scowled; this was my only chance to get away from that prison. And it was my only chance to speak with him. I clenched my fists; I was ready to break down this door. I wanted answers, and he was the only person who could give them to me. The heavy double doors then opened. I stood still where I was as two figures stepped from the throne room.

I eyed the guards and they avoided eye contact. If the king didn't want to see anyone then why the heck was Talberon here! Sometimes I forget that they're close friends, seeing as how he was the head of security.

I didn't want to be within range with Talberon. I sharply inhaled when both of them turned to look at me. How I wished for my dark side to be here...

Talberon took a few steps closer to me, "Shouldn't you be under house arrest?" He leaned forward to touch my face. I knocked his hand away and moved away from him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me. My back hits his chest, "Let me go!" I seethed.

I glanced at the King, my father. He just stood there without saying anything, without doing anything...

"That's quite enough Talberon." The King spoke and immediately he released me. Talberon had a grin on his face. The King simply sighed walking back into the throne room.

"Watch your back Serah... watch your back." Talberon chuckled walking away. Swiftly I walked into the throne room has the double doors shut behind me with a bang.

Once inside, the King raised his hand. An orb of darkness shot out of his palm and engulfed the entire room trapping us inside a bubble, "Now we will be free to speak without prying ears." He says taking a seat on the throne.

The King spoke, his voice laced with concern, "So what brings you here my child?"

I glanced at him with a scowl, "Your child!? Tell my father, am I your child?" I clenched my fists.

I felt something bubbling within me, "Am I your daughter? Your flesh and blood?"

He replied, "Yes of course-"

I cut him yelling, "Then how could you treat your daughter like she doesn't exist? Why do you treat me like another pawn in one of your selfish games!?" With both my hands I released a wave of darkness out of my body, directing it to the King.

"We haven't seen each other for seven long year's father. Do you still recognize me? Or do you remember me as the selfish person I was back then!? Everything was so different then but then you pushed me out of your world. YOU THREW ME TO THOSE VILE DEMONS AND NOW I'M FOREVER A MESSED UP CREATURE WITH NO HOPE OF BEING SAVED!"

The King blocked the waves of darkness I had unleashed. My body shivered with the waves of anger.

The King rushed forward to stop my attack when I somersaulted away and round hound kicked him in the back. He dodged my kick as he floated in the air away from me.

My lips trembled, "WHY DID YOU RUIN ME?! WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!"

The king could only sigh as he solemnly gazed at me with pity, "After all these years you still haven't achieved anything..."

"THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!" My saber automatically materialized in my hand as I rushed forward aiming it towards him.

"I needed you to be strong little Luna," he grabbed the saber as it bled into his hand. I tried to pull it back but his grip on it was strong.


That name... little Luna... that name was a nickname he had given me when I was born. It's been so many years since I had last heard it.

"You will always remain my little Luna. That has never changed-"

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT CHANGED TO THE POINT WHERE I STOPPED SEEING YOU AS MY FATHER!" I yelled, grabbing a knife that was on my back and plunging it forward only for him to shield himself.

"But that will never change for you are my daughter, my flesh and blood, first princess of Iracundia and that will never change," His voice is powerful and mighty that could have sent the kingdom on their knees but not me.


"Only I can break those bonds and I will not allow them to be undone!" He replied shattering my weapons.



There was a loud noise that resonated around the throne room. My face stung from the slap. I could only laugh at the realization of what I said.

"So the reason why you have me engaged to him was so I can be tied to this forsaken realm." My feet wobbled away, as I placed my palm on my face.

"Really father? I was gone for so many years, you knew where I was and yet you never brought me back? So why now and why betroth me to Dante? Is it to tie me down when the prophecy is finally realized and for me to give my life? Or is it for you to become the Devil God?"

I could only give an empty smile to him. The king remained silent and I sighed.

"I give up," I whispered turning away from him.

"I betrothed you to him because only he is worthy of you. No one else in the entire five realms can match up to you besides him. And now that you are with him, no one would be able to harm you besides him and me."

The information sent me reeling as I froze there trying to process what I had heard. I scoffed at it, "Protect me!? Well, the council still got to me, they still hurt me and under your eye, Talberon tried to hurt me. Both of you are doing a good job trying to protect me. Well done father, you're trying to accomplish something that should have been done seventeen years ago." I applauded every word of mine laced with sarcasm.

The king ignored my reply, "Soon I will announce your engagement to him at the chaos ball. It's also your welcome back party. Think of it this way, once everyone knows who my daughter is engaged to, no one would ever think you're worthless." He said as he stood in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you even listening to yourself!?" I pushed his hands away stepping away from him.

"I never wanted any of this! I never asked to be born like this! Why won't you just give me the answers I want?"

I broke the shield that was surrounding the throne room and slammed the double doors opened with so much force that it broke out of its hinges. The guards on duty were thrown into the air and I stormed out of there. The other guards and maids could sense my wrath has they parted ways for me to walk through.

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