How Will This Work? Part 2

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It seems everything I do just seems pointless... I'm not even sure why I try anymore. Why am I even here? Why can't I just leave? It's not as if anyone would even care, who would even notice? All I want, I can't have. All that I love just leaves me. I just don't see the point.

I've decided to give up with the fake boyfriend thing, I mean only have two friends, and they're both girls. So it doesn't really work, does it? Instead I'm just going to leave Perrie behind. Just going to end all my pain. All my suffering. End it all.


I slapped Kyle and ended our relationship. I couldn't live with myself looking at him every day, pretending to be in love with him. I couldn't go after Jade, people would get suspicious. I know I'm still being selfish, I want to hold Jade close, I'm just not sure if I want to hold her tight.


I went home and laid on my bed in a ball, crying. Once I'd cried myself out, I wrote a letter to everyone I knew deserved one. First Jesy;

My beautiful best friend.

You've been through everything with me since pre-school. You have put up with my silly crushes, my selfishness, my bitchyness and that's not even a 1/4 of what you've put up with. I love you Jesy and I'm sorry it's come to this, I really am. I just can't do this anymore, everything with Perrie playing with my feelings and not knowing where I fit in with the world, is just too much for me. Please don't blame Perrie, this was my decision.

Jadie poo xoxo

Next Clary;

Bestie, Clary!

Girl I've loved you since day one! I know you didn't want to make friends at this school, I'm also glad you changed your mind when meeting me that day. You did a brave thing letting Ellie in, and I hope it works out for YOUR benefit. You have made life almost good. Your cute little jokes are great! And you and Jes are the greatest friends I could ask for. Keep each other safe. See you in the next life.

Jadie poo xoxo

I put them into envelopes and went to their houses and posed them, then I headed back to mine, I knew how I was going to do this already. I had rope, trees and an abandoned heart. I was going to do this, before I change my mind.


I hadn't seen Jade all day so I was a little worried. I decided to go to hers after school. I walked into my house, there was a letter on the floor. I opened the letter addressed to me. Reading it, I feel to the floor and cried. I was not expecting that.. I ran out of my house and headed to Jades, I really hope I'm not too late.

I knocked on the door and her mom, Norma opened it. "Hi, is Jade here?" I said politely, trying to hold back the tears and keep my voice steady.

"No she just went out. She had some rope? For some school project, I think she said." Fuck! She's going to bloody hang herself... Fuck, fuck. What do I do? 'Call Ellie' good idea. I dialled her number and told her to call Perrie. I also called Jesy.

We all met on the edge of the woods. I explained things to Perrie and Jesy, Perrie started crying and blamed herself.

"Jade said not to blame yourself" Jesy said, sounding unconvinced at Jades letter.

"Okay guys, we have to split up and search the woods. Go to the parts no people go to." I said.

"How do you know she's in there?" Ellie asked.

"She has rope, she's not at home. It seems logical, we have to start somewhere." I said, still trying to hold back my tears. "Okay Jesy straight, Ellie left, I'll go right."

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