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I woke the next morning in Ellie's arms. I moved a strand of her dyed blonde hair from her flawless face. She exhaled and said "morning beautiful" without opening her eyes.

"Morning." I said smiling at her perfection. I rolled over reluctantly and got out of bed. I got some clothes out of my draws and headed into the bathroom for a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and headed down stairs. When I reached the kitchen door I heard her angelic voice singing along to "Chasing Pavements". How does she not know how great she is? I burst into the kitchen door and started to blurt out the lyrics.

"SHOULD I GIVE UP, OR SHOULD I JUST KEEP CHASING PAVEMENTS. EVEN IF IT LEADS NO WHERE" I sung purposely out of tune. Ellie joined in with the out of tune singing and it didn't last long until we both started laughing.

"Where you serious about not having a party?" Ellie said looking a little disappointed.

"Well yeah, I don't want things broken or sick everywhere. I'm the one who has to clear it up afterwards."

"What if we have just a few people?"

"Come on Els, it will start with a few people but by the end of the night.... BOOM. Everyone is there, breaking stuff, having sex, throwing up."

"It will be a laugh Clar. I'll help you clean up after I promise" she did her cute little puppy dog eyes and I slightly melted. She walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Please baby." Her touch sent a electric through my body, just like always, her brown eyes captivated me and I felt weak at the knees. Why and how does she do this to me?

"Okay, okay. But you will be helping set it up and also helping me clear up after. Deal?" She squealed and agreed to the deal.

We set to work. Ellie went on Facebook and put a status about the party. Where to go, when it is and to bring any alcohol they had. She also text Perrie to do the same. This coming from the two most popular girls in school would bring the whole of the teenage people.

I got Jade to go to town and get decorations and as much alcohol she could and bring it to the house by 4pm. I went to the shop down the road to get some snacks like crisps, mini pizzas and some soda.

At just a little after 4pm both Perrie and Jade turned up with cases of beer, Jack Daniels and many other types of drink. We set to work on the decorations in the garage. Putting balloons and party poppers all around the room, banners with "PARTY" written on them. We all helped set up the laptop for music and karaoke. Once we were done, we all flopped onto the sofa in unison with a sigh.

A few minutes later Perrie stood up. "Well, I need to go back to mine and get ready. I'll see you guys a little before 6 for the party." She winked and was on her way. Jade them got up and did the same. Then I suddenly realised;

"I have nothing to wear." Ellie's head shot to me.

"Well let's find you something." She grabbed my arm and guided my to my room. She threw my clothes left, right and centre, until she settled on a long black top and jeans. She told me to put the out fit on, so I went into the bathroom and got changed. I walked out and Ellie had scissors in her hands;

"Close your eyes." I was scared but did as I was told. I heard snip after snip and felt a little worried. About 5 minutes later she told me to open my eyes. She guided me over to the mirror. I actually looked good and, I don't say that much.. She had cut my top into a t-shirt which ended on the belt line. She had taken off her big brown belt and sat it so it was slanting.

Next she did some smoky eye make up and I really liked how I looked. My girl has style. "You look stunning, if I do say so myself." She winked and kissed me. "Okay I'm going to get ready I'll be back in about half an hour." She gave me another kiss. Then she was gone.

I set to work on my hair, I decided just to straighten my hair and side fringe it to my left. This took me around 10 minutes, I was hoping it would take longer as I only had to put the snacks, that needed to be cooked, in the oven. After this was done, I paced around the house.

There was a knock on the door and I was instantly calmed. I opened the door and it was Perrie and Jade looking amazing. They seriously look great together, I don't understand what the big deal is.. They should be together.

"Oh, my, GOD! Clary! You look stunning!" Jade squealed.

"And yourself!" I exclaimed. "Perrie, you look great too!" I brought them both in for a hug, which Jade quickly reciprocated, it took longer for Perrie to give in but she did. There was another knock at the door and it was Ellie. She looked incredible she was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with "OMG" written on it in black and leather trousers and leather jacket. I was awe struck.

"Take a picture, Clar." She winked and brought me into a hug. Not long after Jade, Perrie and Ellie arrived, people started turning up for the party. By around 9pm there were so many people there and I had lost Ellie. I didn't worry too much, she's probably gone to the bathroom or to get an drink.

Suddenly, I heard her angelic voice come from where the laptop was. She had a microphone and was singing 'be mine" I stopped what I was doing, not that I was doing much anyway, to listen to her sing.

There wasn't much I remembered other than a loud bang and a shooting pain in my side.


I was starting to get a little drunk, and with me being drunk there comes confidence. I left Clary's side and headed to the laptop. I scrolled through the snogs and found one I knew all the words to and started to sing. I got to the second chorus before I heard a bang, I looked over to where it can from and saw my dad standing in the corner with a hand gun. He ran off before I could do anything. I looked over to the crowd of people and pushed my way through, hoping and praying it wasn't Clary. But my hopes were crushed as I saw my beautiful girl lying lifeless on the floor. I pushed the remaining people out of the way, got on the floor and lifted her delicate head on to my lap.

"IS ANYONE GOING TO CALL FOR HELP?" Jade shouted, kneeling at her best friends side.

"Stay with me, Clar. Please stay with me." I whispered into her ear. "Come on babe, wake up." I started crying. "WAKE UP!" I shouted lifting my head up facing the ceiling. "Please Clary, I need you. I love you. Please." I felt her move slightly. Just then the paramedics busted through the door and rushed to her body. Jade stood up giving them room. I couldn't move, I was numb. I couldn't believe my dad had done this. To her, to me, to us.

The paramedics managed to get her on the stretcher and into the ambulance. Perrie lifted me by my arms and got in the ambulance with me. When we got to the hospital she was taken straight through to the operational unit, so we couldn't go through. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days. We waited and waited. Lifelessly watching the hands in the clock turn and turn.

"Miss Goulding? Miss Edwards?" The doctor called us.

"Is she okay?" Perrie asked. I was still speechless, numb, unable to feel. I just sat there looking at my hands.

"The operation to remove the bullet was successful. Bus she lost a lot of blood, so we're putting her under observation for the next 48 hours. After the observation is over and she is okay. We will let people visit and she will be able to go home. We're not 100% sure she will pull through but she's a fighter. She has a 73.5% chance." The doctor explained. I was even more shocked. She might not make it. She could die and it's all my fault. If I hadn't of fallen in love with the new girl, none of this would of happened.

You Changed Me (Ellie Goulding and Jerrie/little_mix fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now