The Date

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So I was taking Clary on a date. I know it's mainstream and old school, but it's meaningful, right? I had the night all planned out. I had my outfit picked out. I went into the shower, then got dressed got dressed into my white short dress and white shoes. I did my make up to perfection and my hair straight and to the side. I picked up my purse and walked out of the door.

I climbed into my car and drove to Clar's house and waited outside for the remaining 6 minutes trying to calm my self down from nerves. This is the first date I've ever taken someone on. You know what? This is the first proper date I've EVER been on. Kyle was never interested in dates, we went to the movies sometimes but never alone. That doesn't matter now anyway.

A few minutes later Clary came into view looking as stunning as ever! The way her dress hugged her curves made her body look mesmerising! She walked over to the car and got in the front seat.

"Hey there." I said and winked at her. "You look amazing! Like seriously perfect!" I said with a massive grin.

"You don't look to bad yourself Miss Goulding." She winked back at me. I started the car and drove. "Where you taking me?" She asked a grin crept across my face.

"You'll see." I said, keeping my eyes on the road. My smirk still across my face.


I had no idea where my blonde beauty was taking me. It was driving me insane with anticipation. Suddenly she stopped the car on the side of the highway.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Wait here, we're not far. Now." I stayed seated and ssinf ask any further questions knowing she was stubborn and wouldn't tell me anyway. She came around to my side and opened the door. She had a blindfold in her hand.

"Oh no, no, no you don't." I said to her. I don't like not being able to see what's happening.

"I promise you'll love it, but it's a surprise and you aren't supposed to see before we get there." I gave in and sighed.

"Go on then." I said. Waiting for her to blindfold me, but she wasn't putting it on. "What you waiting for?"

"Sorry, your eyes. They're just amazing." She said causing me to blush.

"You're so cheesy." I said and winked at her. "Just out it on." She placed the blindfold around my eyes so carefully. Then kissed my cheek before closing my door. She got back into the car. And turned on the engine.

"You ready?" She asked excitably.

"Yep, just drive." I said laughing at her excitement.

The car stopped again, Ellie told me to stay in the car and she'll come and get me out. She opened my door and took my hand. She closed the door when I was out and locked the car.

She still had hold of my hand as she guided me over what sounded like leaves and sticks. Them over what felt like stones, I could be wrong, I don't know.

She let go of my hand "w-where you gone?" I asked suddenly really cautious.

"I'm still here babe. You can take off your blindfold now." I was so relieved and a little weak at her use of the word "babe". 'Well take off the bloody blindfold! I wanna see' I'm scared. 'Just do it pussy.' Okay here goes. I removed my blindfold and gasped at what I was looking at.

We were in the middle of the woods. There's a lake with the winter moon light shimmering down on the luminous water. Ellie has set up a blanket with candles surrounding. There are various foods, such as strawberries and chocolate, sandwiches etc. it was breath taking. Ellie's guitar sat up against a near by tree. I stuttered to get some words out. All I managed was; "E-e-Ellie, I umm, don't, know what to say!" I let out a breath for the first time in awhile. Ellie laughed.

"So do you like it?" I had pulled myself together by then.

"Els," I said walking towards her, "it's perfect." She took my hand and we sat down on the blanket.

"Not as perfect as you." Oh. My. God. That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard!

"You're adorable, but.... You're a liar." I gently punched her shoulder.

"I don't lie.... Much....." She laughed. "But seriously you are."

"Are what?" I said mocking her.

"Perfect." She repeated. We spent the night talking and eating. We talked about anything and everything. I was falling deeper and deeper for her, it was just everything about her. The way she spoke so passionately about everything she loved. The way she looked at me, like I was the only one she'd ever look at again. I know it's stupid to think like that, I just can't help it. She's so beautiful and her body is impeccable, not that it matters anyway. I think I'd still like her this much if she wasn't ascetically pleasing but her looks are just a bonus.

We headed home after the perfect night. It was about 1am, we had totally lost track of time. I do t think anyone minded, no one left any messages or waited up. I like Sarah and Phill they never really intervened in my personal life. As long as I was back before the morning they didn't mind. Besides it was Saturday tomorrow, well today.

"Goodbye beautiful." She said walking me up to my door.

"Oh you're not staying?" I said with a wink.

"Not tonight baby, my parents would kill me if they knew I was out any longer." She said 'parents' does that mean her dad is around?

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I said kinda sad, but it was a joke.

"Oh and one last question?" Oh I hate this anticipation thing!


"Will you be my girlfriend? Wow that's one thing I never thought I'd say." She said looking nervous, running her hand through her hair.

"Defiantly," I replied, I didn't even need to think about it. A smile crept across her face, and for the first time on this date, she kissed me. The sparks flew at her touch and her kiss. This was just as amazing as the first kiss, if not, better.

You Changed Me (Ellie Goulding and Jerrie/little_mix fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now